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New to Discovery, not to FL - Printable Version

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New to Discovery, not to FL - swissy - 08-20-2012

I know theres going to be alot of negitive comments to this post but it needs to be said. ITS VERY IMPORTANT FOR NEW DISCOVERY PLAYERS.

Iv played FL for years, i love the game and it really is a shame no game has "risen from its ashes." I tryed the discovery mod becuase, well theres no one else playing any other mod. Iv read a good piece of the rules before i started to play about 6 days ago.

But every time i play, im stopped/pirated, when im trying to trade, and to tell you the truth, it was awsome. the thrill of your cargo and ship being blowen up if wrong words are said.

Iv even got into the RP aspect of it and iv never RPed before in any game.
BUT to get to the point of all of this, i tryed to trade Gate parts, got blowen up without a seconds notice, a liberty BC shoots 2 missles at me and kills me, then he messages me saying that he killed me because i did not have the right ID, then i switched my ID to carry the parts and my ship was NERFED, i went to see why and all i got was OUTDATED tech charts missing pieces making it impossable to learn, when you dont know what info is outdated.

After i got past all of that, (and this is the short story cuz i really dont care anymore) I get my ID, My ship, my weapons and a good cargo hold of Gate parts, and i get pirated by some CSG clan or something (sorry if im incorrect) and they demand i drop my cargo after 8 jumps.

So as mad as i was i dropped the cargo and they asked me where i was going. I told them it could put my trade rout in danger, so 4 level 80+ followed me around (out of my scanner range so i had no idea i was being followed) and waited for me to undock with all of my cargo just pirate me 2 more times, After all of that i was not going to trade Gate parts and went for some Bio processors or something and i have 1 more jump to go and i pass a FLEET of Bretonian pilots comeing from a TAU- system they were police and were escorting some trains.

They all passed me, all but one. A Bretonia police officer, he stoped me and demanded, 1M Credits. I asked why, and he told me it was some kind of TAX for entering the system. At this point he tells me to go read MORE, and kills me for talking to him ( so i could understand) instead of paying the credits as he demaned.

This is a warning to all new players and imo the this community killed this mod for me and many others, not the FL game. Most of this community would rather see this Game and discovery mod Burn just to be a Ass.

Well when theres no more players to populate the server, who will you shoot then?

I wont waste more of my time talking to admins or reporting it. Back to Eve! Happy Hunting.

New to Discovery, not to FL - Jayce - 08-20-2012

' Wrote:I know theres going to be alot of negitive comments to this post but it needs to be said. ITS VERY IMPORTANT FOR NEW DISCOVERY PLAYERS.

Iv played FL for years, i love the game and it really is a shame no game has "risen from its ashes." I tryed the discovery mod becuase, well theres no one else playing any other mod. Iv read a good piece of the rules before i started to play about 6 days ago.

But every time i play, im stopped/pirated, when im trying to trade, and to tell you the truth, it was awsome. the thrill of your cargo and ship being blowen up if wrong words are said.

Iv even got into the RP aspect of it and iv never RPed before in any game.
BUT to get to the point of all of this, i tryed to trade Gate parts, got blowen up without a seconds notice, a liberty BC shoots 2 missles at me and kills me, then he messages me saying that he killed me because i did not have the right ID, then i switched my ID to carry the parts and my ship was NERFED, i went to see why and all i got was OUTDATED tech charts missing pieces making it impossable to learn, when you dont know what info is outdated.

After i got past all of that, (and this is the short story cuz i really dont care anymore) I get my ID, My ship, my weapons and a good cargo hold of Gate parts, and i get pirated by some CSG clan or something (sorry if im incorrect) and they demand i drop my cargo after 8 jumps.

So as mad as i was i dropped the cargo and they asked me where i was going. I told them it could put my trade rout in danger, so 4 level 80+ followed me around (out of my scanner range so i had no idea i was being followed) and waited for me to undock with all of my cargo just pirate me 2 more times, After all of that i was not going to trade Gate parts and went for some Bio processors or something and i have 1 more jump to go and i pass a FLEET of Bretonian pilots comeing from a TAU- system they were police and were escorting some trains.

You met the CGS, or Children of the Great Spirit. They're Serbians that like to pretend they're Native Americans. They act nothing like actual Natives. Stay mad, boys.

Anyway, they like to do that kinda' stuff.

The BPA guy? I have no idea.

New to Discovery, not to FL - _FUNK - 08-20-2012

I cried!

New to Discovery, not to FL - Ursus - 08-20-2012

Yeah, it's not really friendly to beginners, lots of ways to get killed with no apparent context at all

New to Discovery, not to FL - Madvillain - 08-20-2012

' Wrote:I cried!

Reminds me of my first days on disco.

New to Discovery, not to FL - Tobi44 - 08-20-2012

Yeah I feel sorry for you dude the main problem around here are the CGS from my point of view they are a bunch of troll even when you see them on the forums they are constently crying and trolling. Not to mention the "yahehooooha" what ever they say is rather annoying. But yeah if you are having a problem with the BPA post something in the commonication channel and see you can sort it out. and if you were going into the Taus the BPA might of thought you were going to supply gallia or kusari with trade. But if you having abit of problems with the law talk to the [angels] they will help you. since they are the only OOC group that are ment to help new players.

But how the Liberty ship killed you, you could of reported him.

New to Discovery, not to FL - Prosecutor - 08-20-2012

' Wrote:You met the CGS, or Children of the Great Spirit. They're Serbians that like to pretend they're Native Americans. They act nothing like actual Natives. Stay mad, boys.

What is this supposed to mean???!!!

New to Discovery, not to FL - Cannon - 08-20-2012

Quote:BUT to get to the point of all of this, i tryed to trade Gate parts, got blowen up without a seconds notice, a liberty BC shoots 2 missles at me and kills me, then he messages me saying that he killed me because i did not have the right ID
If it happened in this order, please report the player for a 5.2 rules violation. You'll need screenshots of your in game chat log as a minimum.

New to Discovery, not to FL - Neo88 - 08-20-2012

Quote:Tobi.Reaper Posted Today, 03:04 AM
Yeah I feel sorry for you dude the main problem around here are the CGS from my point of view they are a bunch of troll even when you see them on the forums they are constently crying and trolling. Not to mention the "yahehooooha" what ever they say is rather annoying. But yeah if you are having a problem with the BPA post something in the commonication channel and see you can sort it out. and if you were going into the Taus the BPA might of thought you were going to supply gallia or kusari with trade. But if you having abit of problems with the law talk to the [angels] they will help you. since they are the only OOC group that are ment to help new players.

But how the Liberty ship killed you, you could of reported him.

Quote:Jaec Posted Today, 02:12 AM
You met the CGS, or Children of the Great Spirit. They're Serbians that like to pretend they're Native Americans. They act nothing like actual Natives. Stay mad, boys.

Anyway, they like to do that kinda' stuff.

The BPA guy? I have no idea.

Q.Q Serbians again Q.Q
They are in numbers and we can't gank them anymore Q.Q
I hate them Q.Q
They are pirates and now I can't trade to buy big ass fat ship to kill their lone fighter Q.Q

Tobi, learn to pvp.
Jaec find girlfriend and chill.

New to Discovery, not to FL - Miranda - 08-20-2012

This is why we cant have nice things.