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Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Printable Version

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Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-16-2012

*Incoming transmission*
**Comm ID: Unknown**
**Location: Tripoli Shipyard, Omicron Gamma system*

Hola! *lights up another cigarette*

Well, it seems the Bounty Hunters really don't know when to stop building their bases. We Corsairs won't tolerate that at all.
So, here it is. They've built a new base in Omicron Lost system, more precisely, at D/E 7/8 sector, 30K above the plane. I don't care who you are, where you was born, but go there, destroy that Station and you will get 100 millions SC.! Is that clear?
Post a screenie here, in any case.

*End of transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Hell Hunter - 08-16-2012

*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Greetings there.
Well. I really do hope you know that this is a Zoner Station and not a BHG ...
Some kind of research station or something.
anyway. It wouldn't be wise to shoot it, anger induces us Zoners easily. You dig? So please don't shoot our brothers.

*Ending Transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-16-2012

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]
*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Greetings there.
Well. I really do hope you know that this is a Zoner Station and not a BHG ...
Some kind of research station or something.
anyway. It wouldn't be wise to shoot it, anger induces us Zoners easily. You dig?

*Ending Transmission*

*Incoming Transmission*
**To: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer**

Well, I'm quite sure that base is shared between the [77th] agents and Haimen| group of individual Hunters.
Now, because of you, I'm raising bounty to 200 millions Sirius Credits.
Enjoy your destruction. *lights up another cigarette* Oh, this stuff is great! Anyway, good luck with taking down that base, people of Sirius.

*End of transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Jayce - 08-16-2012

Too afraid to attempt to destroy the base yourself. You are a disgrace, Corsair.

-Von Steubben

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Hell Hunter - 08-16-2012

*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Yeah. Smart. Just really smart. Trigger-happy just like the BHG Core. *sighes*
Haimen are a group of AI's anyhow. And you are mistaken. 77th claimed Omicron Lost remember? Just because they want to also protect the systems doesnt mean they work with the Zoner dudes, ye'? It's like saying the freaking Liberty Rogues work with the Liberty Navy because they have a base within New York. Like I said. They don't really work with them. Only in defense, that's just about it all I know.
really. It's bad for your rep.

*Ending Transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-16-2012

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]
*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Yeah. Smart. Just really smart. Trigger-happy just like the BHG Core. *sighes*
Haimen are a group of AI's anyhow. And you are mistaken. 77th claimed Omicron Lost remember? Just because they want to also protect the systems doesnt mean they work with the Zoner dudes, ye'? It's like saying the freaking Liberty Rogues work with the Liberty Navy because they have a base within New York. Like I said. They don't really work with them. Only in defense, that's just about it all I know.
really. It's bad for your rep.

*Ending Transmission*

*Incoming Transmission*
**To: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer**

I'll say it again, we've all seen how you watched destruction of Zero One (AI's base), and you've let Corsairs destroy it.
But, now you support this base and you're ready to lose every single unit to protect it? Uhm uhm...
I have proofs that Avalon station is YOURS! *chuckles*

*End of Transmission.*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Jayce - 08-16-2012

Then place that evidence in this channel, mongrel.

-Von Steubben

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Hell Hunter - 08-16-2012

*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Proof that is -OURS-, the Zoners? Yeah sure that would be nice. Please present.

And the difference from an AI station than a human ran one? AI's operate the AI one. AI's can be destroyed, re-put together and remade. And the difference is to the Zoner one? YOU'RE KILLING OUR PEOPLE. Of course naturally you cannot 'put' human parts back together.

*Ending Transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-16-2012

Well, the fact is, that you've built that station with your Zoner ships, then you've been supplying that base also with Zoner ships, but that's just your excuse at the moment. Still, BHG will use it as their base of operations.
Anyway, your thinking won't save that station from its destruction.

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Hell Hunter - 08-16-2012

*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Nope. Pretty sure they operate from their OWN base. Don't let jealousy and greed take your actions.

*Ending Transmission*