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Router issue - Printable Version

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Router issue - монолит - 08-28-2012

So, i got this problem: On random occasions, all of a sudden most of the websites can no longer be opened while some can, albeit very slow. My Live messenger also loses connection, while skype and FL keep working fine. It happens on both computers on my lan, an HP 6820s laptop and a the PC. I noticed that when i change the DHCP server setting in my routers LAN settings when this happens, the problem is gone. Sometimes for about 24 hours, sometimes for a few days. Then it repeats. Please help if you can, this is a major pain in the ass :angry:

Router issue - Govedo13 - 08-28-2012

It is ISP thingie.
Made to assure you cannot host stuff with your cheap net. In general in good cases it should be once or twice a day for 30 sec to 1-2 min. Stuff that use larger packets seems to stay untouched in your case so I suggest the surge is just a couple of seconds.
May be this is kinda relevant.

It could also be a buggy/cheap router. Try to update it to the latest firmware. Try to adjust it with different settings from auto ones to manual ones till you find out how it works better, goggle the model for such issue.

Router issue - AeternusDoleo - 08-29-2012

Nice try Govedo, but I doubt it.

The problem is the DNS settings. The applications you note that are working, do not use DNS, they connect directly by IP. This shows that the network itself is working, but translating name to address ( to, which your system can then connect to) fails. What I recommend you to do is to leave the DHCP server on, but configure on your router to use one of Google's DNS servers as your primary DNS server. The IP addresses of these are and

Should solve your issue.

Router issue - монолит - 08-29-2012

Thanks for the replies.
I know what you're saying govedo, but this is not that.

AD, i set the router to use Google's DNS. Will see if it continues to screw with me.