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player base problems - Printable Version

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player base problems - Reincor - 08-26-2012

so far today, i have had my own faction player bases obliterate me in seconds due to ppl flying too it to casue a misfire ... then player base instant agro and insta death.... sorry but this is getting really anoying, espeically when ppl then brag " i killed you! leave sysytem!" no you exploited somthing that needs to be fixed! ! !

ok now thats out of my sytem.. maybe they need to fix player bases so ppl of the same faction of the base cannot be attacked or get agro from the base to stop this from happening a this is clearly not what would happen in real rp environment...

again sorry if this is the wrong spot, but im not good with forums, just got tired of this happening over and over.

player base problems - Daedric - 08-26-2012

You'll have to be a little more detailed in exactly what happened. From your post I can't make heads or tails of exactly what happened.

player base problems - jammi - 08-26-2012

From the sound of it, he's got weapon platforms at his base. A hostile player sat behind him, causing the platforms to kill him in the crossfire.

player base problems - Prysin - 08-26-2012

' Wrote:From the sound of it, he's got weapon platforms at his base. A hostile player sat behind him, causing the platforms to kill him in the crossfire.

If that is the case, he coulda just moved, and or stop being AFK

player base problems - Veygaar - 08-26-2012

I think he was chasing an enemy around his base, then shot his base on accident, then his base insta'd him.

player base problems - ProwlerPC - 08-26-2012

This is the case even before player bases and is a tactic no different then if was all real and actually occuring, be mindful that friendly fire is possible and crafty pilots can increase this likely hood, from both your own stations and even your teammates.

player base problems - Reincor - 08-27-2012

what Veyhaar said, thats exactly what happned, tho the enemie deliberatly flies around teh base knowing it can cause misfire and in effect, my own demise
(sorry for late replies, went to bed after i made post)

player base problems - Talesin - 08-27-2012

' Wrote:This is the case even before player bases and is a tactic no different then if was all real and actually occuring, be mindful that friendly fire is possible and crafty pilots can increase this likely hood, from both your own stations and even your teammates.

But there's a difference between accidental friendly fire, like when the fighter hit the base, and the base ordering it's weapon platforms to actively shoot down the allied pilot.


player base problems - mc_Floyd - 08-27-2012

Ye but in General he is right, its very anoying, that even a shot of a mining laser makes the station powering its shield and shooting back.

Maybe it can be fixed in a way, where a little damage has to be done, to make the Station go angry.

player base problems - ryoken - 08-27-2012

I think it wrks perfectly. Do not want base to shoot you? Do not shoot it. Pretty simple. So if a hostile is circling your base, stay out of range, and let base kill it. You fire and hit it? Well touch. thats your problem.