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i have been ban for no reason! - Printable Version

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i have been ban for no reason! - Nobunaga - 09-09-2012

hi..i was trying to log on the crash 2 time...then i get ban
i have Red-Sky...,koido...Meo.Pencher....def-silent...those are the char on this account...
thak you!

i have been ban for no reason! - Talesin - 09-09-2012

Post here, including the name of one of the characters on the account.


i have been ban for no reason! - Revan - 09-09-2012

' Wrote:hi..i was trying to log on the crash 2 time...then i get ban
i have Red-Sky...,koido...Meo.Pencher....def-silent...those are the char on this account...
thak you!

Yeah I have noticed the server has auto-banned a number of players for no reason. It happened around the time the server restarted a few days ago. Contact an Admin or use the link above and you should be set to go.

- Rev