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Novas? - celestina - 09-08-2012

Hello everyone, after a long break i came again. Nevermind,

Now what the hell is wrong with novas? They dont hit Bison, Mastodon, Hatchet, Kronos, Legate, Imperator, Firefly, Thresher properly, (these are my encounters, i'm sure there are more)

So what makes nova a decent weapon against Supernova?
Simply nothing!

It has more damage, and less energy usage, but it has ammo! You need to resupply frequently.
It's turn rate makes it impossible to hit GBs from 500M> (unless he stays without turning)
And if you want to hit them to GBs, you can press it at 0M, but if you are unshielded, you are doomed.

Maybe fix it's explosion range? Make it bigger?
Maybe make it turn more or dont target CMs so much, because if the target has CM, it's really hard to hit, again, it's a drawback...

Or, all these things are intentional making Nova sometimes useless, sometimes op?

Novas? - sindroms - 09-08-2012

It was never intended to be good against gunboats...or cruisers for that matter. The Nova allows you to deal good amounts of damage without putting yourself at risk too much. In a cap battle, your dual nova bomber can stay at 4k range and spam them at the caps without going withing solaris or razor range. Which, must I remind, makes Crusiers with razor/basic loadout quite lethal.

Its weaknesses are the fact that it not always works against shields, so you need to know the right angle to keep yourself from your target at, it is destroyable by CDs and flaks and it requires you to restock. Nothing that can not be overcome by asking your comtrades to keep extra nova torps in their hold and utilizing your speed.

Novas? - Miranda - 09-08-2012

Novas are long range torpedoes for taking out battleships and large cruisers without getting too close. Against large caps they deal extreme damage if they aren't stopped by flak guns.

Novas? - Madvillain - 09-08-2012

Exactly , best way to use them is in open fields while keeping large distance from your (big) target.
In that terrain torp>snac for sure.
They are horrible vs anything smaller than a cruiser though.

Novas? - jammi - 09-08-2012

Also consider the fact that Novas accelerate to their max speed over time - which also improves their turning. So against a large target, you're actually more likely to make a hit from further away, when the torpedo has more time to adjust its own course and gain momentum.

SNACs are much more useful against smaller targets though, yes.

Novas? - Psymple - 09-08-2012

I Still think Bretonia needs special ones with full of Mox...
But yeah Novas are epic, don't nerf em.

Would be cool if you could mount bomber torps on gunboat CD slots...
I want a Bottlenose with a Nova torpedo launcher so it can be even
more OP!!!!

Novas? - Ursus - 09-08-2012

They are good for blowing up 5k that cant evade and doesnt have CM or CD. They are good for blowing up BS if you are in a group of 3 bombers that can overwhelm the flaks and CMs. They are good at killing cruisers in groups of 2 bombers if you can overcome evasion, CMs, and CDs. Light dessies and below just evade, CM, and CD. This is why the super-heavy bombers are cap killers and the lighter bombers are better for smaller caps.

Its possible to kill a cruiser by yourself if you use SNAC to deshield and then spam NOVA from a little distance. You get 4 NOVA in the air and 1-2 are going to hit.

They also do area damage, so if you shoot one into an asteroid it will do big damage to anything around it. And they blow equipment off the ships even if they dont kill it.

Novas? - Zukeenee - 09-08-2012

' Wrote:Against large caps they deal extreme damage
On the other hand, against really large caps, they often won't do any hull damage at all. In 4.85, they would do consistent hull damage and spotty shield damage. In 4.86, it seems that's been reversed. If the target is especially large, like a Liberty Carrier or a Venator, Novas will only do hull damage from a certain angle. At least, this is what I've encountered in my experiences with Novas.

Aside from the prevailing bugs with Nova damage, they work well as long-range, spammable, fire-and-forget torpedoes. SNACs require a bomber to get in close, aim, and require a lot more power to fire. Each has their own merits. I consider Novas to be far from useless.

Novas? - Miranda - 09-08-2012

' Wrote:On the other hand, against really large caps, they often won't do any hull damage at all. In 4.85, they would do consistent hull damage and spotty shield damage. In 4.86, it seems that's been reversed. If the target is especially large, like a Liberty Carrier or a Venator, Novas will only do hull damage from a certain angle. At least, this is what I've encountered in my experiences with Novas.

Aside from the prevailing bugs with Nova damage, they work well as long-range, spammable, fire-and-forget torpedoes. SNACs require a bomber to get in close, aim, and require a lot more power to fire. Each has their own merits. I consider Novas to be far from useless.

The two Ranseurs I've killed today in my escort probably feel like they do. Novas need some work, lag is their biggest enemy. Any lag at all will render them completely useless and may be responsible for them not doing damage as you observed. For this reason I never suggest going dual-nova on a bomber but rather SNAC/Nova as a SNAC is still reliable. I wouldn't mind seeing them nerfed to do little to no shield damage if Incapacitator torps were made actually useful.

Novas? - Hone - 09-08-2012

Novas are good, but theres a server bug which makes them not work against large ships from some angles.

There are many threads detailing this, and Art tried to fix it for .86, but I think he said in his bug thread that it was still broken, and he wasnt sure what to do about it.