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Should i, or should it not? - Printable Version

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Should i, or should it not? - Prysin - 09-13-2012

For some months now, iv'e been asking myself.

"Why do you still fly a dreadnought?"

The question keep popping up, and i still wonder. "why?"
I've been looking at the possibility to repurchase a "Sarissa" outcast BS (since that is what the "Original" Razorspine was). But i never seem to make up my mind regarding my Outcast char. Alot of people know my character from the time it was operating around leeds. Back then i had a dreadnought.

But lately, iv'e been wondering if i should "go back to my roots".... I never really made a good story of how i came to suddenly fly a dreadnought, however how i got it oorp'ly is quite amusing... Some may or may not know that i took a long break from disco, i went away for about 8-9 months.... Back then i lost my original ship, A CAU 7 Sarissa with some 3000+ hours played... That ship, the time spent, the memories made, i miss those days now... But those days are long gone. However one thing remains, i miss that ship.

But when i decided to return to disco, all i had left was a CAU 5 Thresher. Which i somehow managed to trade for a Armorless Ranseur within 2 weeks of my return. And after that, i kinda got "stuck" with the ship..

Its not that i dont like it, but it aint "me"... And so far, the only reason i havent changed back for a Sarissa is because i simply cannot outfit it in a way i would like (all cerbs, yey)....

So, im stuck here, and kinda unsure about what i should do, so i figured. What do YOU think is most reasonable to do? Without being complete trolls, would you change back?

Input is always welcome, aslong as people dont go "full retard" right away

Should i, or should it not? - Jansen - 09-13-2012

Real men fly real Battleships, even if their size doesnt quite match the stats.
The Sarissa is awesome, doubt that the Dread can ever beat that.

Should i, or should it not? - Prysin - 09-13-2012

' Wrote:Real men fly real Battleships, even if their size doesnt quite match the stats.
The Sarissa is awesome, doubt that the Dread can ever beat that.

if we still have 4.85 "settings" for it, im sure i could atleast fight a legate on even terms, even in a slugfest.... it's just, ive no idea of turret placement, locations, arcs, rotation speeds, strafing and all that after we started 2010.... anything that happened to Sarissa after 2010 is completely unknown to me.... i dunno if it can even hold its ground against weak enemies...

Should i, or should it not? - Mao - 09-13-2012

I wouldn't change back. I would have changed back when Ranseur was a crap imported ship but now... I want to get me a Ransy. It looks and performs better than Sarissa. But that's just me... I always bought ships for their looks and nothing else.

Should i, or should it not? - Jansen - 09-13-2012

' Wrote:if we still have 4.85 "settings" for it, im sure i could atleast fight a legate on even terms, even in a slugfest.... it's just, ive no idea of turret placement, locations, arcs, rotation speeds, strafing and all that after we started 2010.... anything that happened to Sarissa after 2010 is completely unknown to me.... i dunno if it can even hold its ground against weak enemies...
As far as I know there werent any changes to it except for the turret splitting, but that doesnt make it any worse in my opinion.

Should i, or should it not? - Miranda - 09-13-2012

Sarissa is getting some love in .87 might be worth checking out

Should i, or should it not? - Zahas - 09-13-2012

' Wrote:Sarissa is getting some love in .87 might be worth checking out

Should i, or should it not? - Prysin - 09-13-2012

' Wrote:link?

its all but unverified rumors untill it happens... Do not let yourself be fooled by premature "promises". Promises and rumors aren't trustworthy until the day the next mod-version is released. Until then, nothing is certain.

Should i, or should it not? - Prysin - 09-14-2012

I guess, ill return to using the Sarissa..... The more i think about it, the more i realize that i usually never fight with my OC anyway...

Should i, or should it not? - Mímir - 09-14-2012

I had one of each very recently to compare some stuff and try them out. They are more or less the exact same size by the way.

Sarissa pros:
- Beautiful, clean (and complete!) model that you wont tire of looking at.
- More agile, making it more enjoyable to fly.

Sarissa cons:
- Large, large model compared to battleships with similar specs.

I ended up keeping the Ranseur rather than the Sarissa because the extra heavy turrent was of great use to me when fighting Valors. I mostly got it for the pews. However I was desperately looking for something to justify choosing the Sarissa over the Ranseur and opened a thread on the forum suggesting it should be a medium carrier instead. AD said something about a 25% size reduction would be fitting, if I recall it correctly. I hope something (anything really) will happen to it in 4.87 and I will definitely switch back. Medium carrier pls.