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Report C : For High Command - Printable Version

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Report C : For High Command - HuggieSunrise - 09-05-2012

This report is a compiling of several subjects disclosed as part of the asylum granted to >>REDACTED<<.

Further information on these subjects would be theory and speculative as this report contains the factual information as witnessed and likely scenarios.


I. The Cult of Sirius.

II. Malta
A.) Things outsiders DONT know.
III. The Slomon K'Hara
B.)Raw Data

IV. Secrets
A.) Maltese Afflictions
B.) "The Cure"
C.) Where this is all going.

V. Conclusions

Final Note: One way to win.


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I. The Cult of Sirius

A.) History

The historical significance, as in the entire point of the cult was the vision of one man. The pyramid builder, and starting philosopher of the cults way of life was a catholic priest whom lived some period after the first few mapping expeditions. While the cult credits him for discovering the cardamine addiction affecting outbound flights, malta's historical data makes no mention. Which is no surprise as many cartells and influential families from that period did not survive the ages and more current regimes tend to rewrite history.

As skewed as this may seem, I actually learned much from the cults historical record keeping as most of it was stored in one location for nearly 1000 years. Within the obsidian temple.

The location has been central to all cult activity through even the most oppressive regimes and while their connection to the nomads or "The Divine" as they call them would be significant to the outsider, the political game is one the Cult seems wise enough not to participate.

It is confirmed that Prison liners, one in particular is possibly as old as the cult itself and is used to transport freshly harvested cardamine. These shipments can be anything from powder, grasses, and even soil. What the nomads do with this? is anyone's guess but it does confirm one theory, that the cardamine plant is not nomad in origin and is probably Daamn K'Vosh in origin.

Recent changes in the cult include the adopting/take over/absorption of a mysterious group called the Oracles. Mostly witnessed in Liberty these oracles were most likely either infected or devotees of what is known as "The Shrine". A system that is oddly so far off the Sirius map it maybe impossible to jump to. The Shrine is a sacred structure to both organizations. Why the Cult adopted the Oracles as their active arm (IE Armed/Terrorist activity) isn't known. The safe bet is as the nomads put more effort into the cult to perform and be an example to Outcasts there had to be a stronger fanatical arm growing in the cults ranks... The Oracles are seen as the dwellers at the doorstep to the divine realm, gatekeepers to whom was worthy to fight with/protect them.

Recent events after the formation of the Oracles towards my departure from their ranks a significant figure in their ranks was lost. The truth of the story doesn't make complete sense but as the Nomads were seemingly being afflicted with some all consuming "mental failure" The first battleship in operation of the cult was destroyed by Corsairs in the Eta System. Supposedly the high matriarch/mother who was undoubtedly an alien (never saw her but it was the same person/being for hundreds of years) Was permanently killed/fractured.

The death of this figure created new positions that hybrids filled. Nomad created hybrids are a grave threat to humanity because of .. well frankly their undetectable until they start using nomad tech, which is also rare.

Slowly and surely hybrids filled every role.. and there was the ultimatum. If I was to keep serving I would have to "submit" and be connected to the hive their way. I took the highway.

Seeing their failures with other cybernetic subjects I chose to leave.

B.) Operations

The top operational priorities for the Oracles are to continue the supply of cardamine to the nomads.

This initiates an exchange of supplies. Liquid Cardamine is the chief Import. Some of this substence is "encoded" by request by Exarch Liam Kulov whos biochemistry and general science knowledge surpasses anyone I've ever known. He is creepy but obviously cardamine and his knowledge of it has extended his life a great deal... So this maybe an effect of age.

Liam's projects extend from the most critical medical cases including treating the hybrid population to what we might consider fringe science. I dare say if anyone else had the secrets to defeating the Nomads hes one of the few.

The most known project that actually involve the nomads selecting candidates for the maternity kits.

Nomads select Cardamine addicted females with the right... temperament and supposedly the most physical and neurological strength. Liam reviews these cases and makes a kit. At some point the kit is used and a child is gestated. Beyond that? All I know is that the births are kept in the nomad hive.

I've seen one of these children, Ishtars daughter El she seems 8-10 years old. My implants detected no nomad components in the child but its psionic strength was horrifying. Able to influence objects, read their histories by touching them and the ability to cause hallucinations. I've seen these powers tested on humans and nomads successfully.

El maybe a unique result, as Liam admitted to me she was conceived before the program had begun, but that the potential exists for more gifted children to "Inherit the Future."

The second project is the Liquid Cardamine Warhead.

The ability to aerosol and incapacitate a crew of a station or even planets. When everyone wakes up they are addicted and dependent at a level that without a sufficient supply the population will die.

The terror of this weapon is.. the first symptoms of the wasting disease is acute paranoia that slides directly into an all consuming hunger. It is not uncommon for the afflicted from this warhead to turn to cannibalism.

I was able to supervise tests on many of these. The significant bonus to the warhead was it didn't harm or incapacitate those already addicted. However the results where highly erratic and unpredictable. The current status of the warhead is unknown but the last results where 65% effective (as in rendering addiction vs just killing). Odds are they have perfected the weapon by now. The assistants in this endeavor were highly covert members of the Vagrant Raiders whom were highly compartmentalized at the time.

The third major project was the search and recovery of humans with unique mutations. Apparently these mutations are believed by the K'Hara to be Daam K'vosh tinkering in the human genetic structure. Also samples of all alien life and technology are highly sought after. Even to the point of making sure the 101st brings all unusual and uncatalogued artifacts to the cult.

To be honest I hadn't been sent on any of those runs but it is something that is ever present.



- Emissary Sarrisa Hull... unknown everything else.

Their flagship is a unique vessel. it has nomad technology integrated and more was slated to implantation before I lost contact. Rumors are she was supposed to have a fully working nomad cloak and other systems so that it can conduct stealth recon and conversions in house space.

Liam has a dreadnought in the omicron 81 system its more or less affixed to the research station there among a small destroyer wing to protect it but its a typical ranseur with some outdated armaments.

Fighters to destroyers are typical. Crews are assembled by the commanding officer which is usually an Exarch.

The Bayonet is a typical "gift" to a new Exarch, if the Exarch is a hybrid it WILL use nomad tech on its vessel.

I have personally delivered outcast ships to the abandoned liberty research base Altair. Where these ships were refitted. It takes a great deal of time to "blend" technologies, for whatever reason the Cult does not elect to have nomad weapons put on their larger ships (probably to avoid them being captured). However the few vessels given nomad technology have a number of scuttling systems aboard them. My destroyer was no different.

I had attempted to see if my S.A.I. hacking package could trigger or offline the destroyer from its leash... And.. that brings me to the next Cult Asset.

[Image: th_self2.png]

Its "designation" is O.R.B. it told me it stood for Original.Robotic.Biological.Artificial.Intelligence.

Supposedly Orb had begun "life" as an error put into his code that basically comes out as "take a chance".

Its full file is available in the Cult Archives... but this A.I. is a pretty singular in its intent in fact it had admitted its integration into a ship as infected as the Sanctuary was "suicidal". It was associated with the sentient machine alliance in the Baffin system where it befriended Ishtar Zsun (now high Oracle) but as I understand it she was a T.A.Z. acolyte? member? whatever they call em.

I am guessing Zsun trusts this AI like family for a reason because it mentions "fondly" its origins with the TAZ and the SMA. Though something occurred in the past that had it experiment with imprinting its code on "bio units". Im guessing its ability to use biological and artificial components is what made it useful to the cult cause it surely had no interest in my study into Maltese cybernetics.

Anyone familiar with cybernetic infection or infiltration will know that some of these alien a.i.'s came from a strain called "Harvesters" and im guessing this function is not lost on orb as it would routinely harvest enemy pilots.

The most stupendous part about the A.I. is that its integrated into all of the cults computer systems, networks, and yes it reads all incoming mail.

I have seen its drones here and there but its primary core is mobile and travels exclusively in deep nomad space in a prison ship named "Sanctuary". I've also escorted it on the first leg of a journey to what it claims to be a Daam K'Vosh Dyson sphere where its boasted to have unlocked secrets for the nomads.

I haven't seen the sphere or any of these accomplishments it boasts of but as far as A.I. goes its possibly been enhanced by some form of integrated artifacts or technology. Few are even allowed on the Sanctuary at all...

-Personnel and Structure.

The cult is a religion. it styles itself as a religion that can be studied and followed individually. Somewhere along the "path of faith" one maybe brought to the divine by destiny, fate, craving for mollusk etc. and the faith tells these people they are "spiritually" anointed or charged with the Oracles path.

Oracles ranked as cultists learn through the taking of cardamine and the spreading of it. This is a personal supplying of cardamine to an individual or ship not just..driving from base to base and dropping it in the market bins.

When a wind-caller has witnessed a cultist spread the faith sufficiently it is brought to call the winds. These Wind-callers direct cultists and take orders from Exarchs.

These "ranks" are exclusively human.

What was changing as I escaped was most Exarchs were being either implanted or hybridized... every hybrid I ever met looses their humanity in some form or fashion..

Whos the Boss

[Image: th_ishyeve.jpg]

Ishtar Zsun
High Exarch

The High Exarch or High Oracle is a new position headed by a woman who frankly just scares me.

At the Top as far as I know Ishtar Zsune has been a long time contributing cultist of the faith. I surmise she must have been involved in a lot more then was listed because her file is vacant of details and is shorter then the newest personell. In her file there is little mention of her "journeys" in getting information on the zoner groups she interacted with.

The most recent was the TAZ who have ships from many allies, and yes as a technician she has intimate knowledge of zoner technical philosophy and even some order technology due to her time in TAZ. She has a host of vessels we've pulled apart from the GMG and other technology that she was able to move silently.

Zsun also has talents of the mind that make her able to interrogate subjects with vary little effort... im not sure were she gained this ability but shes pulled complete sentences from my mind and rarely lets anyone speak on her crew.

As if their trained to..think.. and not speak.. apparently this is also one of the most sought after positions in the oracles because being able to mentally communicate with Zsun is a passed test in being able to become an Exarch and "understand" the Nomads easier.

Nothing happens without her knowledge. Even the Prophets or "The Nine" defer to her directives.

Exarchs are a dime a dozen. They are mostly moved about by Ishtar however Liam has a small group of fetch and catch agents.

[Image: th_Liam-1.png]

Liam Kulov
Exarch & The Science Guy (probably the first one)

At some point everyone meets this guy he may not work with you directly but his work is all about the Sciences that come from their work with the nomads.

I've seen his rundown... Dreadnought in practice. Every time it moves it loses pieces and leaves a trail of debris. The name of the ship is the Apocalypse named after a chapter of the Cults book of prophecy.

He was probably the reason I was able to join. He found my brand of cybernetics interesting so I permitted him a full phased scan of me and my handiwork.

After that and comparing notes I received the most of my knowledge of the organization from him, where I could find its history what they've accomplished. The idea of leaving was also technically his. He is human and there is some evidence that while he is old... his disclosures to me were not typical. Even Zsune remarked the Liam talked to me more then he spoke to Three-Winds.

From Liam I learned about the possible "shape" of the nomad mind, the modus operandi. Though I realize letting someone like this work on ... vary sensitive part of my nervous system.. I still think I could trust him as a doctor. Most of the information that comes in the following sections comes from him.

[Image: TW.jpg]

The Master Teacher

Most of us called him Tee Dubya, his friends however refer to him by his given name.

There is this really addled robe (cultists with most of their brain cells fried from the so called "old days" of cardimine gauntlets roam the cult grounds are called robes, some of them were warriors and are highly respected.)

Shaka was his name because all he really says is SHAKKA SHAKKA. Is Tw's dearest friend. and while I liked the guy too it was the only time I encountered Three-Winds visiting Shakka.

He had a pilot suit on and a re breather he is the most advanced alien bacterial infection I've ever seen. Sweats Arsenic and Cyanide so he has to be in a suit when at the grounds. His station is at the shrine teaching where the ancient life support system seemingly keeps his condition from poisoning the students in his company.

I did meet the predecessor "Mar Sara" who was apparently Tw's father. indistinguishable from any other Catholics on Malta, but three-winds was definitely a strange character.

He seems to teach and direct the lower ranks more then the exarchs. Shows the younger initiates their... cracks. I don't know how to classify him. My implants found large amounts of Alien bacterial infection in him his blood was even seemingly so viscus it would dissolve his body but no Nomad incubation or hybrid energy was about him.

His vessel at the time? Was an infected rhienland wraith... it seems he stays and gets supplies from the Wild in tau-117.

I can only guess his physical condition would corrode and destroy plastics and rubber... so perhaps infected or wild craft are the only ones he can fly without the controls melting.

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Vira Coronus
High Mother

She was the previous high mothers handmaiden. Barely 30 years old but what makes her significant is she creates order out of the chaos of the other 8 seemingly addled cultists who join together in some form of telepathic communion.

This is called "The Nine" and its the cults achievement in speaking the the nomads hive mind. No not one nomad.. though that's certainly possible but the ENTIRE hive can speak through these Nine seemingly mute and withdrawn telepathic minds...

They were survivors of the Cataclysm the ship destroyed by corsairs during the period when the nomads were "sick" Vira called it "The Fall" and was supposedly adding this into the cults history books.

Its vary apparent something happened to all of them during that incident... something about them seems vary otherworldly and eerie. Though I did not spend much time with the nine as cyborgs seem to unnerve telepaths... Again something ill cover later.

C.) Observations

This is the section I put anything that didn't fit in the previous sections. I looked through the database, mostly news clippits about alien worshiping cults and found many mentions, but nothing of consequence.

The Cult Of Sirius approached me because of my attitudes about how the houses were just repeating the same sick cycle common era man failed to realize.

They spoke to me about the lack of spiritual love in the colony's and that if anything they had faith in a better world.

That hooked me because .. I realize now my pessimistic smart sassed older brother was right. I am a caustic Pollyanna... and idealist that punishes anyone who isn't.

That fits this cult to a tee. I still vary much hope mankind can pull its collective balls out of the seething acid of mistakes and negative Karma but honestly day to day do you see it improving? ... my heart has faith but my mostly metal brain doesn't process faith as anything but an error in calculations.

Its their weakness.. and their strength. They are clearly being manipulated but they see it as being "fixed" by their gods. Fixed... when the nomads already see the cardamine addicted as "drones".

I honestly don't think i would have made it out of there without Liams invisible hand... I cant prove he helped me but certain things didn't go off certain provisions didn't stop me from getting to the order.

Everything he said was true though... I did end up forgotten in a cell. Toledo fell. I just hope the brighter future he hoped for was the one we inherit. That data though is inconsequential to this report but as agreed I will be available at the inquiry to answer questions.

Its my firm belief more of the cult would defect if shown the truth of these alterations made to them.. however the only person(s) of consequence worth obtaining are the ones mentioned. I only suppose that the Order has hoped that over time someone or some record of the Nomads exist that could reveal a flaw or weakness.

This cult is definitely that source.

Report C : For High Command - HuggieSunrise - 09-05-2012

II. Malta

[Image: ishmael.png]
A.) Pertinent information

A typical informational dossier on Malta you can find on the net is actually filled with more rumors and speculation then the typical rumor milling site. /v/ 999chan and even Bedddit have more factual tidbits from passing smugglers and traders that service the nation.

The biggest cause for this split is that the HUGE majority of people you meet that are outcasts are pilots. Which is actually a small percent of the population.

Specialists, scientists, high-rolling professional population prefer to stay in safe fortified areas. In the early days there was a real threat of planetary bombardment from the Corsairs in the early 800's but since that time its been established that the planet is oddly resistant to radiation.

The current planetary fears are mostly of Gallia. Oddly this is something the Nomads picked up on and agreed to. Im not sure what they did but on the hacked local nets I can access remotely since my release details that the oracles assure the Council of Dons on a regular basis Malta is safe from the GRN as long as they keep out of Gallic space.

Also for some reason the Council have stepped up their direct assaults on Malta, this cannot be a coincidence, as both forces are now pushing Malta into an alliance or at least a non aggression role with the GRN.

Of course herding Outcast opinion is like herding cats. An almost genetic imprint of the culture... and yes I am speaking of the mafia "take care of our own" mentality exists vary strongly. While I've always found the Junkers a true galactic mafia situation, the Maltese have carried the origins of these secret societies through the ages so it is important to realize how one speaks and carry themselves in the eyes of the fathers of this culture influence heavily what one can get from them.

The one factor to the Maltese that contradicts this decentralized structure of authority and power is cardamine.
You think its a curse and many Maltese (especially the slave culture) view it as such but those who have used it as a power to bring groups and others under their power, bring humanity closer to immortality and the few who have unlocked it get furthest mileage out of the weak willed and despotic of pirate leaders.

And when push comes to shove... all they have to do is tighten the flow of the orange dream to get what they want from their allies. It is insidious as I believe im one of the few with first hand knowledge of what happens to a body starving for cardamine.

Technology / Holistics

Cardamine mixed with mere aerosol at a .001 ratio and sprayed over the body of a ship/person can render alien bacterial infections inert. This includes nomad strains of bacteria IE the fiber shaped stuff that can infect the skin and organs.

As far as I know the only other treatment involved high doses of antibiotics and a application of Gamma Radiation and Chemotherapy. Which can make you bald for a few weeks and takes several months of colloidal minerals specifically copper to fix.

Another wash n wax and your ship is totally clean. A person should skip the wax.

Another stupid Cardamine trick is that the addicted do not suffer the common cold. However sniffles are rampant from users of the nasal T3 inhalers because of the latex used. These re breathers are long out of date, yet seemingly are hand downs and heirlooms.

Pilots have good luck charms of all kinds.. good luck breathers? probably.

Liquid cardamine created as a concentrated additive to regular cardamine can make a dose metabolize more completely over a period of weeks and even months. This mixture also makes the cardamine invisible to every form of laboratory test I've been able to run and its typically present in not just Exarchs but deep cover operatives and highly valued agents of all kinds. The cost of liquid Cardamine is near priceless to the normal population.

There is one source of liquid cardamine (nomads). Even though its much more common now thanks to the cult, (and nearly split the 101st in two when former administer Jameson ordered all of the substance be seized as contraband, well we saw how well that lasted for him.) The nomads often give it freely, though the prison liner fleet carries a steady stream of the extending component.


It is a haphazard structure of power the governs Malta. And a more direct structure that protects it. If any one aspect was hit or taken out I think that the outcasts wouldn't bear any disadvantage for long as the next family takes power. It would be a random card and one pile of cards that the Cult stays at the bottom.

Though the last thing we want is a nomad dependent group to seize the reigns of the whole of this culture... it will suffer and die and it will become the first truly human territory taken, a beachhead of this war of the species.

Report C : For High Command - HuggieSunrise - 09-06-2012

III. The Slomon K'Hara


The first interactions with these creatures was as a Zoner gunboat commander. The defense force always needed volunteer captains for dangerous assignments and it was not the first patrol duty in Delta I had drawn.

There was a rush of nomad fighters it was so thick we couldn't even see the stars, the collisions set my vessel adrift for some time until what I learned was a slaver pilgrim disrupted and took me and my crew into slavery.

I never blamed the Nomads for it.. however I led a lonely and vary personal war on human smuggling after what parts of my body were lost were restored though cybernetics.

It was probably not a full coincidence I would be drawn to them via the cult. My incident was recorded into the psychological record by my brother Jim McKenna who helped rehabilitate me.

My brother has also encountered many "morphs" and for one reason or another knew exactly what their communicating.. I suppose as a psychiatrist he "gets" their symbolic language but again its speculation.

The larger "keepers" of morphs or larger dangerous forms are like sharks... They give off a vary merciless aura and that's what probably freaks out the majority of people that encounter them despite their unrivaled beauty.

When flying in formation or among my Shrine (destroyer class ship) the nomads were always at play or... seemingly playful. Oddly at rest around the cultists and even some outcasts. Though.. when there was a strange presence around they become hyper aware and hyper violent.

In every case where taunting was used or hostile sentiments were actually aired in regards to taunting the nomads some seemed either completely lost in their own little world or set out right away to defend themselves like some schoolyard bully had called them out.

It seems that while they are agile and dangerous a majority lack a... humanoid no wait that's wrong.. lack a maturity a psychological restraint that most of us learn into adulthood. (well hopefully)

Are we fighting a hive of alien teenagers? Its not that simple.

B.) Raw Data

Their Mind
There are according to Liam three parts of the Nomad mental system.

The Hive which is the underlying all existing connection between everything nomad, it runs their technology and their entire race this is the part that was affected by "The Fall" and created a survival mechanism within the elder minded nomads. It seems that before this incident the connection to the hive was mandatory for a nomad to even think or perceive. Individualism wasn't as prevalent but now it seems that as individual minds isolate themselves from the hive they still must connect to one another.

The second part is what Liam called the sharing or mirror. This is the connection between minds and is a staple of the Cults training. The cult believes humans are now barely capable of this networking of minds which brings us to the ability to centralizing all thoughts and feelings in a hive-mind as the nomads do. The nomads have forced humans into the hive previously with mixed results but isolating humans into a sharing with a single nomad entity is akin to puppetry with the nomad manipulating the strongest mind rules/absorbs. The local sharing or mini sharing of select human or nomads are how most small groups operate. One being in the group is connected to the hive as a hub so the rest of the group doesn't have to. This tree like connection seems to save energy and makes the members of the group more attentive and aware.

The smallest part is the mind level. Liam has said that the eldest minds are strongly joined mass consciousness and that sometimes human minds can be a part of the older minds. It seems that shared networks that become used to one another, compound, and are seen as older... The age or time the mind has been in existence seems to be unsolvable. Liam also alludes that the nomads don't process time like we do if at all.

Morphs are a strange difference of this order. While it seems the Shrine is the source of the morphs their minds are actually mostly human.

I know this is startling but its believed by the cult that the Morphs are an amalgamation of human conciseness packed into a compound consciousness. This generation of K'Hara are now a significant minority. The ramifications of this is startling. It has been documented that they Khara are more "chatty" with humans, however the introduction of the human experience into the mix is most likely an attempt to absorb human memories, experiences, and thought patterns to understand the many cultures.

Another oddity is that the morphs connection to the hive isn't a conscious one, almost like human infants grow into conciseness... Except this baby is 15+ tons of silicon.

The Shrine Conundrum.

The Shrine itself is amazing technology and this gets into the Daam K'Vosh data I've seen and have been told.

Liam had told me in private that one of the secrets and "fringe" theory's of the ancient empire is that it was actually a symbiotic combination of two sentient species and not one. For an empire that is millions of years old im not sure what the significance is... until I started looking at ruins as if there were two different ideas behind the same technologies.

The Shrine is definitely a radical departure from the typical ruins inhabited by nomads and its interior is not near any of the megalithic or Gothic stylized structures commonly seen on Crete, Sprauge, and the so called Manhattan ruins that were covered up in the 300's.

It seems that at some point the more biological styles ruins fade off into history and the current Daam K'vosh style takes over and the Shrine seems to be a leftover of the earlier prevalent style.

Artifacts with crystal components that endure also seem to contain the same energy forms the shrine emanates. I can only guess that thoughts, memories, and even emotions were stored there as some sort of "bank" and that the visions given to the shrine devotees are merely picking up on the mental energies their most compatible with.

Artifacts long dead come to life within the shrine and the shrine itself seems to feed on the high radioactive environment of the system it is in. The system is most likely in another sector of space near a super cluster because the ambient light is much higher then the Sirius sector. That would place the system closer to the galactic core and the possibility exists that an entirely more ancient set of ruins are prevalent there. The exit jump-hole in the system is actively projected by ruins in the system... the high viscosity and radiation prevented me from observing or scanning for a true source of triolic or inverse triolic patterns (guessed to form jump holes).


The rule of form is that the larger and more compound the mind the more "vessels" it controls as it seems there are minds or even not so unified fragments that split off to form networks of actually ship in flight.

Fighter craft can represent smaller minds, or be projected from the source community of minds.

This rule continues up the ladder it seems. Though the larger the vessel the more strongly felt their minds are. I have seen a Marduk fry the synapses of liberty rouges without firing a shot, its scary, but strangely they do not reveal the fact they can telepathic harm another often.

C.) Observations

I am not a psychiatrist, but we need a team of them. I have hours of conversations recorded and that I've uploaded to the archives. Only by understanding how their minds work can we see the shape of our enemy.

If you think blowing up a large nomad ship deals them a significant blow.. there's a hundred replacement ships waiting to be inhabited by the recently destroyed. That minds experiences, knowledge, and skills aren't lost. Their enriched by their defeat. In fact inflicting experience upon a smaller mind causes them to grow and compound.

Either we can adapt our tactics to recognize this or learn to be immortal. I don't think we can do the latter without seriously compromising our humanity.

I did notice however that there are "figures" within the nomads that seem to point or head initiatives. These are called Elders by the cult. and the Eldest mind who is a frequent guest of Malta is an entity known as Harbinger.

Its only initiative is the defense and dominance of the hive. There is a sub node I became quite familiar with as well named Aruru that seems to be a more feminine version of Harbinger, though more... quick to speak or understand then harbingers "Obey or Explode" stance on most outsiders.

I don't pretend to even understand how they think.. but I know the answer IS there. The Hive is a blissful loving experience... but if that's true? then why are some of the nomads homicidal and intent on our total usurpation? Destruction? ... This is why we don't just need scientists of the mind.. but visionaries who can crack the method to their madness.

The cultists embraced by the hive are hooked for life because of the experience of never being alone for eternity.... does a lot to make you un afraid of dying or..fear of even being hurt. Its strong enough to make your own species wrong and the alien alternative way more appealing.

I can probably blame my implants for keeping me numb from a lot of this... but the point isn't their way is wrong and ours is right... that wins them converts. What matters is they want to ... make us all subservient and not a threat and the only way i know they can be satisfied is if were all loyal pets. This shouldn't sit well with anyone.

My Intel helps us but there much more work to be done and researched. Its time to do some manipulating of our own.

Report C : For High Command - HuggieSunrise - 09-07-2012

IV. Secrets
A.) Maltese Afflictions

Malta's heightening imports of slavery despite the fact... a glaring majority regularly purchasing their freedom and becoming quite successful still remain enslaved through the cardamine. The cultures imported into Malta isn't quite the melting pot that's routinely sensationalized by the propaganda you see by the planets naturalization institutions. Their society is starting to fracture.

A lot of effort is being done to inject as much genetic diversity to this world and there is a reason.

The curb of the native population is still high but the average age of this has approached 70 years of age and is rising by the month. The oldest ages run from 127-220. (rumors say twice this number have been recorded in family bibles) Some of these men and women look old and oddly enough some do not. The other factor going for the native population is their extremely (nearly impervious) cardiovascular health.

Cancer is on the rise but aliments from the wear and tear of age is nonexistent. It seems while copper is available in all of the fauna of the planet and cardamine compliments the good health of the advanced ages on the world.

The silent elephant in the room though, whats being ignored is the cause of the sterility. Cryer pharma has studied this issue at great length because simply Cardamine is the only substance that eliminates 88% or more of age related diseases and magically does so, they still cant fully explain it.

My grandma often told us that if you eat everything your body needs you can live forever. She ate two meals a day drank scotch and lived to 119 she also cooked with a wood stove and cut salt with ashes.

Had she been taking cardamine her metabolism would have been half, would have eaten half as much as the normal grandma (and by logic) lived half as long. This isn't the case with most addicted.

The addicted's metabolism is altered to eat less and extract a majority of nutrients at half the rate. Oddly enough the RNA altered has nothing to do with metabolism. Something else must be changing that we cannot see. and I believe I found it in consumption rates.

Cardamine metabolizes radiation as body energy. I.E. along with selenium and other trace minerals interact in the skin to metabolize all forms of radiation. The vary rays of the sun energize the body. If the body is insulated from light (in captivity and in low light) the subject actually eats more.

The signs as to whats being changed geneticly is seen in the more sequential generations. And its only because of the Cults records I was able to compare.

Early examinations of children being born show the infants thyroid and glandular system is underdeveloped, but because of the cardamine being absorbed at early age this doesn't matter. Everything is running at half rates. As the first generation child starts introducing trace minerals like iodides and selenium the body consumes less food and the adulthood metabolism sets in.

Second generation to fourth generation show marked underdevelopment and premature births of every major organ system of the body. These generations began being more common in the 600's however this was also the beginning of mass slavery injections of genetic lines into Malta. Fresh dna from outside of the omicron seemingly reset the premature/under development of children birthed no matter the generation of the parent.

According to the cult as of right now Malta is approaching its 28th generation. Within these generations we have more cases of addled mental ability from regular consumption of cardamine. If someone with a delicate genetic structure overindulges, they go nuts, homicidal, or worse.. or all of the above.

This line "depending on genetics" will approach 90% of malta in less then 100 years. Were talking a baby boom of possibly mutated/mental merciless insane psychopaths.

And if the Cult knows this. The nomads definitely know this.

B.) The Cure

The Liquid Cardamine maternity kits are due to be released soon to a highly receptive "baby crazy" Maltese populous. Considering once their seen as working a new generation of mentally strong and highly engineered youth will take over the population. These children may not be as scary or powerful as the example I've seen but they will be telepathic enough to easily pacify and control the normal population when they approach adulthood.

I also surmise that this "indigo generation" will have more in common with the nomads then normal man and thus effectively seal the fate of the Outcasts. I don't want to even think of what these children will be like in space. Odds are they will be able to manipulate and use nomad technology, but they will be somewhat human... In my experience.. we don't effectively limit ourselves with deadly toys with others. Also it possible this is a plan to facilitate a "buffer force" between the K'Hara and humanity in the future.

The only other alternative would be to try and influence the outcasts to not use these kits. As fresh generations have fixed the atrophy for generations it would just mean that more screening and selective breeding will have to be put in place for the Maltese now that their population is larger and flooded with more advanced generations.

There is a fear however that the oldest families will or..have already used the kits because they've reached the "dead end" or 30th generation already.

C.) Where this is all going.

Its more then apparent that the nomads know that the grasses were altered by the Daam K'vosh who altered Malta's ancient ecology to use more sunlight as food. Nomads are remarkably similar as radiation of all forms feed/run/regenerate their vessels.

Other worlds with similar conditions as Malta exist in the Sirius sector, however what they exhibit in common are depleted resources, habitable, depleted or missing ecology despite the systems age.

Also empty and subterranean alien ruins can also be present but not every time.

What seems to have happened here is the Grasses were left over as a telltale sign that these worlds were mined out worlds for some large construction project. The local life was altered to eat less and subsist less as they worked thier own worlds resources for the Daam K'vosh whom left the world behind leaving the inhabitant to die out of this partial genetic alteration.

It wasn't Cardamine however that does this... Its the liquid bio-genetic soup that seemingly Nomads can reproduce. Cardamine is just a simple plant thats either:
a.) closer to the original source of the mutagen then predicted.
b.) a special crop created to keep the local life alive for an extended period beyond its natural means.

Its existence creates an imbalance to what may have been intended to die out and take all the evidence with the passing of ages.

IE. A bio weapon that leaves the world its applied to clean for resettlement without endangering a colony to be placed later. However in this period the Daam K'Vosh vanished.

Did cardamine do this? Unknown. The local die out of the Daam may not mean all of them are gone, our knowledge and exploration of our home sector dwarfs the accomplishments of the common era and time may reveal the complete answers but the threat here remains.

A bio weapon left behind by a more advanced civilization we could ever imagine may lead to the complete extinction of the human race. Fresh genetic lines of humanity is a precious resource, this plant slowly but sure renders that diversity to a dead end.

Report C : For High Command - HuggieSunrise - 09-08-2012

V. Conclusions

Its difficult to summarize what we are up against in light of the previous sections of the report. Therefore the meat or the difficult Intel, that will need proving and verification is put here. It will sound vary dramatic but its partly the reason why I knew... I had to leave.

I have months worth of transcriptions of alien communication. It seems that recording mental images and communications from xeno forms are possible with the right tweaking of my covert implants. Roughly 45% of my brain is cybernetic and I think that's why MOST nomad forms find it unnerving to communicate.

But that certainly didn't stop them. It seems that Nomads communicate by spamming the entire nervous system and whatever part illicit a response the form turns up the volume. This is vary invasive and disturbing to humans...

But their "symbolism" and jumble speak is clearly a language they've made up to talk to US. I have to blame the root level of the nomad mind for this. Most sentient beings seek to understand and communicate and if this was all there was moving things and dictating the activity of the hive we would be perfectly safe.

I know what this sounds like. Letting the nomads live after all the potential danger is unthinkable tot he stubborn and fearful, but you must know that to be able to control them or keep them non hostile in their intent could buy us precious time to deal with the true danger to our race. Cardamine.

We can fight a losing battle against the nomads who are essentially immortal. We could find out what form of Daam K'Vosh artifacts can alter and shut down their support systems but as far as what I've absorbed from the nomads about "that freelancer" is that they knew he didn't understand or that we didn't understand what we had. It was seen as a purging of reserve assets but its apparent from what I've caught over time it didn't get everything in their arsenal.

Thats the problem. The enemy is formidable, they may not have the force to utterly wipe us out because of some hidden psychological belief.

What Happened

I have in the archive and under lock-down along with all my my transcripts some events of Minor.

The blanks were filled in by three-winds who actually said he was resurrect by the events of the fall. He said he remembered dying at the shrine and being torn... and that while and indeterminable time passed he was more or less without identity or form.

He described the sequence of events like seeing all of existence being eclipsed by a dark circle, millions of smaller lights tried to move or "fill" this void but failed eventually many of the lights blinked out...

The more they disappeared the more whole he felt... Eventually he saw more lights burrowing through or trying to break this darkness. A single orange ..well.. entity seemingly went into the darkness from his point of view. And it suddenly popped. The event was brilliant he saw many things.. memories, information. In which the large orange entity absorbed a great deal.

Three-Winds said it took time for him to remember the event when he woke up in a body but he knew now that the being that absorbed so much was Harbinger. The cult recorded that the Outcasts assisted the surviving divine forms with cardamine to relive their "affliction" The Harbinger form supposedly found the artifact causing this affliction and promptly removed it.

Three Winds is a strange factor in this story because he claims that while he is of the divine he still has his free will. And that despite Harbinger trying to convince him otherwise... Harbinger Lied to the divine to the origins of "The Fall" being the Order.

It seems... vary dramatic. But the point here is Toledo was attacked seemingly by nomads on the pure directive of Harbinger as soon as a small group of ships again under control of this node found something The Hive either archived, forgotten, or buried.

ORB disclosed before he was integrated into the Sanctuary that he assisted a small group of nomad ships in opening the Lock on a large sphere in Major. And escorted what looked like a large undeveloped nomad structure from it.

Orb also admitted that it couldn't open the lock again despite efforts after the attack.

This "proforma" or embryo worked. harbinger knew where it was. knew what going access it and acted like a hidden hand to secure this structure. Probably for itself.

Its unknown wither it has control of this structure but eyewitness and black box accounts from the attack showed it was giant and largely invulnerable and seemingly swallowed/destroyed the Isis.

The Isis power-core was highly advanced and that's all I know about it... its possible the Isis was assimilated but this embryo to give it power enough to destroy Toledo.

Take over?

There is a significant change in the hive. It has changed to the point that three-winds believed that nodes would SPLIT from sharing with the hive to protect itself.

Researching an incident in Tau-23 recorded by both IMG, Zoner, Outcasts. Harbinger was literally attacked by a sub node. Harbinger "won" this but... Is there a civil war? A split?

is this a real chance?

The cult of Sirius and the outcasts are being railroaded at full speed to be perfect servants/companions of the nomads... oddly this feels like its an initiative of the Whole and not just harbinger.

I belieave Three-Winds when he said harbinger lied, It seems that a pervasive element conspired or worked to pu harbinger in majority control of the hive. Im not a full on scientist but it seems something stronger is making the Nomads play a role they hadent been before. For 20 years thier activity was at a null point and now its worse then ever.

I suspect the Daam K'vosh or survivors are manipulating them via Harbinger.


This maybe impossible for us to do, but we need to find a way to destroy and or "kill" the Harbinger Node.

We need to put serious effort in to discovering how to communicate with nodes and minds of the hive that do not support Harbinger. In fact when I posed the question to my Brother... he said a lifeform like the nomads couldent lie... and that if they could keep secrets now that they where de evolving or dying.

I beleave this. I think "The Fall" the cult talks about was a invisable knife in the mind of the hive and until its removed they will not survive or evolve.

Harbingers priorities are to initiate another war between humans and to use the confusion of this war to locate Daam information vaults and either covet them or destroy them. If thats the case we needed to secure these information caches yesterday because the "keys" to the nomads "ascention" are supposedly withing (source: The Ishmael Vault in Malta)

I suspect that these vaults were left behind for the nomads to graduate themselves... but within there maybe something we can either bargain with or use to make them nonhostile or possibly to send then away for good.

I don't belieave a persistent workforce like the nomads CANT die because if there was a default built into the race the nomads would be able to self eliminate.. Instead of diving into minefields, stars, or inciting their destruction.

So there you have it... everything I know.

I hope the high command acts on this.. because I dont want to know whats manipulating the Nomads to be this hyper agressive.

An unseen enemy is the true threat.