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Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - SparkyRailgun - 09-11-2012

[Image: TQBpX.png]
Kinkiku Tanritsu

<span style="font-size:24pt;line-height:100%]History

The Golden Chrysanthemums are a terrorist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the current Kusari government and replacing it with a matriarchy under the rulership of Yuyu Matusda’s last remaining offspring.

Most scholars date the start of the group as publication of "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom" in 642 A.S. The author Yuyu Matsuda was a young but critically acclaimed poet. Charismatic and well spoken Matsuda had a considerable following among young Kusari women who found their lives lacking direction, but were reluctant to become married and fulfil their traditional role in Kusari society.

Yuyu decried what she saw was corruption of the Kusari male-dominated culture and preached a revolution led by the long suffering women of the Kusari. These ideas were eventually encapsulated in "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom" in which Matsuda described a fictitious nation called Yomi. A place of fat, lazy male bureaucrats who handed out concessions at the whim of entrenched mega-corporations. Yomi was eventually engulfed in revolution and united under the rule of a benevolent empress personally selected by the goddess Amaterasu to watch over her people.

Unfortunately in 648 A.S, Matsuda crossed the dangerous line between ideas and actions when she was implicated in the botched assassination attempt of the planetary governor of Kyushu. Rather than face the ignominy of imprisonment, Matsuda chose ritual suicide instead.

With the overthrowing of the Samura backed government and the truce with the Gallic Kingdom in 818 AS many of the less violent Chrysanthemums, along them the current Okasan Rika Ito, deemed their fight to have ended successfully. They decided to declare the Chrysanthemums fight to be over and attempted to return back into the society and to their families.

However, a smaller part of the Chrysanthemums was not satisfied with the changes in Kusari, as they saw Kishiro’s more democratic approach to be nothing but a short term solution. Their ultimate goal was to seek revenge for the maltreatment of women committed by the male dominated Kusari society and by founding a matriarchy that would not tolerate men in any positions with responsibility.

This matriarchy should be under the rulership of Sayuri Matsuda, the only remaining offspring of Yuyu Matsuda, backed up by a small group of radical Chrysanthemums under Amaya Tanaka’s leadership. Takana had been an adviser of the Council of Elders before, but due to her being a woman that saw no value in the lives of those opposing her she was discharged from this position previously.

Soon after Rika Ito decided to disband the Chrysanthemum movement a bomb exploded in her office, killing her and all of her staff. At the same time a message sent on all Chrysanthemum channels proclaimed their new leaders name, Amaya Tanaka.

It was not long, however, until this new breed of Chrysanthemum began to splinter. Certain members of the sisterhood found Tanaka’s methods to be weak and without focus, and began to read more into the teachings of Matsuda. Most found themselves believing more and more in the paradise of Yomi looked over by the goddess Amaterasu, to the point where the basic faith shared by all sisters of the Chrysanthemum turned to a more fervent religion.

One of these sisters, a Chrysanthemum by the name of Kuroko Shirai, rose as a leader of the growing group by claiming she was the hand of Amaterasu, gifted with the power to bring about the advent of the paradise they sought. Caught in their blind faith to their goddess, it wasn’t hard for Shirai to gain control of the Sisters through manipulation of their beliefs. She used her position with the Chrysanthemum in an attempt to lobby the leadership into the new religion, an attempt which sadly failed. She halted her advance, instead focusing on honing the current members and recruiting more among the rank and file of the Sisterhood, and eventually her patience was rewarded.

Amaya Tanaka’s control over the Chrysanthemum fell apart, due to a lack of progress towards their goal, partly helped by the growing dissent formed by Shirai’s movement within the Sisterhood. Without a leader, the Golden Chrysanthemums as whole fell into a dormant state, continuing what it had always done, but with no clear goal. Shirai stepped forward and announced the formation of the Kinkiku Tanritsu, a group within the Chrysanthemum that would give the Sisterhood a very clear goal, and something to truly believe in.

While not all Chrysanthemum have joined the Kinkiku Tanritsu, a sizeable portion desperate for someone to follow have rushed to Kuroko Shirai’s command, ready to pursue the ultimate goal of Yomi, paradise in Kusari.


Harass, extort or destroy the vessels and orbital assets of the filthy corporations Samura Heavy Industries and Kishiro Technologies. The former supported the government that killed so many sisters and oppressed the women of Kusari, and the latter are nothing but traitorous dogs who deserve a slow death for their broken promises.

Destroy any vessels and orbital assets of the Farmer’s Alliance and Hogosha. Both supported the former government and were the cause of many a Chrysanthemum death. Their underhanded tactics cannot go unpunished.

Harass & destroy where possible the vessels and orbital assets of the Kusari Naval Forces and Kusari State Police. Even with the Imperial Shogunate destroyed, more fools rise to take their place for the benefit of the new government.

Give any aid possible to our old friends in the Blood Dragons. While our end-goals may differ our methods remain similar, and we do not wish to go back on old promises made. Once our enemies have been dealt with, decisions will be made as to do with these honourable Dragons.

Give any aid possible to the Junkers while they are subverting Hogosha control of the Kusari black market. Yomi cannot exist with either, but it will be much easier to uproot the Junkers in future than the fully enmeshed syndicate that is the Hogosha.

Give any aid possible to the Gas Miners Guild. We rely on their benevolence for fuel, and they have in the past acted against the throne to our benefit. They will make powerful allies once the Republic is destroyed.

Ensure the continued safe operation of Interspace Commerce within Kusari. They have helped the sisterhood in the past, and with luck in the future. If nothing else, their presence annoys the keiretsu.

Establish faith towards Amaterasu within the civilian population of Kusari. We will need the people to believe in our ideals after the Chrysanthemum Throne has been established, so it is better to begin sooner than later.

Establish positive relations with the other Houses of Sirius. This will be difficult, as the new government is much more compatible and friendly with the houses, but we must try nonetheless. Yomi cannot exist if we are in a state of war.


All diplomacy is as the Kinkiku Tanritsu views it towards the NPC faction, which may differ from the official faction’s opinion of their relation. Official Faction relations will be added once the faction makes contact with them.


Golden Chrysanthemums: Obviously, the Kinkiku Tanritsu will strive to aid their sisters, even if they are weaker in faith.
Blood Dragons: An alliance was forged between the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum long ago. While we may only be allies out of necessity, the Blood Dragons remain powerful friends. What will happen once those goals are finally reached, only time will tell.
\CS\ The Consortium: Another alliance forged from necessity. We do not like their presence within the GC but they are, for now, too enmeshed to remove like the tumor they are. Too many of our sisters have been blinded by their lies for us remove them through force, and so for now they are a unnecessary evil to continue our fight.


Junkers: Their presence in Kusari only weakens the Hogosha’s grip on the black market, and they bring trade to Ainu which can only be viewed as a positive thing.
Interspace Commerce: They allow us to utilise Roppongi Station in secrecy, which is of great benefit to us. In return, we ensure the protection of their assets within Kusari.
Gas Miners Guild: We rely on their benevolence to fuel our ships, and hope to grow friendlier with them in the future.
Lane Hackers/Liberty Rogues: Our contacts within Liberty, they both open the door for Cardamine trade within the house. Past dealings with the Chrysanthemum have been favourable.
Outcasts: We rely on the Outcasts for a supply of Cardamine, which not only makes us stronger but also gives us a very valuable trade commodity.


All Factions not listed.


Kusari Naval Forces/Kusari State Police: Tools of the government which only stand in our way.
Samura Heavy Industries: For supporting the government that oppressed us, they will pay the ultimate price.
Kishiro Technologies: Once considered our friends, if only in secret, their control over the new government has ended in no tangible benefit to the Sisterhood. They appear to no longer have an interest in our ideals, and as such will be dealt with in the same way as their competitor.
Kusari Exiles: The Kusari Empire in exile remains as disgusting as it did in power, and while we do not wish for harsh relations with Bretonia, we will not tolerate the Shogunate’s continued existence.
Hogosha: Their control over the black market and dealings with Samura and the old government were despicable to say the least, and it looks like they continue with their ways even under the new government.
Farmers Alliance: Angry farmers with their hands in Samura’s pockets have no place in Yomi.
Corsairs: Staunch enemies of our friends the Outcasts, we cannot afford to like them.


Prophetess/Hand of Amaterasu
Leader of the Kinkiku Tanritsu, both spiritually and effectively, the Prophetess is Amaterasu's will made physical. Farseer
The most devout followers of Amaterasu, and priestesses that have shown resounding ability are sometimes promoted to Farseers. The Farseers make up a council of sorts, and are whom the Prophetess discusses the Kinkiku Tanritsu's operations with.
  • N\A
Those Sisters that show a notable devotion to Amaterasu are often granted the title of Priestess and fulfill a mentor role within the Sisterhood. Most Acolytes and Initiates have their favourite Priestess, the one they go to with their troubles and worries. Priestesses often lead combat patrols and operations. Acolyte/Sister
The main bulk of the Kinkiku Tanritsu, Acolytes (or Sisters as they are more commonly known as; the distinction is made due to confusion when speaking about/to regular members of the Golden Chrysanthemum) are everything from the fighting force and mechanics to the cooks and cleaners. Initiate
Those who have recently pledged themselves to the Kinkiku Tanritsu remain as probationary members until their devotion is assured, and are often given menial tasks around the Sisterhood.
  • N/A

Other Stuff

Tag: [^] (//Taking suggestions, this one works from the first Kanji of our name)
ID: Golden Chrysanthemum
IFF: Golden Chrysanthemum
Naming Convention: Kinkiku Tanritsu roleplay is similar to that of vanilla Golden Chrysanthemums, however we have one fundamental difference; Religion. Though it is assumed many if not all GC follow Shinto or some derivative, particularly worship of the goddess Amaterasu as Matsuda wrote, the Kinkiku Tanritsu is first and foremost a religious body. Following the words of their current Leader and Prophet Kuroko Shirai, all members are strong in their devotion to Amaterasu. How this devotion manifests differentiates between Sisters. Some, like Shirai, are zealous in their pursuit of Yomi as a Kusari Empire ruled by an Empress, and will sacrifice much in order to achieve it. Others are more relaxed in their worship, preferring instead to set their sights on Yomi as a religion in worship of Amaterasu, more than paradise itself. Either way, all follow the Prophet's words, either by respect or true faith that she is the will of Amaterasu herself.


Message Dump
Reports, various in-faction announcements and whatnot.

Message to Kusari
Kuroko speaks to Kusari in a way only someone wishing to spread propaganda would.

Communication to the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Reaffirmation of friendship, discussions on techsharing and a ceasefire with Interspace.

Communication to Interspace Commerce
Reaffirmation of friendship, pledge of support and discussion on ceasefire with Outcasts

Communication from Tim Finnegan (Junkers Congress) & Communication from Andy 'Trailblazer' (Junkers)
Request for the use of an Orchid Bomber.

Communication to The Consortium
General back-and-forth between distrusting and disliking parties, eventual discussion of valuable prisoners needing to be broken out.

Communication from Ozei Ruousha
Originally to the old GC leadership, Kuroko replied under them way back when and decided to reuse it recently to discuss Ozei's allegiance.

Communication to Omicron Supply Industries
Follow up from an in-game incident.

GC history used with permission from former [GC] leader.
If you wish to join, send me a PM with your character bio and their reasons for joining the KT.

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - SparkyRailgun - 09-11-2012

[Image: TQBpX.png]
Kinkiku Tanritsu

<span style="font-size:24pt;line-height:100%]History

The Golden Chrysanthemums are a terrorist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the current Kusari government and replacing it with a matriarchy under the rulership of Yuyu Matusda’s last remaining offspring.

Most scholars date the start of the group as publication of "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom" in 642 A.S. The author Yuyu Matsuda was a young but critically acclaimed poet. Charismatic and well spoken Matsuda had a considerable following among young Kusari women who found their lives lacking direction, but were reluctant to become married and fulfil their traditional role in Kusari society.

Yuyu decried what she saw was corruption of the Kusari male-dominated culture and preached a revolution led by the long suffering women of the Kusari. These ideas were eventually encapsulated in "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom" in which Matsuda described a fictitious nation called Yomi. A place of fat, lazy male bureaucrats who handed out concessions at the whim of entrenched mega-corporations. Yomi was eventually engulfed in revolution and united under the rule of a benevolent empress personally selected by the goddess Amaterasu to watch over her people.

Unfortunately in 648 A.S, Matsuda crossed the dangerous line between ideas and actions when she was implicated in the botched assassination attempt of the planetary governor of Kyushu. Rather than face the ignominy of imprisonment, Matsuda chose ritual suicide instead.

With the overthrowing of the Samura backed government and the truce with the Gallic Kingdom in 818 AS many of the less violent Chrysanthemums, along them the current Okasan Rika Ito, deemed their fight to have ended successfully. They decided to declare the Chrysanthemums fight to be over and attempted to return back into the society and to their families.

However, a smaller part of the Chrysanthemums was not satisfied with the changes in Kusari, as they saw Kishiro’s more democratic approach to be nothing but a short term solution. Their ultimate goal was to seek revenge for the maltreatment of women committed by the male dominated Kusari society and by founding a matriarchy that would not tolerate men in any positions with responsibility.

This matriarchy should be under the rulership of Sayuri Matsuda, the only remaining offspring of Yuyu Matsuda, backed up by a small group of radical Chrysanthemums under Amaya Tanaka’s leadership. Takana had been an adviser of the Council of Elders before, but due to her being a woman that saw no value in the lives of those opposing her she was discharged from this position previously.

Soon after Rika Ito decided to disband the Chrysanthemum movement a bomb exploded in her office, killing her and all of her staff. At the same time a message sent on all Chrysanthemum channels proclaimed their new leaders name, Amaya Tanaka.

It was not long, however, until this new breed of Chrysanthemum began to splinter. Certain members of the sisterhood found Tanaka’s methods to be weak and without focus, and began to read more into the teachings of Matsuda. Most found themselves believing more and more in the paradise of Yomi looked over by the goddess Amaterasu, to the point where the basic faith shared by all sisters of the Chrysanthemum turned to a more fervent religion.

One of these sisters, a Chrysanthemum by the name of Kuroko Shirai, rose as a leader of the growing group by claiming she was the hand of Amaterasu, gifted with the power to bring about the advent of the paradise they sought. Caught in their blind faith to their goddess, it wasn’t hard for Shirai to gain control of the Sisters through manipulation of their beliefs. She used her position with the Chrysanthemum in an attempt to lobby the leadership into the new religion, an attempt which sadly failed. She halted her advance, instead focusing on honing the current members and recruiting more among the rank and file of the Sisterhood, and eventually her patience was rewarded.

Amaya Tanaka’s control over the Chrysanthemum fell apart, due to a lack of progress towards their goal, partly helped by the growing dissent formed by Shirai’s movement within the Sisterhood. Without a leader, the Golden Chrysanthemums as whole fell into a dormant state, continuing what it had always done, but with no clear goal. Shirai stepped forward and announced the formation of the Kinkiku Tanritsu, a group within the Chrysanthemum that would give the Sisterhood a very clear goal, and something to truly believe in.

While not all Chrysanthemum have joined the Kinkiku Tanritsu, a sizeable portion desperate for someone to follow have rushed to Kuroko Shirai’s command, ready to pursue the ultimate goal of Yomi, paradise in Kusari.


Harass, extort or destroy the vessels and orbital assets of the filthy corporations Samura Heavy Industries and Kishiro Technologies. The former supported the government that killed so many sisters and oppressed the women of Kusari, and the latter are nothing but traitorous dogs who deserve a slow death for their broken promises.

Destroy any vessels and orbital assets of the Farmer’s Alliance and Hogosha. Both supported the former government and were the cause of many a Chrysanthemum death. Their underhanded tactics cannot go unpunished.

Harass & destroy where possible the vessels and orbital assets of the Kusari Naval Forces and Kusari State Police. Even with the Imperial Shogunate destroyed, more fools rise to take their place for the benefit of the new government.

Give any aid possible to our old friends in the Blood Dragons. While our end-goals may differ our methods remain similar, and we do not wish to go back on old promises made. Once our enemies have been dealt with, decisions will be made as to do with these honourable Dragons.

Give any aid possible to the Junkers while they are subverting Hogosha control of the Kusari black market. Yomi cannot exist with either, but it will be much easier to uproot the Junkers in future than the fully enmeshed syndicate that is the Hogosha.

Give any aid possible to the Gas Miners Guild. We rely on their benevolence for fuel, and they have in the past acted against the throne to our benefit. They will make powerful allies once the Republic is destroyed.

Ensure the continued safe operation of Interspace Commerce within Kusari. They have helped the sisterhood in the past, and with luck in the future. If nothing else, their presence annoys the keiretsu.

Establish faith towards Amaterasu within the civilian population of Kusari. We will need the people to believe in our ideals after the Chrysanthemum Throne has been established, so it is better to begin sooner than later.

Establish positive relations with the other Houses of Sirius. This will be difficult, as the new government is much more compatible and friendly with the houses, but we must try nonetheless. Yomi cannot exist if we are in a state of war.


All diplomacy is as the Kinkiku Tanritsu views it towards the NPC faction, which may differ from the official faction’s opinion of their relation. Official Faction relations will be added once the faction makes contact with them.


Golden Chrysanthemums: Obviously, the Kinkiku Tanritsu will strive to aid their sisters, even if they are weaker in faith.
Blood Dragons: An alliance was forged between the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemum long ago. While we may only be allies out of necessity, the Blood Dragons remain powerful friends. What will happen once those goals are finally reached, only time will tell.
\CS\ The Consortium: Another alliance forged from necessity. We do not like their presence within the GC but they are, for now, too enmeshed to remove like the tumor they are. Too many of our sisters have been blinded by their lies for us remove them through force, and so for now they are a unnecessary evil to continue our fight.


Junkers: Their presence in Kusari only weakens the Hogosha’s grip on the black market, and they bring trade to Ainu which can only be viewed as a positive thing.
Interspace Commerce: They allow us to utilise Roppongi Station in secrecy, which is of great benefit to us. In return, we ensure the protection of their assets within Kusari.
Gas Miners Guild: We rely on their benevolence to fuel our ships, and hope to grow friendlier with them in the future.
Lane Hackers/Liberty Rogues: Our contacts within Liberty, they both open the door for Cardamine trade within the house. Past dealings with the Chrysanthemum have been favourable.
Outcasts: We rely on the Outcasts for a supply of Cardamine, which not only makes us stronger but also gives us a very valuable trade commodity.


All Factions not listed.


Kusari Naval Forces/Kusari State Police: Tools of the government which only stand in our way.
Samura Heavy Industries: For supporting the government that oppressed us, they will pay the ultimate price.
Kishiro Technologies: Once considered our friends, if only in secret, their control over the new government has ended in no tangible benefit to the Sisterhood. They appear to no longer have an interest in our ideals, and as such will be dealt with in the same way as their competitor.
Kusari Exiles: The Kusari Empire in exile remains as disgusting as it did in power, and while we do not wish for harsh relations with Bretonia, we will not tolerate the Shogunate’s continued existence.
Hogosha: Their control over the black market and dealings with Samura and the old government were despicable to say the least, and it looks like they continue with their ways even under the new government.
Farmers Alliance: Angry farmers with their hands in Samura’s pockets have no place in Yomi.
Corsairs: Staunch enemies of our friends the Outcasts, we cannot afford to like them.


Prophetess/Hand of Amaterasu
Leader of the Kinkiku Tanritsu, both spiritually and effectively, the Prophetess is Amaterasu's will made physical. Farseer
The most devout followers of Amaterasu, and priestesses that have shown resounding ability are sometimes promoted to Farseers. The Farseers make up a council of sorts, and are whom the Prophetess discusses the Kinkiku Tanritsu's operations with.
  • N\A
Those Sisters that show a notable devotion to Amaterasu are often granted the title of Priestess and fulfill a mentor role within the Sisterhood. Most Acolytes and Initiates have their favourite Priestess, the one they go to with their troubles and worries. Priestesses often lead combat patrols and operations. Acolyte/Sister
The main bulk of the Kinkiku Tanritsu, Acolytes (or Sisters as they are more commonly known as; the distinction is made due to confusion when speaking about/to regular members of the Golden Chrysanthemum) are everything from the fighting force and mechanics to the cooks and cleaners. Initiate
Those who have recently pledged themselves to the Kinkiku Tanritsu remain as probationary members until their devotion is assured, and are often given menial tasks around the Sisterhood.
  • N/A

Other Stuff

Tag: [^] (//Taking suggestions, this one works from the first Kanji of our name)
ID: Golden Chrysanthemum
IFF: Golden Chrysanthemum
Naming Convention: Kinkiku Tanritsu roleplay is similar to that of vanilla Golden Chrysanthemums, however we have one fundamental difference; Religion. Though it is assumed many if not all GC follow Shinto or some derivative, particularly worship of the goddess Amaterasu as Matsuda wrote, the Kinkiku Tanritsu is first and foremost a religious body. Following the words of their current Leader and Prophet Kuroko Shirai, all members are strong in their devotion to Amaterasu. How this devotion manifests differentiates between Sisters. Some, like Shirai, are zealous in their pursuit of Yomi as a Kusari Empire ruled by an Empress, and will sacrifice much in order to achieve it. Others are more relaxed in their worship, preferring instead to set their sights on Yomi as a religion in worship of Amaterasu, more than paradise itself. Either way, all follow the Prophet's words, either by respect or true faith that she is the will of Amaterasu herself.


Message Dump
Reports, various in-faction announcements and whatnot.

Message to Kusari
Kuroko speaks to Kusari in a way only someone wishing to spread propaganda would.

Communication to the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Reaffirmation of friendship, discussions on techsharing and a ceasefire with Interspace.

Communication to Interspace Commerce
Reaffirmation of friendship, pledge of support and discussion on ceasefire with Outcasts

Communication from Tim Finnegan (Junkers Congress) & Communication from Andy 'Trailblazer' (Junkers)
Request for the use of an Orchid Bomber.

Communication to The Consortium
General back-and-forth between distrusting and disliking parties, eventual discussion of valuable prisoners needing to be broken out.

Communication from Ozei Ruousha
Originally to the old GC leadership, Kuroko replied under them way back when and decided to reuse it recently to discuss Ozei's allegiance.

Communication to Omicron Supply Industries
Follow up from an in-game incident.

GC history used with permission from former [GC] leader.
If you wish to join, send me a PM with your character bio and their reasons for joining the KT.

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - SparkyRailgun - 09-11-2012

Oh, and if you're wondering, Kinkiku Tanritsu means something along the lines of 'Self-founded Order of the Golden Chrysanthemum'

EDIT: Aaaand that was supposed to be an edit of the OP.

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - SparkyRailgun - 09-12-2012

Fixed all the spelling mistakes I made of our own damn name (was Kankiku instead of Kinkiku for whatever reason my sleep deprived brain had for that).

Any feedback on the concept at all?
We're also recruiting.:smile2:

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - Jansen - 09-12-2012

I like it, would be great to have some GCs flying again.

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - LunaticOnTheGrass - 09-12-2012

I've always heard that Kusari is infamous for low activity; hopefully you and the faction will be able to re-ignite things.

Approval from

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - Vulkhard Muller - 09-12-2012

hmm Seems interesting maybe Interspace can get some fun out of this we could use an eye in Kusari eh? Cant wait to see you in game Might consider joining probably not though don't really do RP as a chick....

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - Miranda - 09-12-2012

Had fun running into you earlier in Okinawa

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - Hawk - 09-12-2012

I've always liked the GC. I'd love to see more of them flying again. Best of luck.

EDIT: Just a little advice, you might want to say something about where you will be flying.

Kinkiku Tanritsu (GC Faction) - Govedo13 - 09-12-2012

There a lot of reasons but this would fail.
I wont list them but they are a lot- first the person organising it and last the ID and the in-game options of the said faction.
I see no reason to resurrect a zombie- you should talk with Devs to make changes first instead.