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Landwirtrechtbewegung - Printable Version

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Landwirtrechtbewegung - LWB - 09-13-2012

[Image: bannercopiexa8.png]

Humble Beginnings

Stuttgart was a fertile world, fertile beyond belief because of its high oxygen concentration. Because of this, many of the plants and seeds brought over from Sol were quick to take root after Stuttgart's settlement in 89. Also because of this oxygen concentration, industrial expansion was prohibited, as one stray spark would ignite a firestorm which would incinerate the planet, due to the combustible nature of oxygen. In 89, the first food transport from Stuttgart reached New Berlin, marking the end of hunger in Rheinland. With the construction of Jump gates making space travel even faster, Rheinland became even more dependent on Stuttgart's harvest; Massive plantations owned by one family or another common sights. By the middle of the third century, Stuttgart became known as Rheinland's Breadbasket.

With great prosperity came the desire for more. In 330, the Stuttgart Grower's Association (WVS) was formed. Lobbying the government for subsidiaries and lower taxes on farm related goods. The government was more than able to oblige these farmers with the massive expansion going on in Rheinland, and life for the Stuttgart denizens became even better than it was in years past.

Strife and Economic Downfall

Though life in Stuttgart was good, others viewed the planet with jealous discontent. Of these people was the Libertonians at Synth Foods Inc. Wanting to find a place to grow their genetically engineered cellulose plant that was the main ingredient in Synth Paste, the Liberty conglomerate sought anyway to stick their hands into Rheinland's food markets. For a time, though, Synth Foods was kept out of Rheinland, and prosperity for Stuttgart continued.

In 668, when the 80-Years-War ended, though, Rheinland fell on hard times, and the Reichstag was no longer able to give Stuttgart their subsidiaries and tax breaks, leading the farmers of Stuttgart into depression with the rest of Rheinland. Though they were not feeling the full might of the depression like the other workers of Rheinland, the WVS and unaffiliated farmers were both affected by the depression, and their standards of living were both severely reduced.

Looking to find an easy way out of the depression, the Reichstag looked at the less-hurting population of Stuttgart and found a way out of the economic trouble. In a move that led to unforeseen events, the Reichstag sold land rights on Stuttgart to Synth Foods in return for renegotiated loan payments. The night of the deal, Synth Foods made planetfall on Stuttgart, and began immediately to seek out and buy independent farms from the hurting farmers.

The result of this deal was disastrous. Synth Foods was not a company known for their upstanding business practices, and often bribed Reichstag officials to turn a blind eye to filthy business practices. Despite the cries of distraught WVS and independent farmers, the Rheinland government turned a blind eye to all of Stuttgart, and eventually, Synth Foods bought out more than half the planet. The WVS continued to voice complaints to the Reichstag, however, blinded by the money that Synth Foods was giving them, the Reichstag continued to turn a blind eye.

A New Name and Cause
[Image: 264px-LWBLogo.png]
In 730 the WVS came under control of Synth Foods sympathetic farmers. At this point, the few remaining plantation owners and independent farmers decided that relying on the government was no longer going to render results. In what would be considered by some a desperate measure, many of the WVS reformed under a new name: The Landwirtrechtbewegung (Farmer's Rights Movement).

Though the reformation of the WVS led to minor setbacks in the agenda of Synth Foods, the decentralized, forgotten organization did little to stop the advancement of Synth Foods. In a call to order, Herman Dietrich, the former speaker of the WVS, brought the organization together, and sought to bring the fight against Synth Foods to the stars as well as on Stuttgart. Though some called the man mad, the culmination of this man's effort was not seen in his lifetime, as Darmstadt Depot was not completed until 775, seventeen years after his death in 758 at the age of 67.

War to War - the 800s
The government later marked the movement as criminals due to both their terrorist actions and their close relationship to the Red Hessians. Despite this fact, though, many of the denizens of Stuttgart, including Orbital Spa and Cruise next door at Planet Baden-Baden in the Stuttgart system, show great sympathy for the LWB and the remainder of the WVS due to the impact that Synth Foods has had on the economy of Stuttgart and the people there. Orbital Spa and Cruise has voiced many complaints about the growing number of tourists who choose to visit other vistas because of the eyesore that is the Gray Weed on Stuttgart.

Following the Nomad War, the LWB continued pretty much as they had been for the two decades prior. Synth Foods continued to expand their operations, though their rate of gain had slowed dramatically. The Liberty-Rheinland War only added to this and, according to some economists, Synth Foods stopped their expansion while they focused on avoiding the increased costs of insurance and shipping. Many hoped that Rheinland would take action against Synth Foods during this, but due to economic and food supply concerns, nothing came of this. Unfortunately for the LWB, Synth Foods was helped by an increase in shipping to eastern Kusari (which the LWB’s Kusari cousins were rather upset by), again tipping the favor completely to their side.

The LWB Today - 817-820

The success of the 820 Red Hessian led offensive into Dresden encouraged and heartened many within the unlawful ranks of Rheinland. In particular, members of the LWB movement felt that perhaps there was more hope for them than they had previously thought. Reorganizing themselves, they dubbed the portion associated with leadership and planning the Unabhängige Bauernvereinigung because they loved huge names. The efforts were led by an individual who only used the codename Cincinnatus after the legendary farmer-turned-leader of Earth’s Ancient Rome. The identity of this individual has been the topic of a great deal of speculation and gossip. Many within the LWB hope that this organization can be the successor to the WVS which had become far too Synth Foods influenced.

Today, the LWB base themselves out of several stations. They strike at both Synth Foods and ALG Waste Disposal, who has taken to catering to Synth Foods in making the planet more suited for growing their cellulose plant by supplying heavy fertilizers. Despite widespread public support, the movement has been mostly unsuccessful as Synth Foods owns 90% of Stuttgart farmland in the 800 Rheinland census compared to 60% in the 770. Rheinland scientists also say that Stuttgart's atmosphere has drastically changed in the past century, and the few independent farmers that remain confirm that fact by reporting that their old crops, such as the much-beloved blue jilly, are no longer flourishing in the new environment. The official WVS does little to support these claims, though, leaving little doubt that Synth Foods does completely control the organization.

Original history compiled by BaconSoda

Operations of the Organization

Organization of the Landwirtrechtbewegung:

Tag: LWB|
ID and IFF: Landwirtrechtbewegung
Naming convention: LWB|Name.Surname or LWB|Codename or LWB|Adjective.Produce or LWB|LWS.location

Leadership for each station is independent of the other stations to facilitate rapid responses and flexibility. Each station answers to an assembly of veteran members and civilian experts dubbed the Unabhängige Bauernvereinigung, who meet monthly to help establish a path for the LWB. Many of these individuals remain anonymous for their own safety.

  • Ousting of Synth Foods from Stuttgart and restoration of Stuttgart and Rheinland.
  • Reclamation of all lost lands, whether by credit or by force
  • Defense of LWB holdings.
  • Ousting of Libertonian influence in Rheinlandic systems
  • Prosecution of all Synth Foods collaborators
  • Control of Planet Saarbruecken given to loyal UB members
  • Recognition of the UB as the successors to the corrupted WVS
  • Autonomy for Planet Stuttgart to ensure the agricultural interests are upheld. Through one of the following ways:
    Full independence of the Stuttgart System
    Autonomous rule from the current Rheinland regime
    Overthrow of the current regime by the Bundschuh
    Return to the pre-80 government
  • Repatriation of freed slaves
  • Full pardons for all members of the LWB, past and present
  • Mounting offensives on LWB enemies.
  • Defense of allies.
  • Piracy for monetary support of above objectives.

Standing orders:
  • To achieve the goals, the LWB has the following objectives.
  • Destruction of any Synth Foods products being shipped
  • Removal of all unauthorized presences from the Stuttgart and Saar systems
  • Production of delicious food and tasty Rheinbier
  • Removal of BHG presence in the Saar system controlling access to Saarbruecken
  • Tractors tractors tractors!
  • Materiel support of allied forces
  • Grow as many blue jillies as possible

Allowed ships/equipment:[/color]

LWB ships and guns
CTE shipline and civilian guns
Rheinland civilian ships and guns

Limited Quantity:
Other civilian ships
Borderworlds shipline
Asgard shipline and Hessian guns
Unioners shipline and guns
Bundschuh guns


  • Our great friends and subordinates. Assist whenever possible.
Red Hessians

  • People who share similar interests. Render aid if asked.

Business associates:
  • People who like to supply us or like when we do to them. Or sometimes they just have info to sell. It could be any of these, but don't anger them TOO much.
Liberty Rogues

  • Either we don't care who you are, or we don't want the repercussions of fighting or helping you.
Anyone Else not Mentioned Elsewhere
Orbital Spa & Cruise*

  • People we don't particularly care for. Pirate them or escort them out, if they are unclaimed by an ally.
Bretonian and Kusari Civilians
Republican Shipping
Freelance Pirates messing with Rheinland

  • If they don't want to leave, then engage and kill them.
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Police
Bounty Hunter Guild
Gas Miners Guild
Food importers

Beyond hostile:
  • Our greatest foes and enemies, who are either taking our planet or helping another take our planet. Destroy with extreme prejudice.
Synth Foods
Nomads and Nomad-related beings
Any ships carrying Synth products or unapproved fertilizers to Planet Stuttgart

*ALG and OSC both covertly supply the LWB in one means or another and as such, they don't fit nicely into a standard chart, especially since not even many LWB members are aware of ALG's actions.
**There's some work in progress sorting this
Membership and Ranks:

Member biographies

Note: due to the small and non-militaristic nature of the LWB, everyone will have their own unique rank, as voted on by some guys in a bar.

Zone of Influence and Holdings:

Link to map

Darmstadt Depot

Darmstadt is the LWB's chief forward base for operations against Synth tyrrany.

Kaiserslautern Depot

Kaiserslautern is a major trade waypoint as well as the center of the LWB's anti-slavery efforts.

Voelklingen Station

Hidden deep within the Saar system, Voelklingen is the chief habitation area for civilians and non-active LWB members.

Merzig Depot

Merzig contains several LWB-built biodomes for farming (as well as a brewery), but is exposed to vicious solar flares at times.

Eindhoven Depot

Eindhoven is a fixture of the Saar system and is otherwise pretty boring, though it does have a nice view of Planet Albstadt. It is currently being used to store surplus books, garden furniture, barbecues, and the occasional gazebo that members took from their homes on Planet Stuttgart.

Cruiser Schwarzwald

The Schwarzwald overlooks trade routes in the Koeln system.

Planet Saarbruecken - Neu Hunsrück

Planet Wiesbaden - Neu Hallertau


Message dump:

Classic message dump | Biergarten

Will continue to be edited as needs indicate. Right now, needs more photos.

Landwirtrechtbewegung - Jansen - 09-13-2012


Landwirtrechtbewegung - xiphos - 09-15-2012


RE: Landwirtrechtbewegung - farmerman - 07-08-2013

Original post fully updated and is now almost 4.87 compatible. Info is still in beta as I never fully added a couple images in.

Remember, yay LWB.

RE: Landwirtrechtbewegung - Kiith - 07-09-2013

I really like what you made out of this faction yet. And while I did not encounter your guys personally until now, I only heard good things about your RP. And when Kusari can have the AFA, then Rheinland needs a hoard of angry Landwirte, so thumbs up!

However, according to your faction diplomacy, I have to ask you to clarify some things a bit.

(09-13-2012, 10:06 PM)LWB Wrote: [align=center]
Beyond hostile:
  • Our greatest foes and enemies, who are either taking our planet or helping another take our planet. Destroy with extreme prejudice.
Synth Foods
Any ships carrying Synth products or unapproved fertilizers to Planet Stuttgart

That "non-humans" part sounds a bit...vague (even if in fact is quite clear, actually). I guess this definetely aims for the nomads and such, seeing as they're...well, the "bad guys" in many humans' eyes. But if there a reason you chose this expression? Are there other non-human groups you, like, really hate? (for example AIs? - asking purely out of self-interest, hue) If yeah, where does this come from? Usual paranoia or anything special?

RE: Landwirtrechtbewegung - Zen_Mechanics - 07-09-2013

Nomads don't like fruit and carrots, so we shoot them down. ( That doesn't mean we can't try selling them ^^ )

RE: Landwirtrechtbewegung - farmerman - 07-09-2013

(07-09-2013, 06:17 AM)Yamamoto Wrote: That "non-humans" part sounds a bit...vague (even if in fact is quite clear, actually). I guess this definetely aims for the nomads and such, seeing as they're...well, the "bad guys" in many humans' eyes. But if there a reason you chose this expression? Are there other non-human groups you, like, really hate? (for example AIs? - asking purely out of self-interest, hue) If yeah, where does this come from? Usual paranoia or anything special?

That's a good point. At the time I started with that, the AI situation was a lot different and mostly consisted of trying to eat us. I'll tweak the original phrasing and we'll reevaluate possible relations with what could be defined as non-human but also non-nomad.