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Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - Printable Version

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Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - Ruud - 09-14-2012

Hallo allemaal,

Before wanting to join you on the server, I decided to make a tour through the Universe to see what I could run into. Visiting Omnicron Major and wanting to leave it again, I discovered that I was denied to dock into the gate through which I entered the system. Not finding another gate or jump hole to leave the system, I had to load the last save point to be able to continue the game.

- it was meant to be that way (RTFM?)
- I overlooked a hole or gate
- it is a bug

Any info is appreciated!

Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - Narcotic - 09-14-2012

I guess, that it's a one-way gate. The exit should be that weird nomad construction on that huge wall, which splits the whole system. It leads you to the final-fight.

/edit: Afaik, you have to destroy those 4 turret-things first, before the portal opens.

Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - Mercarryn - 09-14-2012

Narcotic, I think he means the great nomad gate that leads from Omicron Minor to Omicron Major. And this gate should be usable for both directions.

So, it looks like a bug in singleplayer, as in multiplayer it works without a problem.

If Ruud is really talking about the entrance of the Dyson Sphere: Yes, that is a one-way-ticket. You will have to kill yourself somehow to get out of there. Either sundiving or using nuke mines solves this.

Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - Omicron - 09-14-2012

F1 and logging back always teleported me back to Isis in 4.85

Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - Ruud - 09-15-2012

' Wrote:Narcotic, I think he means the great nomad gate that leads from Omicron Minor to Omicron Major. And this gate should be usable for both directions.

So, it looks like a bug in singleplayer, as in multiplayer it works without a problem.
I indeed mean the Nomad gate leading from Omicron Minor to Omicron Major.

Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - KaelanFrey - 09-15-2012

' Wrote:Narcotic, I think he means the great nomad gate that leads from Omicron Minor to Omicron Major. And this gate should be usable for both directions.

So, it looks like a bug in singleplayer, as in multiplayer it works without a problem.

If Ruud is really talking about the entrance of the Dyson Sphere: Yes, that is a one-way-ticket. You will have to kill yourself somehow to get out of there. Either sundiving or using nuke mines solves this.
What, you can actually go into the Dyson Sphere in Disco? How?:blink:
I've even tried going under the wall (yes, you can do that) and try to get in from the "inside", but that didn't work that well.

Single play: couldn't leave Omnicron Major anymore - sajjukar - 09-16-2012

I do not think is posible to enter Dyson's Sphere in Disco.I tried many times and failed...even tried to /stuck my way trough