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My ship mod won't dock! - Printable Version

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My ship mod won't dock! - S2000Gan - 05-16-2008

I just made a ship mod and It seems to be working fine except it won't dock with things.
Anyone have any clue why? Thanks.

My ship mod won't dock! - Jinx - 05-16-2008

have you set all hardpoints correctly? - and does it mean - you made a ship and it cannot dock? or ... you modded something about docking ...

My ship mod won't dock! - S2000Gan - 05-16-2008

I made a ship, it won't dock.
I haven't changed anything as all I do at the moment is make ships.

My ship mod won't dock! - Jinx - 05-17-2008

i d suspect that you may be missing a hardpoint. - have you uploaded a working ship into HardCMP and checked what hardpoints these ships have?

i just copied a close enough ship for testing purposes and it worked out well. - docking, undocking etc worked usually pretty nicely.

My ship mod won't dock! - S2000Gan - 05-18-2008

What would I be missing? Do I NEED lights or something?

My ship mod won't dock! - Doom - 05-18-2008

how big it is?

this is most surely error in INI has nothing to do with model

My ship mod won't dock! - Tortured_Soul - 05-18-2008

You need an HpMount, otherwise the game, afaik, doesn't know what to line up with the Docking Ring, thus fails the docking procedure every time.

My ship mod won't dock! - S2000Gan - 05-18-2008

I have the HpMount, and I can't see anything wrong with the code.

My ship mod won't dock! - Doom - 05-18-2008

HpMount must not be numbered (HpMount_01 is wrong)...but ship should be able do dock even without it i think...

My ship mod won't dock! - S2000Gan - 05-18-2008

It's not numbered, I didn't even know you could have numbered HpMounts