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Lullaby of the stars - Printable Version

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Lullaby of the stars - Alley - 09-30-2012

18:00 - Day One | Aboard the Normandie | Bridge

"Colonel !" shouted the communications officer. "Oui, Sergent ?" questioned Lavalle. "We’ve received a message from Admiral Hale. It says it’s happening."

The Colonel seemed to ponder for a moment, then turning his head to the giant holoscreen featuring a map of Sirius. “Sergent.” He paused. “Prepare the calculations, we’re heading to grid 442-CG-E4.”. As he finished, Lavalle picked up the intercom. “All crew. This is the Colonel. The ship is now on condition two. A full report about the status of each main system is to be sent within fifteen minutes to the bridge. Squad G1 and L1, move to Bay 1. Chef Ingénieur Merceron, I need a report on our stock of promethene batteries ASAP. Bay 1 maintenance team, prepare the necessary arrangements for a ceremony. Deck five maintenance team, prepare the conference room for a meeting. Crew members part of the Normandie's Orchestra, get your instruments and prepare for a ceremony in Bay 1. This is all, good luck everyone.”

"Relax, Henri. It will be fine." spoke a woman behind Lavalle. He turned, noticing it was Alice DeFrance. "It's never fine enough Alice. Plus, it seems it's the perfect occasion for you to use -that- dress again." said Lavalle, laughing. "Oh sérieusement, it's going to take me half an hour to get into that." "You've got plenty of time Princess Alice DeFrance, we will be jumping to the rendez-vous point in one hour." "Tssss... Anyway, I heard you summoned the orchestra. What do you have in mind?" "Blue Danube. I hope it will be a nice surprise. I doubt Sirians are used to these kind of ceremonies, let alone having a bunch of the crew capable of turning into an orchestra if asked to do so." "Just don't go into overkill." "Why not?" said the Colonel, with a smile that tells much about his intentions. "Anyway, I have to make sure everything is ready, I'll see you for the ceremony."

Alice waved a goodbye at the Colonel, parting ways, heading to her personal quarters, while Lavalle began heading to the main powercore.

18:07 - Day One | Aboard the Normandie | Main Powercore

The huge platinum-reinforced door opened, Lavalle walking inside the core overseeing control room. "Bonjour Ingénieur Moreau. How many promethene cells do we have left?" "Bonjour Colonel. We only have three left, I doubt we'll be able to get our hands on more for quite some time."

Lavalle pondered for a moment. "Do it anyway. We can't afford to have a technical problem during this meeting. The Council should be able to supply us some promethene soon. What's the status on h-fuel integration?" "It's slowly getting there, but it requires a major rewrite of the distribution systems code and change a bunch of components. We're doing our best." "Right... Get a cell working, it will do for now."

18:23 - Day One | Aboard the Normandie | Bay 1

The Bay was almost ready for the ceremony. The red carpet was deployed from the main corridor's door to the door leading to Bay 2, where the guests would arrive from. The Orchestra was almost ready, setting up their chairs appropriately in front of the giant glass giving a view on the outside, which would be Toledo they heard. Meanwhile, the mixed group of Libertonian and Gallic marines were cleaning their rifles and polishing their armor, while exchanging words. The Libertonian soldiers would not be used to this kind of ceremony, but it wasn't extremely difficult either.

The Colonel Lavalle stepped inside the Bay 1, accompanied by the Princess wearing her Royal dress.

"Just like old times." "Feels like home, indeed."

Lavalle walked up to the group of soldiers, handing a paper to one of them. "Right, listen up boys. We're going to change the protocol a little bit, and recall for those who never participated in one. There will be a soldier on each side of the carper, facing each other. This time, the lines will be made of one libertonian, one gallic, one libertonian, one gallic and so on. A gallic faces a gallic, a libertonian faces a libertonian. It will help to display the diversity of the Normandie and cooperation between everyone. I just gave to the Lieutenant Banville the list of the participants we received a few minutes ago from the High Command. The Lieutenant will announce the names of the participants one by one. The carpet is narrow to allow only one person after the other. When they're about to cross you, salute. Do it for each. Any question ?"

The soldiers saluted, Lavalle giving a final quick look at the Bay 1 to ensure everything seemed correct, before heading back to the bridge.

18:56 - Day One | Aboard the Normandie | Bridge

"Everyone reports green, Colonel." spoke the Sergent. “Right. Prepare the jump.”

Lavalle picked up the intercom. “All crew. This is the Colonel. The Normandie is about to jump. Core control, once the jump is complete, insert the cell. This is all.” The Colonel nodded to the Sergent, the Normandie beginning it's jump to the orbit of Toledo.

A minute later, the Normandie appeared in orbit of Toledo, the core technicians inserting the promethene cell inside the main powercore. All they had to wait for now was the participants to arrive.

RE: Lullaby of the stars - Jihadjoe - 10-05-2012

17:55 - Day One | Aboard the LNS Durango | Hale's quarters.

"Just relay a message to the Colonel... Tell him it's happening... No, no, nothing else, that's all he needs to know. He'll know what I'm talking about."

The Admiral cut the transmission and turned his attention back to Sanders' report of the incident. "He'll need to be here, and Rachel..." he muttered to himself quietly before sending a communication to Robert McKay.

This was important, very important... The sort of opportunity Hale had been looking for. If he screwed it up now, there may not be another chance for years. He inhaled as the secretary of state picked up the comm.

"Mr McKay..." he began.

18:22 - Day One | Fort Bragg.

Jasmine Greenson watched the comms screen shaking her head. "David. I can't just pull that sort of security detail out of nowhere, especially not when..." he cut her off. "Jasmine, I'm not asking for a miracle, just a few ships. The Durango is already primed for it, but 'rango's fighter group is recovering from a few losses, and I don't have the manpower to get the escort properly sorted. They're front-line forces, Jas, you know that...

He paused.

"I get it David. They'll be put at your disposal."

18:39 - Day One | Aboard the LNS Durango | Bridge.

The bridge was busy... Busier than normal. The comms team were sending off a flurry of messages. Comms had been sent to Rachel Baker and Roy Sanders giving instructions to RV with the Durango at Juneau. The ship was moving towards Alaska, McKay would be arriving on board within the hour and quarters needed to be prepared for the delegation and additional security.

"Just get it done" muttered Hale to some poor intimidated ensign. He offered a smile, but it didn't seem to ease the younger man's terror. "Yes sir!" came the reply.

Hale walked over to an officer manning a comms panel. "I'll be taking my guardian to RV with the Normandie. Send a comm ahead so they know I'm coming. McKay's transport will RV with the Durango at Juneau. Make sure the flight deck crew know... When Vice Admiral Baker arrives, she's in command here."

He turned on his heel and walked out of the bridge towards the fighter bays. The flight would be long enough and lonely enough to give him time to collect his thoughts a little.

RE: Lullaby of the stars - Rodent - 10-10-2012

08:57 - Day One | Lisbon Station | Taweret's office

"Mr. Davids, Mr. Ravenov, I trust you'll hold the squadrons in position as I've asked you to."

Taweret stood in front of her console, talking to holographic images of Davids and Ravenov. She'd asked them to take fighter and bomber squadrons and hold positions at two points...

-The Omicron Minor Jump hole in 92
-The Omicron Minor Jump hole in Omicron 100

Eriksson shook his head in resignation.

"I still don't like that we're sending you and Michal into an unknown situation", He said.

Davids tilted his head towards Ravenov, listening. He then makes a chopping motion with his hands.

"I think we've planned enough for contingencies, there is no looking back now, Erik."

Taweret nods.

"The Svizra is undergoing final preparations. Me and Michal will be boarding it shortly. Remember, for the grunts, we're defending against a possible two-pronged nomad attack from Omicron Minor. Trusting that we're clear...that'll be all."

With that, the comms links were cut. She immediately shut down all remaining consoles and left the office. While an element of uncertainty remained, she was doing her best to wrap up loose ends.

16:40 - Day One | CV "Svizra" | Bridge

The Svizra was in position, near the outskirts of the Omicron Minor system. Matrim Cauthon looked around the bridge once, and was given an all clear. He leaned back in his chair, wondering. The main object of his concern were the two people standing behind his chair.

Taweret and Michal Golanski looked at him, and Cauthon nodded.

“We’re in position, and Papyrus is ready for launch. As soon as you’re away, we’ll cloak and hope that we are not required” He reiterated their orders. Normally, this wasn’t necessary…but everyone was on edge.

Golanski nods and starts walking towards the elevator. Taweret lingers.

“How well can you perform on a skeleton crew, Cauthon?” She asks, looking at the swirls of the nebula.

Cauthon laughs wearily. Performing on a skeleton crew had become standard fare for him, and he’d always preferred a compact operations procedure.

“Better”, was all he said aloud though. Taweret half smiles and nods. She turns to follow Golanski through, but then stops.

“What would Tigraine make of this, Cauthon?”

Cauthon barks out a laugh.

“A lot.”

Taweret nods and walks through the elevator, leaving Cauthon to his thoughts.

23:54 - Day One | "Papyrus" | Bays

They were a few minutes out from the Normandie. Taweret looked around. The ten marines they'd choosen as an honor guard were all strapped in their seats, and silent. Golanski had closed his eyes, apparently deep in thought. And Balor...his cybernetic eye twiched around restlessly, while his human eye stayed fixed on...something.

She needed to focus. There was a technique, the void. Tigraine had been fairly adept at it's use, and she'd taught those who could learn. Taweret was one of them. Relaxing her breath, she concentrated.

Forming a void in your mind was the first step. All your emotions, detracting thoughts, and feelings were to be thrown outside that void, and that was when your focus increased incredibly. There could be no emotion in the void, only emptiness and focus on what was important.

She prepared the void in her mind, and within little time, it was ready. Everything seemed clearer, sharper, more visible. It was as if her senses had been amplified. In reality, it was the focus.

They and their fighter escort asked for docking permission with the Normandie, which was granted. As Papyrus settled down in the bowels of the Gallic battleship, the bay doors hissed open, and the Order contingent walked out. The marines in full armor had their guns out, but had them lowered. Their armor brought attention to the three figures without it.

RE: Lullaby of the stars - Xalrok - 10-10-2012

17:35 - Day One | Aboard the NTBS Belisarius | Robert's Quarters.

"Bridge, Commodore Crompton here. The Hinton is to depart immediately and maintain radio silence until otherwise notified. Tell Captain Manning to meet me in the hangar control room."

Robert turned back to the datapad Admiral Hale had given him a while ago. He'd lost count of the times he'd re-read it, but it made him no less skeptical. How could he trust this report? He glanced at the quarters around him one last time before putting the pad away and leaving.

17:37 - Day One | Aboard the NTBS Belisarius | Hangar Control.

"Captain Manning, glad you're here. I take it you're ready to leave?"

An armoured transport dominated the bay below them. A swarm of crew could be seen rushing to prepare it for the journey ahead. Manning could only frown.

"I am, but I've a bad feeling about this, Commodore. Every time we've dealt with a Nomad it's ended in nothing but pain and repairs for us."

Robert nodded slightly.

"I don't trust it either. I've spent these past few days trying to put aside my doubts but I'm still not convinced. I've sent the Hinton ahead as insurance, just in case."

Manning shook his head and turned towards the view of the armoured transport.

"You've always had a strong anti-Nomad stance, Commodore. There hasn't been a single piece of alien technology on the Hinton in years, so why this change? Why negotiate now?"

Robert sighed.

"It's important for all of us, Manning. The fact that the Order and Navy High Command will both be in the same room is enough." He chuckled. "Luckily, you don't have to worry about diplomatic eggshells or getting your mind warped. When we arrive you'll remain on the Kimbilio until I return from the meeting."

A nearby comms terminal activated with an audio-only feed. The source was from within the hangar itself - one of the hangar deckhands.

"Commodore, we've finished running the diagnostics and cleaning her up. The Kimbilio's ready to leave whenever you are."

Robert's face took on a more serious tone - the wait was over.

"Good work. Tell your men to clear the hangar - we're leaving immediately."

23:59 - Day One | Aboard the NTGS Kimbilio | Bridge.

Several long and uneventful hours had passed since they lost sight of the Belisarius. Nothing - just green smog and pancake asteroids. Robert passed the time tapping his fingers together, waiting... Manning paced back and fourth, monitoring every console intently. That inevitable attack never came, however. The sight of the first lava asteroids and a green IFF marker - the Normandie brought with it a sense of relief. Upon emerging in the Toledo exclusion zone, the armoured transport immediately sent a hail requesting permission to dock.

Shortly after the Papyrus' arrival, the Kimbilio came to rest beside the Order ship. Within less than a minute the Neo-Terran delegation had emerged onto the Normandie's hangar deck, Robert accompanied by his security detail. The disparity between the heavily armoured soldiers around them was evident, the Neo-Terran guard equipped with light civilian armour and standard rifles. Regardless, they walked onwards towards their reception.

RE: Lullaby of the stars - Catbert - 10-12-2012

23:08 - Day Zero

Welcome to the Liberty Security Force Database

Please, select the necessary category:

General / Space operations / Orders / Patrols and deployment / Areas / Alaska / Planet Wrangell

Priority status: Top priority

Assigned ships: LSFC “Mount Iliamna”, LSFG “Glacier Bay”, LSFG “Prudhoe Bay”, Lambda bomber wing

Additional notes: All vessels deployed at Wrangell should be ready to proceed to Omicron Minor as soon as possible, if ordered. The exact location will be provided when/if the order is given.

General / Departments / RD&A / Equipment / Requests / Non-combat / Communication

Item: H-EM/RC-Mk1 + antigravity platform

Priority status: Top priority

Authorization: Confirmed


- Is everything ready, miss Sunderland? – the man's voice sounded calm, yet authoritative.
- Yes, sir. Norman and I got the instructions. My men from the security detail have been informed as well. The Ajax is ready, and we’re waiting for your order.
- Good. I’ll update you on the time later.

With these words, the man cut the transmission and lit up a cigarette. Although smoking was prohibited on all decks throughout the facility, apart from some special areas, the man didn’t have to care. That place where he was sitting, an empty and spacious observation deck, which now served him as an office, was his and his alone. There he didn’t need that much to get his new job done: just a chair, a desk for data pads and papers, and the holographic interface module which had been installed on the deck some time ago.

But right now Joseph Dawson, the new Director of the Liberty Security Force, wasn’t working. Instead he just sat there, smoking and contemplating the asteroids of compressed ice and the obscure nebula. Such breaks allowed him to gather his thoughts together, to plan his next move. And he had a lot of tasks to attend to.

0:00 – Day Two | Shuttle “Ajax” | Omicron Minor

The Ajax, a DL-Hai Grizzly class shuttle, was flying through the endless green void filled with asteroids and the debris left from the battle. The LSF occasionally sent recon teams to the system, but still the agents couldn’t get used to what they saw when they entered Omicron Minor and moved closer to Toledo, one of the few landmarks of the system.

As the shuttle was approaching the RV point, Norman O'Connor was getting more anxious. It was understandable, considering that it would be his first high-level meeting of that kind. Of course, he had got some experience of handling stress during his LSF training, but that could only conceal his anxiety from the others. Luckily, he didn’t have to do too much.

As the shuttle docked with the Normandie, the four agents left the ship, bringing an small antigravity platform with them. Norman was the only one wearing a suit, the rest came in full medium armor. The only agent (apart from O’Connor) who didn’t wear a helmet was Ashley Sunderland, the CO of the security detail. The presence of his colleagues was making Norman confident enough, and he led the group of agents to their destination.

RE: Lullaby of the stars - Jihadjoe - 10-25-2012

22.24 - Day One | Aboard the Durango | Alaska system - Juneau region.

The Grizzly approached docking bay 4 on the underside of the Durango. The bay doors slid open and the Grizzly slowly moved inside the massive vessel.

McKay had already been briefed, and had perhaps been a little more in the know than most, following the 'discussion' with Kate Miller in room 447 on Washington Shipyard. That conversation hadn't been a pleasent experience, necessarily, but it was certainly enlightening, and highly revealing of the situation as it stood.

While he still had reservations regarding the whole thing, he was certain this new development would lead to Liberty being in a somewhat better standing for the future conflicts the country faced.

The Grizzly halted with an almost unnoticable jolt and the bay around the ship repressurised. McKay stepped out onto the flight deck, to see the usual over-abundance of security. 'He's nothing if not thorough' McKay thought to himself as he glanced around the large open space.

Jasmine Greenson greeted him with a salute.

"Sir, welcome aboard. Quarters have been prepared for you and the rest of the delegation on deck 17. I'll have an escort show you up there if it pleases you."

The older man nodded as Greenson gestured to a group of marines in ceremonial uniform. He followed them to the quarters that had been prepared, dismissed them at the door and started collecting his notes together in preparation.

00.07 - Day Two | Omicron Minor.

"This is DH-7676-Alpha to N-87, do you read? I'm approximately two minutes from your last recorded position. I trust the 'rango sent a message ahead?"

There was a moment of silence. Just long enough for him to think something might be wrong. Then the reply.

"This is Normandie-87 to Hale, we read you loud and clear. Our current position is 546/782/A45/D67. We'll decloak as soon as you're on our scanners."

Hale smiled to himself. He'd not yet managed to grasp the Gallic language, but the Gallic contingent aboard the Normandie seemed to have taken to English like ducks to water. 'Can't fault the dedication.' he thought to himself as he re-engaged his cruise engines and sped towards the location that had been relayed.

He needed to talk to Henri and Alice before the other delegates arrived. The whole situation was delicate to say the least and good hosting might make the difference between success and failure... Not that he knew what either of those entailed just yet. Time would tell.