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K.N.F to Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G - Printable Version

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K.N.F to Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G - Bakamono - 09-30-2012

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[Image: nagata_knf_tadanobu_asano.png]
Honourable Guild-masters, since the Kurile crisis much has changed within Kusari and the Navy with it. Though our Admiral Takahashi is missing, she left evidence of her intentions to contact you regarding this new future. I will address them in her stead.
Since the dawn of the New Republic we have been operating under the old guidelines of the treaty of Aomori.
This excerpt from a standard operations manual shows exactly what navy personnel are reminded of.
Operational Zones
KNF presence is not appreciated within Okinawa. Until a permanent agreement is made, we are to remain outside of the Okinawa system except in cases of :
  • Actively pursuing a target from Kusari space.
  • Invitation from a Kishiro or GMG representative.
In addition: a respectful distance of 7k should be kept from Aomori station in Honshu.
[Image: Aomori-Zone.png]
Despite this, there have been recent incidents of confusion regarding interpretation of operational zones and what qualifies as pursuit. We have been making other efforts to reach you through an intermediary, but were unsuccessful.
The matter raised by Mark Shieldson of the Obsidian Zoetic has quickened the need for a new treaty and understanding between us.
To avoid future accusation of 'violation' and to facilitate smooth co-operation between us we request that a new understanding be reached.
As you may know – capital ship engagements have increased dramatically, in fact over seventy percent of our engagements in the past sixty days have been against foreign capital ships. I would wager you have seen a higher amount of hostile warships yourselves.
I know that the Guild of the past was famous for its bomber wings, and that this tradition stands today. I am aware of the guilds significant progress regarding construction which has changed the landscape of Okinawa and the Sigma system. You have obviously invested great effort and resource.
Just as the Guild has progressed, we have changed as well: undergoing massive restructuring and changes in policy and technology.
In contrast to the forces of old, our policies involve bilateral treatment of The Keiretsu, and fair consideration for our cousins and neighbours. We seek to free ourselves of political manoeuvres and complications, Our focus is on the protection of an undivided Kusari.
We request that you forge a new treaty with us, which allows us more operational scope. I believe that we can help defend your assets as well as prevent incursions through your space to Kusari.
May storms pass you by,
Kaishō Nagata,
Kusari Naval Forces.

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RE: K.N.F to Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G - West - 10-05-2012

[Image: TB_Gitsune_new.png]

>>>>ID: Kaisho of KNF
>>>>To: Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G
>>>>Subject: Proposition

Konnichiwa Katsuo-san,
we hope that our transmission didn't get lost amongst the other that guild receives.
On the other hand, with news from sigma-13 and your decision to impose martial law, Naval Forces decided to propose you our assistance, any cooperation between our forces may help strengh our relations and accelerate forging of new treaty.


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RE: K.N.F to Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G - Bakamono - 10-13-2012

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It is not my intention to cause you additional bother, but I must ask, has there been any progress in your deliberations?
May the tides favour us,
Kaishō Nagata,
Kusari Naval Forces.

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RE: K.N.F to Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G - West - 11-04-2012

[Image: TB_Gitsune_new.png]

>>>>ID: Kaisho of KNF
>>>>To: Guildmaster Taro Katsuo & G.M.G
>>>>Subject: Proposition

Konnichiwa guildmasters, our patience is not limitless, we are waiting for your answer for too long and such situation like this only works against our good will.

Today we recieved a lot of reports about GMG ships with [BDL] identification buying large ammount of goods from planets Kyushu and Honshu but after undocking their traces dissappear, they don't use trade lanes neither jump gates.
To investigate that I took command on [classified] once again and followed one of them from planet Kyushu.

He jumped into Chugoku without any fear and headed into unknown for us direction, we followed him and jumped into another system, heavily guarded by dragons. Thankfully to [classified] find big rocky structure, and under that complex, hostile to us module. In attached files there are enough evidence to declare outlaw those renegade miners.

Attached files: * * * * * * * *

Members of gas miner guild openly helping dragons?
How can you explain that? Are they indeed renegades?
This and a lot of other question we have, but we would like to finally receive your answer on first and main question of our communication.

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