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Dictator - Printable Version

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Dictator - Corsair - 08-23-2012

Dictator - Serpentis - 08-23-2012

That was great..

Just great...

Dictator - Corsair - 08-23-2012

I put it on repeat. It's just. Wow.

Dictator - Jihadjoe - 08-23-2012

Wax Tailor - Lost the Way

Also turned into an awesome piece of music.

Dictator - Corsair - 08-24-2012

People had the right idea back then. People should listen to it and apply it today.

Dictator - latos - 08-24-2012

If only it were possible that people would get their heads out of their asses and take heed. But hey, the creations of our own selves will be our downfall eventually, that much has always been true....

The club,
The cannon,
The bomb,
The nuke,
Etc etc.

Just a matter of time sadly.

The video is nice too. :rolleyes:

Dictator - Veygaar - 08-24-2012

Dictator - монолит - 08-24-2012

oh wow...

Dictator - Thunderer - 08-24-2012

Made me make alliances with all the factions in Galactic Civilizations! Also made me listen to this before: