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To: Libertonian Governent - Printable Version

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To: Libertonian Governent - Switchback - 09-09-2012

**Incoming Transmission**
Comm ID: Owen Hamlin

Its been a while between communiques, and I just want to see about having some more up to date clearance
information for our logs, and so that whenever we are stopped by Naval Captains we have a more up to date
communique to reference to regarding our clearance. We have been keeping up a log of the ships activities both
within Liberty and in the systems that connect to Liberty.

Also, during a routine stop by a Liberty Dreadnought named LNS-Olympia, there where some unusual
residual radiation traces coming from what seemed like the entire ship. We would like to investigate this
further, and if you have any knowledge of who commands the LNS-Olympia that would be great.

-Owen Hamlin

Attached Comm Channels:
Clearance Communique | Operational Logs

**Transmission Complete**

To: Libertonian Governent - Switchback - 09-13-2012

**Transmission re-sent**

To: Libertonian Governent - The Republic Of Liberty - 09-14-2012

Owen Hamlin;

Consider this a renewal of the previous arrangement, on the same terms. You are free to direct anyone who asks to see the relevant paperwork to this address, and allow them to follow the various comms links you have provided.

- Robert McKay, Secretary of State for Defense.

To: Libertonian Governent - Switchback - 09-16-2012

**Incoming Transmission**
Comm ID: Owen Hamlin

Gotcha. This will make life a bit easier.

Regarding the trace radiation readings. It seems that they are present on various other naval vessels.
There seems to be a correlation between the radiation and experimental technology we have seen being demo'd
at some of the various expo's hosted by the Zoners. Specifically, cloaking technology.

While I have told the science teams that this request will most likely be denied outright, they have convinced me
to at least ask. So this is a formal request for clearing the required crew on this technology and the possibility
to build one of the prototypes for study. As this technology is probably highly classified, and assuming you
approve the clearance, I would like to request a Security team to bolster our small team. Being prepared is
better than being caught with ones pants down.

-Owen Hamlin
**Transmission Complete**

To: Libertonian Governent - Switchback - 09-20-2012

**Resending Transmission**

RE: To: Libertonian Governent - Switchback - 09-27-2012

**Resending Transmission(again)**