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The Cointoss Gambit - Printable Version

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The Cointoss Gambit - Exdeathevn - 08-07-2012

The 'Epee Deux' brushed aside the clouds around Saint Denis, gliding across the gilded streets of New Paris with the grace of a dove in flight, leaving behind the industrialized spaceport. Slowing to a crawling speed above a small cottage, it spun in the air as it began its decent onto the marked landing pad; A transport of its size was certainly larger than most ships for personal landing space, and so the platform and hangar had been modified prior to the purchase and christening of the Epee, despite full knowledge that a military transport was highly unlikely to be presented to non-Royal Navy personnel, particularly these kinds of people. Yet here it was, with its modified passenger bay, the strengthened armor plating, and mobile command post inside.

The modified Taureau was a rare sight indeed; The grounds staff of the cottage nodded and smiled as it landed; a signal that the master had arrived safely. As the bay doors on the vessel opened and the departure ramp lowered, the staff gathered ceremonially at the entrance.
Two men stepped down from the vessel whilst the ships crew stood in two neat rows. The faded crimson hair on one man, his white coat reflecting the dawn light, and the strange machine attached to his right arm marked him out as the man they had been waiting for. Beside and slightly behind him, in his captain's uniform, marched the pilot of the Epee.
As they reached the end of the formation of staff, they halted and turned to face everyone. The master coughed, staring into everyone's eyes one at a time before speaking.
"Monsieur's, Madame's; Merci for your hard work. Today is yours to rest, and such a beautiful day it is."
The men and women nodded, a thankful crowd, and began to disperse. The two men remained where they were for a moment until everyone bar the Epee's crew had departed, the captain seeming to be the most cautious. Once the coast was clear however, they headed for the cottage while the Epee's crew began to change out equipment.

"Commandant..." The captain began, "Are you sure it is wise to utilize your own home for such an important place as this? Especially on New Paris, of all place-"
"Treiz, mon ami, it is fine. This cottage is as much my home as the cockpit of a Cuirassier; You know I spend much of my time aboard L'Epee."
"Of course, comman-"
"And it is simply monsieur, here, Treiz. You can relax."
They stepped through the open front doors and each took a chair by the fireplace. The Commandant waved his fingers across a small keypad on his chair, and a glass of vintage popped up from the armrests for them both.

"So, monsieur..." Treiz said, taking a sip of his wine. "Why are we discussing such a matter as this here, of all places?"
Sighing, the commandant swished a mouthful of the wine in his mouth. Definitely the same brand as last time... oh these blasted appearances.
"Because its as secure as any of our facilities, Treiz. And better yet, we're here for appearances." Oh the irony. "It is also where the crewmen aboard your ship have the most experience and knowledge of how to restock our supplies. And we can all talk freely here, too."
Treiz seemed to visibly relax, somewhat.

"So tell me, honestly, because I don't really give a damn; What do you know of Sirians?"
He jumped. Thats unsuprising. Raising his eyebrow, Treiz looked at the Commandant for a moment before responding.
"Perhaps, monsieur, you would care to elaborate on your question?"
"Its a simple question, Treiz. We're beginning to expand our business, and so far much of our recent work has been a lot deeper under the radar than usual. So, what are your thoughts on how we should proceed?"
He sipped some more wine, thinking; The commandant's questions were out of the ordinary.

"I believe it would be most difficult to expand given the latest developments in the Tau systems..." Treiz finally replied. "Kusari forces initiating patrols closer to the border, the Outcasts continuing to harrass everyone, the warfront... All these are doing is bringing us closer to chaos, us and the Sirians."
The commandant nodded, smiling. An honest opinion. Good.
"How would you deal with our IMG situation?"
"Somewhat similar to how we have been; Preparing a sample shipment. In fact, the General's suggestions for a list seem quite sound, for the most part... But it shall be difficult to organize the... bonus."
Again, the Commandant nodded.
"Monsieur, S'il vous plaît, why the questions?"
"One more, first, then I'll answer." And this is the serious one... "Which side do you favor, personally?"

Treiz halted, in the middle of raising his glass for another sip, and stared across its rim. After a moment, he lowered it.
"Personally, I'm of a mind to continue as we have been. But we need a demonstration of some kind, to keep up the appearances. The problem is, for it to work, there must be the potential loss of life amongst those we support." Treiz sighed, looking the commandant straight in the eyes. His expression was grave.
"And do you refer to the Heads, the Tails, or the whole coin, Treiz D' Keur..?"
Drawing his breath. Letting the moment linger as he decides. Do I detect a reluctance?"
"The whole coin, Arek Maxim."
"And that, Treiz, should give you the answer you seek. Come, the Epee should be restocked by now, we have much to discuss."