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Weapons question - RmJ - 05-16-2008

Is there anything better than a level 7 class 4 transport turret for level 7 turret mounts?

Weapons question - Tenacity - 05-16-2008

Not really.

I've seen a few traders using things like tizona turrets and other 'fighter' type turrets in various combinations, but I've found it less effective than using transport turrets.

Weapons question - Ion - 05-16-2008

lets just say... statistics can be deceptive...

its not all in the mathematics.

I use a CT with a full loadout of BH lvl 5 turrets.

i find them far more effective then the transport turrets.

i would prefer salamanca turrets, but way oorp.

all the fighter turrets need a serious touchup, the corsair ones are so far superior to all the others it isnt funny.

Weapons question - RmJ - 05-16-2008

Thank you both for your input.

Weapons question - mjolnir - 05-16-2008

well on some transports fighter turrets barely have the range to shoot to the other end of the ship..

if you can aim the Transport turrets are a much better choice..... if I don't talk about extremely ooRP turret combinations... like Tizona + Salamanca turrets on a lawfull trader. If you include those then it can be close.

Weapons question - BaconSoda - 05-16-2008

There is also the fact that Transport Turrets don't have a weapons type, so they're equally effective against all shields.

EDIT: The anti-double-post feature saved me again...

Weapons question - paddy h - 06-25-2009

Cat 7 turrets? Most of the Cat 5 top end fighter turrets are better - Vengeance IV, Ultra Sunrail, Protector IV, Luger D that sort of stuff

Weapons question - Horon - 06-25-2009

[spiel]If you got problems with aiming, I have found that staggering my weapons fire to give me a higher chance of hitting something: IE Press 1 then 2 then 3, and so on, so you are always firing at any time. It doesn't work on all ships and loadouts, but if your flying something like that and your using one kind of fire rate, it helps make up for a lack of aiming ability.[/spiel]

EDIT: Nevermind, I misspelled ships.

Weapons question - Moneybags - 06-28-2009

Transport Turret Level 7 Class 3:

Transport Turret Level 7 Class 4:
Refire: 3.03

It depends, do you want faster refire, or more punch per shot?

Weapons question - Boss - 06-28-2009

My Pirate Trans has all Kraken guns, the better for piracy. Plus it has a TCD, so win.

My preferred tactic is to fly high and run though, since I'm usually with a cargo full of cardi or slaves.