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wiki databases - Ursus - 09-14-2012

I see all the databases in the wiki are all static tables. I know some of the stuff was generated automagically by a script of some kind (which no longer works anymore?). Is any of the data stored in actual databases or is it all dump-and-edit?

I dont know that using database would improve anything, just wondering what exists

wiki databases - Error - 09-15-2012

If I understand your question correctly: Yes, it's all dump-and-edit. None of the content on the Wiki updates itself based on in-game content. You'll see how it works (worked) if you have a look at the sidebar and click the "Wiki Code Generator" link. The reason why it's currently unusable is because it's using the first release of 4.86 from January, and we're unable to update it without cshake, who hosts it for us and created it.

wiki databases - Ursus - 09-16-2012

Were you just taking the output from that and pasting it into the Wiki pages?

I believe there's an XML import function somewhere.

I might be able to script up a replacement, let me look around some more

wiki databases - Error - 09-16-2012

' Wrote:Were you just taking the output from that and pasting it into the Wiki pages?

I believe there's an XML import function somewhere.

I might be able to script up a replacement, let me look around some more
EDIT: Yes, we were mostly taking the outpot from that and pasting it into wiki pages, at least for guns/equipment. Base/solar pages and the like require(d) a bit more work, as they need links+pictures added, and you also usually had to verify that all the information in the infobox was correct, as the importer quite frequently didn't work when attempting to parse "non-standard" infocards into wiki code. The only thing we really needed the code generator for, were guns. Adding sale locations and verifying all their stats by hand for the last version of 4.86 isn't feasible.

There is an XML import function (Special:Import), but the way you get the data into the Wiki is hardly relevant, as far as I can see. The difficult part is getting the content out of the relevant inis/dlls and parsing it to wiki code. That's far beyond the limits of my current free time and skill, at least.

Best of luck - it'd be much appreciated.

P.S.: Why aren't you in the Wiki editors' Skype chat yet? Just send me a contact request (space.error) if you want me to add you.