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Xoria for server administrator - Printable Version

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Xoria for server administrator - Igiss - 05-20-2008

The new admin poll has now officially begun. We are overloaded, and we definitely need new administrators.

Xoria haven't been here for as long as many other members were, true. But he has proven well when being a forum moderator (and even before that), and all current admins have agreed that he's the best candidate for our new server administrator. He himself is ready to take the responsibility.

Now it's your turn to say what you think: Yes, or No.

I ask everyone to vote in this poll, and possibly to post and voice their opinions. Thanks for your participation.

Xoria for server administrator - kacijon - 05-20-2008

Voted yes he is a good guy for admin. And I know him well. He know discovery well too.

Xoria for server administrator - Jinx - 05-20-2008

voted "no" - i miss him evalutating issues from more than one perspective. - and i feel a reluctance to make compromises and / or show more emphaty towards other members of the community.

Xoria for server administrator - ParanoidAndroid - 05-20-2008

Voted yes and I feel that any justification is unnecessary.

Xoria for server administrator - Spear - 05-20-2008

An easy yes from me :)

Xoria for server administrator - Treewyrm - 05-20-2008

Voted yes. Common sense, reason and fresh mind are there.

Xoria for server administrator - Clayph - 05-20-2008

Hell yeah! He's doing great as forum mod, cleaning all the rubbish that's
here recently. No objections. :)

Xoria for server administrator - Blodo - 05-20-2008

Voted yes. Activity and an open mind on a high level.

Xoria for server administrator - Kuraine - 05-20-2008

Voted yes, although hopefully he'll continue to have a fresh perspective on things and won't get too snowed under with everyone making demands of his time;)

Xoria for server administrator - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-20-2008

Simple, it's a yes.