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To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - Printable Version

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To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - Miranda - 08-08-2012

[Image: Untitled.png]
Comm ID - Maggie Shoemaker
Subject - Technology

Guildmasters of the IMG,

While I've had the time to be your guest on Aland Shipyard while meeting with ALG I've also had a chance to see some of the wonderful ships that your people produce. I must say, I'm very jealous of some of the ships that your people have come up with and while I know that some of them are sold on the civilian market I was hoping to acquire something of a bit larger scale.

To put it bluntly, Interspace Commerce is interested in acquiring one IMGC-104D Sagarmatha Battlecruiser. Our recent defeat at Port Smallwood which would be visible from the window in my cabin here taught us a harsh lesson. Even when fielding swarms of bombers against an enemy capital ship force, if they do not have a capital enemy to focus on, they can arm themselves solely with Solaris guns, or simply cloak and leave to come back later.

We are currently in the process of constructing Otemachi Commerce Annexe in Okinawa, an area that regularly comes under Outcast attacks, including their capital ships. Interspace also plans to participate in the reconstruction of Port Smallwood, which is slated to begin soon. While it is insane to think that one cruiser could take on a swarm of Legates, the Sagarmatha's unmatched speed and agility could keep it safe while our bombers pick the enemy apart.

I know this is a rather unusual request, and you have every right to be protective of your technology, but this is an opportunity for us both. We have mutual enemies in the Omegas and elsewhere that could be well served with a little extra firepower to deter their attacks and thin their ranks. In addition, should you ever wish to make such craft, or perhaps something smaller such as your gunboats or mining craft available to the civilian market, Interspace Commerce will provide you with the necessary investments to be sure that you have the production capacity to handle the expanded market.

I look forward to hearing what you think. Pirates have been sacking us with warships for far too long while governments hoard their technology. It's time that people like us start digging in and pushing back when they come at us.

Maggie Shoemaker
CEO, Interspace Commerce

To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - AeternusDoleo - 08-08-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Interspace Commerce, per attention of Maggie Shoemaker
Subject: Sagarmatha procurement
Encryption: Light (// read-only hackable by house intelligence agencies)

Miss Shoemaker,

I must say your request has come as a bit of a surprise to us. Historically, the many of the larger corporations including yourselves, have relied on mercenaries, predominantly the Bounty Hunters, to ward off such threats. The Sagarmatha is not a combat ship by design, although it's tactical refit performs adequately for a heavy cruiser. Don't expect miracles though, a single ship will not be able to hold off a fleet for long.

There is also the matter of Interspace's standing in Sirius. A vessel of this size is quickly noticed, and could lead to it's actions being seen as actions of the Guild. I have reason to worry in both of the regions you have mentioned: Kusari, even with its new government, is not the most inviting house to strangers. The Gas Mining Guild never showed an interest in the development of larger vessels - to have a Sagarmatha show up on the fringe of their systems could be misinterpreted by Kusari.
At the same time Omega 3 borders Rheinland, and we both know the current state of affairs between yourselves and that nation.

My question to you: Have you considered the signal you would be sending with such a vessel, to other parties in the region? Politics are tiresome, but have to be considered. I am not opposed to this commission personally, but I have to wonder if this will actually be beneficial to Interspace. Know that if you wish to proceed with this, we will notify relevant parties in the regions in advance of this request.

- Johnathan Sanders

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - Miranda - 08-08-2012

[Image: Untitled.png]
Comm ID - Maggie Shoemaker
Subject - Technology

Mr. Sanders,

Thank you for the quick reply and for your concern. It was our intention to operate the ship under the name ICS Glomar Explorer, commissioned as a civilian exploration and scanning ship. Only a few trusted parties such as yourselves and the Gas Miners Guild would be briefed on the true nature of the purchase. It is our hope that this civilian "cover" if you will may keep away any negative political fallout.

While it is true the Guild does rely almost exclusively on lighter ships, they have the advantage of space and intimate knowledge of the gas clouds for ambushes. This is unfortunately not the case for Interspace pilots. We feel that our best option is a more classical defense strategy which could be adapted to different situations across Sirius.

This is not a request to leave Aland tomorrow with a cruiser in tow, rather to open a dialogue and begin considering all options. If the vessel is noticed, there may be other side effects as well. As I said many corporations face a similar problem, and you may find them beating down your door for a chance to throw their credits at your feet.

I intend to contact the necessary parties in turn myself as well if we proceed with this endeavor. I will anxiously await your feedback so that we can reconfigure as necessary and come up with a plan that will benefit us both. I do intend this to send a message, Mr. Sanders, but a carefully crafted one that should strike fear into the hearts of scum that would try and harm us.

Maggie Shoemaker
CEO, Interspace Commerce

To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - AeternusDoleo - 08-08-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Interspace Commerce, per attention of Maggie Shoemaker
Subject: Sagarmatha procurement
Encryption: Light (// read-only hackable by house intelligence agencies)

Miss Shoemaker,

I believe you misunderstand me when I say we would inform the relevant entities in the region of your commission. By this I mean we will make those entities (consisting of, in this case, the four Sirian houses and the GMG) aware that you have commissioned a defense refit of the Sagarmatha class cruiser for the purpose of defending fixed installations in Okinawa, and eventually, Omega 3 (or Snowdown, as the Bretonians like to call it). It is in the Independent Miners Guild's interests to be open in this matter - we do not want that craft to be misstaken for one under our own command. I can understand this might not be what you had in mind, but it will be a condition nonetheless.

If this is acceptable, we can continue towards working out the details.

- Johnathan Sanders

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - Miranda - 08-08-2012

[Image: Untitled.png]
Comm ID - Maggie Shoemaker
Subject - Technology

Mr. Sanders,

Not what I had in mind yes, but as I said my hope in contacting you was to find out your conditions so that a full plan could be devised between us. I understand your desire to be open, and though it is not exactly our first choice, it may be the better one in the long term. As I said, we intend for this to be an ongoing project with the diplomacy phase taking quite some time to complete.

With your permission I would like to organize a meeting where our respective staffs can begin drafting up the necessary inquiries together to ensure that they make the best possible case using any knowledge that either of our groups may possess. For instance if portrayed properly our donations to the Sprague colonisation efforts could greatly benefit the proposal sent to the Bretonian government.

We both understand how delicate the political situation can be and there are a few things in motion that may require certain inquiries to be delayed to a more appropriate time. For instance we are currently seeking to re-open negotiations with Rheinland and that situation must be handled extremely delicately. I am sure that if we put our heads together we can find a way to make this deal work.

If you are willing to form a joint committee to draft the necessary diplomatic communiques we would be more then happy to move forward on this deal. As I said, we want this purchase to send a message, but a very finely crafted one. We're both aware of the potential downsides this could cause if handled improperly.

Maggie Shoemaker
CEO, Interspace Commerce

To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - AeternusDoleo - 08-08-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Interspace Commerce, per attention of Maggie Shoemaker
Subject: Sagarmatha procurement
Encryption: Light (// read-only hackable by house intelligence agencies)

Miss Shoemaker,

How you conduct your lobby with the house governments is not for us to decide on. No doubt Interspace's rumored wealth allows you to purchase a favor here and there, one way or another. If our condition requires you to delay or cancel your request, then that is your choice of course. But how had you envisioned keeping a craft the size of a Sagarmatha concealed anyway? It has a distinctive profile, and the engine signature of a small battleship. In order to reach either Okinawa or Omega 3, you would need to pass through one of the houses - or go through the deep Omegas and Omicrons, which poses some problems in and of itself.
To put it bluntly, we do not wish to get involved in Interspace politics.

I recommend you make the neccesary preparations and contact us again if, and when, you are ready to proceed with the actual commission of the vessel in question. We can then discuss such matters as design specifications, cost, customizations and supply requirements.

- Johnathan Sanders

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Independent Miners Guild Guildmasters - Miranda - 08-08-2012

[Image: Untitled.png]
Comm ID - Maggie Shoemaker
Subject - Technology

Mr. Sanders,

Please understand that it is not the act of revealing such a plan that might cause issue but rather the wording and timing of it. Interspace Commerce will make the necessary arrangements to ensure that any vessel purchased from the IMG will be well distinguished by house forces as being an Interspace vessel and not the responsibility of your Guild. I would estimate that it may take us some weeks to ensure all the necessary preparations are in order before I contact you again on this matter. In the mean time, thank you for your hospitality at Aland and your willingness to indulge my curiosity on this matter. If there is ever a favor the IMG needs, you only have to ask.

Maggie Shoemaker
CEO, Interspace Commerce