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To Buro Der Marineintelligenz only! - Printable Version

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To Buro Der Marineintelligenz only! - Oldum - 09-19-2012

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: HanRegenkurt7_zpsf70468a7.png]
PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]High
IDENTIFICATION: Polizei Direktor Hans Regenkurt
SOURCE: On board RFP|Amoklauf
SUBJECT: Research material

Good day Agents.

During my test flight of the newly recommissioned Rheinland Gunboat , RFP|Amoklauf when I ran into a Luxury Liner with rather unusual cargo. Without actually telling the captain what he has in hold, I managed to retrieve this material. Actually, I'm not sure it the captain was actually aware of what he was having in his hold and I decided it's best to keep it this way. The material was sealed well in a special container, therefore contamination is non-existing.

We performed a fast inspection in what was inside the container and here's what we got:

[Image: NomNom_zps6e30736c.jpg]

From here on, I would like to hand this matter over to your hands as we are not capable of containing this type of material on any polizei station.

[Image: HRsign_zps2672bd02.png]
[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

To Buro Der Marineintelligenz only! - Schatten Research Facility - 09-20-2012


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[color=#009900]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]SCHATTEN RESEARCH FACILITY
Subject: [color=#CCFFFF]Research Material

Good day, Herr Direktor Regenkurt.

I am Heinrich von Trapp, Overseer of the the Buro Der Marinintelligenz Special Projects Division.
We've been quickly exhausting our existent stock of research materials of this nature, and would be much obliged to collect it for use.

I have dispatched a retrieval team to meet with you at a location of your choice.

Many thanks,


Overseer Heinrich von Trapp, BDM SPECIAL PROJECTS DIVISION

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