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To the Unioners, LWB, AGS. - Printable Version

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To the Unioners, LWB, AGS. - Corsair - 09-08-2012

--Incoming Transmission--
-[color=orange]Hellfire Legion Encryption-
-- Origin: Magellan, Independent Worlds --
-- Sender ID: Speaker for the ExMortis --

Greetings to the leadership of the Landwirtrechtbewegung, Arbeitgewerkerschaft, and Unioners. I represent the ExMortis, a fledgling race still trying to find its feet. We have been sequestered in Hellfire Legion territory for repairs for the last few months and need to stretch our legs. We are sending this transmission using their encryption codes so that you know we are genuine.

We understand that the Hellfire has had dealings with your organizations and we would like to follow that trail to make some deals of our own. What we want in particular is access to your shipyards for repairs. We shall pay a sum of credits to your respective organizations for permission make use of your facilities.

We do not expect to make heavy use of your bases; we would merely like to have the option if the need arises.

Our ship is our home, and it needs maintenance to continue functioning. We cannot return to Vespucci every time we need repairs, so that is why we are asking you. Our vessel is an old Kusari Destroyer- all we would require from your shipyards is hull panels and spare electronics. And as stated earlier, we would pay generously for the materials and labor.

Please reply in this channel so that we can negotiate terms.

To the Unioners, LWB, AGS. - Corsair - 09-08-2012

--Incoming Transmission--
-[color=orange]Hellfire Legion Encryption-
-- Origin: Magellan, Independent Worlds --
-- Sender ID: Speaker for the ExMortis --

Re-sending transmission.

To the Unioners, LWB, AGS. - Jansen - 09-11-2012

Incoming Transmission...

Comm ID: Alberich


If our allies trust you enough to give you access to their communication codes you have to be someone we can trust as well.
I do not see many things opposing your request, however I would like to know more about this generous payment you are offering. Are we talking about Credits here? Lots of them?
If so we have a deal.


Transmission lost...

To the Unioners, LWB, AGS. - Corsair - 09-11-2012

--Incoming Transmission--
-[color=orange]Hellfire Legion Encryption-
-- Origin: Koeln, Rheinland --
-- Sender ID: Speaker for the ExMortis --

Indeed. We are offering a sum of fifty million credits, plus whatever operating expenses you charge us on your bases. This money was not easy to come by, so we hope that it will satisfy your needs.