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Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Printable Version

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Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Yaoquizque - 09-13-2012

In this very house, two ladies are now living.
And they just settled in.

One of them is busy carrying a large package, while the other seems to be busy opening the one she just carred in.
"Hmpf... Where i am putting this one."
"Oh! Here here!"

The woman just dropped the package on the ground and stared at her friend who just appeared to be busy picking up clothes to show her how well they were.

"Isn't that dress beautiful? And she looks so fine on me! You should see that!"
"How do i look like?" replied the first woman, mimicking her friend while taking a cute pose.

"Hmm hmmm.... You would look fine if you lost... what? Three of four kilos perhaps?"
The woman just left the room, saying :
"Alright. Move your things yourself."
Running after her, her friend said "Oh come on Junko, don't sulk. It was just a joke..."

RE: - Stuffz - 10-07-2012

After all the package were carried in, Amaya let herself fall onto her bed.
"Thanks for the help.. this really was exhausting." She chuckled and looked at the other woman standing amidst all the packages.
"And you shouldn't be so sensitive about your weight. Not everybody can have a figure like me."

She then looks at all the packages and frowns. "I'll do this later... "
"Let's have some fun in the meantime! How about we go out or something?"

She gets up and walks out of the room.
"But first we should eat something.. I'm really hungry."

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Yaoquizque - 10-18-2012

She dropped the two bags she was carrying on the ground near the door and gazed around absent mindedly as she was taking off her shoes.

It just looked quiet inside. All fine in the end. She needed a good night of sleep after the last days events.

She considered to carry the bags to her room on the second floor but quickly gave up on the idea after a sigh.
Instead, she checked slowly the first floor.


After three weeks of absence, she was somewhat expecting to find the house untidy, as if it was pillaged by a bunch of pirates shouting 'Yarr' like in those boring adventure movies...

But it was quite clean actually.
Except those clothes lying on the lounge's ground, and those meal remains in the kitchen.

It was odd. How old was Amaya? She realized she never bothered to ask her.
Yet, she was somewhat treating her as if she was a clueless kid. She pondered how she would react if someone was treating her this way. And for all she knew, Amaya could even be older than her...

Oh well...
Chasing those thoughts, she took on herself to clean the kitchen quickly and then headed to her room to get some sleep.

. - Stuffz - 10-18-2012

She still didn't hear a single noise from Amaya. How weird. That was one noisy girl after all.
But she just shrugged and moved onwards to her room.

Once she made it up the stairs she put the bags down for a second to rest. Quietly he sneaks forward to the door to Amaya's room. She puts an ear on the door and hears steps approaching. Quickly, she steps back and readies herself to lecture Amaya about the mess she just cleaned up.

The door opened and a young man stepped out. Confusion showed on his face as he noticed Junko standing there. "huh? Who are you?"
She just stood there dumbfounded, unable to say anything, her mouth open.

Amayas voice could be heard from inside the room. "Oh! That must be Junko! I'll be right with you!"

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Yaoquizque - 10-18-2012

Junko gazed at the male and then at a smiling Amaya swiftly showing up, smiling as always.

They weren't wearing much. Junko modestly looked away.
"I'm interrupting something perhaps?"
"Not at all." replied that girl while pulling an arm around the boy's waist.

Obviously, she was enjoying to watch her friend's embarrassment.

"So you just came back? We were about to go out anyway."
"Were we?" asked the male, raising an eyebrow.
"Hm alright. Where would you like to go?"
"Oh i don't know... I didn't decide yet... Join us Junko! And you will tell me what you did while you were gone."

Junko considered them for a while and sighed. She finally replied :
"No. I'm tired. And besides, i'm not sure i want to observe you playing the suction cup."
Gazing around, she then asked
"Where is Ishikawa?"

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Stuffz - 10-18-2012

"Somewhere around. I don't watch him all day after all." She just shrugged.
"And you sure are boring. Maybe you're jealous? I'd share with you, really." She giggled as Junko frowned at her.

"Very funny. I'd like to know where my cat is now. "

Amaya looked down the hallway and shrugged again.

"Can't be far. Say, Junko. Did you meet any nice guys on your trip?"
Junko walked back to get her bags. "They were not good enough for me."
Amaya made a sad face. "Aww, not even a single one? How sad."

"hmm..." She looks at her companion. "I suppose we'll stay here for now after all."

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Yaoquizque - 10-24-2012

Junko was gazing at the couple playing up on the sofa while pretending to watch a holo.
She thoughtfully took a sip of tea and made a grimace, as if she planned to mimic her friend's simpering airs.

"Why don't you come watch the movie with us, Junko?" Suddenly asked the girl on the sofa between two roars of laughter.
"I'm fine here." Replied the concerned woman while absent-mindedly caressing the cat rolling on the ground.
"No seriously! You look like an old girl when you act like that, with your cat."

She was about to reply strongly when the doorbell rang.
"Another of your suitors, i assume.." Said Junko while slowly getting up, making Amaya's friend raise an eyebrow in perplexity.

Opening the door, she faced Kyoko, seeming to be hurried to come in.
"Oh that's you."
"Why are you her..."
She then noticed the man standing behind her friend. He was carrying a load of bags, without much effort however, as it seemed.

"What the heck is doing that idiot here?"
"He's my new beast of burden. Let me in."
"He's not coming in."
"Why hello Juni." said the man. He appeared to wish to wave but couldn't, given his load
"You, shut up."

Kyoko rolled her eyes, obviously already annoyed.
"I'm always impressed by your proverbial sense of hospitality, Junko. Now let me in."
While saying so, she pushed Junko to step in. Naturally, the man followed.

"No need to look at me like that, AngryJuni, it was her idea. By the way, where do i put these?"
"Oh i don't know..." replied Kyoko, passing a finger on her lips "What about on the ground? No wait."

She headed to the living room and started to nose about in the holo device's controls.
"Right. Put that here."

"Hey! We were watching that movie!" Yelled Amaya as Kyoko was connecting some devices on it.
The girl gazed at them in a bored way.
"Watching? Don't make me laugh."

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - sirlagsalot - 10-25-2012

"I wonder..." young man mumbled, peeking inside one of the bags while carefully putting them down. He freezed, staring inside it for few seconds, then let out a quiet sigh - and left whatever he saw be.

"Umm... right." he then said in confusion, looking around the living room.

"Please take any seat you want, make yourself comfortable, feel like you are at your own home." Mimicking Junko's voice, man shrugged and sat down on the floor next to Kyoko, observing her manipulations with holo device.

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - Stuffz - 10-27-2012

Amaya was frowning at all the people suddenly standing in her house. She was not in control anymore and that's a thing she really didn't like.
And even worse, that one strange looking girl was doing all sorts of weird things with the expensive holo device she had bought.

"Alright. Stop it."
"Don't be annoying now."
Amaya's mouth opened in disbelief.
"Junko! Do something!"

Junko had been busy staring angrily at the newly arrived guy who was sitting on the floor now.
"You think it's okay to just come here without invitation? That's meant for you too Kyoko.
You could have just called me you know?"

"Was too busy."
She didn't turn her head away from the holo device, still tinkering with it.
Just as Junko wanted to answer the doorbell rang again.
"Another one?! We didn't agree on this when we moved here, Junko."

Amaya quickly got up, moved to the door and opened it swiftly.
"What do you want."
The man infront of her was a bit surprised by the sudden question.
"uhm.. Junko lives here, right?"
Amaya sighed and turn around, leaving the guy at the door in confusion. She walks up to Junko.
"It's for you. This is getting out of hand.."

The newly arrived guy had followed her to the living room. "Did I.. come at a bad time?"

RE: Sanada & Kawamura house on New Tokyo - sirlagsalot - 10-27-2012

"Earth to old-looking building on New Tokyo, hello? Anyone here?" - young man said rather loud, poking Kyoko's side with a connection cable he found lying on the floor next to the holo device.

"I think we kind of broke into a house, burst into the room and now are in process of... what are you doing exactly? Anyway, the angry cutie over there - he pointed at Amaya - looks like she wants a proper explanation. Other than this, why do you have THAT kind of stuff in the bag i peeked inside?"

Not getting instant and satisfying reacting from Kyoko, he sighed - and turned to Amaya.
"Err... greetings, - young man said, addressing her while sitting on the floor - I am John, an this is my domestic nerd. She is in the process of... doing something to your something. Any questions so far?"