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Computer Log, LNS-Pandora - Printable Version

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Computer Log, LNS-Pandora - Jean-Luc-Picard - 09-23-2012

23th of september 819 A.S.

This is Captain Jake Sully, we made it with the great support of the LNS-WhiteNoise back to Norfolk. It was a strenuous day.

We were on patrol in New York, there was no special contact. I decided to fly to Texas for a border patrol. As we reached the border I received a highly encrypted signal from the higher Liberty Command. The information was "top secret" but I was ordered to move to Hamburg to take some sensor scans. Two hours later we went on slow ride, reduced the engine output and fixed our energy level to appear a mere shadow on the Rheinland sensor system. We proceeded as ordered and headed towards Alster shipyard, according to our information the Rheinland Military was building new ship armours.

It was very difficult to avoid the Rheinland Military patrols, but we could take some sensor data, they showed nothing special, which was inexplicable, but it was too late. We were found by two Rheinland cruiser patrols, they opened fire and I ordered evasive manouevers, but we took several hits.

I ordered to fly closer to the asteroid field, we hoped to outmaneuver them. We suceeeded after hours of fighting, the Rheinland ships were destroyed.

The chief engineer brought the damage report; it was a wonder that the old lady was still flying. Hull was integrity down to 21%, weapons severely damaged, we suffered several hull breaches and and and..

Slowly we headed to back to Liberty space and hoped we wouldn'€™t encounter any more Rheinland forces today.

*Hours later*

Captains Log, part 2

This is Captain Jake Sully,

We arrived in New York, Texas gate. Systems stabilized, I was looking forward to sleeping at Norfolk.
But the day would not have an end'€¦

The LNS-WhiteNoise was headed to Texas, I sent a greeting before we arrived at the Norfolk. Shortly before the communication channel was closed our secondary engine exploded, main energy, life support, weapons, shields, and computer were offline. Luckily, the LNS-WhiteNoise was near. They helped us repairing the core. They also escorted us back to Norfolk with a tractor beam, the Norfolk crew estimates that the repair would need around 3 weeks. Anyway, we got two Rheinland cruiser captains in safekeeping; I hope we can get some information out of them.

And now I really need a holiday

Jake Sully out.