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Orison Kac-ion - Printable Version

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Orison Kac-ion - kacijon - 05-26-2008

Orison Kac-ion Was Just A Normal Trader On Route Of Liberty-Bretonia. He was One of The Best Large Transport Traders There. He had 3 Friends . But his path Was A long. Realy Long.


24April 10:24 816 A.D.

"Waw Nice Sirius" say Kac-ion When He fly In space With his Starfiller. He Bought Justie weapons and Do his First mission. After That He Decide to go to To Colorado For His Mining of Silver. "O look Borderworlds Transport " Kac-ion And Transports mine Silver. Then Transport decide To offer Kac-ion a Job Of escort. After Escort He get Enough money to Buy armored Transport.

25April 9:42 816A.D.

He Make First Trade with his Armored Transport . He trade from Manhatan to LD-14 With cargo of Boron. He meet his First pirate. Gaian Guy. I recive Word "Halt Trader!" I tried to Run but he hit me With Powerfull weapon. I lost my Shields So I Stoped .He Demmand 1,000,000 of Sirius Credits. I Didn't Have so Much Money so I Say "I Don't Have that much." He say "Okey Pay 500,000 and Leave." I payed him and then I leave And Finish my trade.

Orison Kac-ion - kacijon - 05-26-2008

26April 12:45 816 A.D.

My armored Transport Was doing quite well And Soon I have money for buying transport. I finish last trade with armored transport .After that I set corse to Planet Pitsburgh. I bought Transport and Crew. I make first trade and found out that Transport is perfect trading space ship for in astreoid trading. I only meet 2 pirates.

27April 3:42 816 A.D.

Nothing realy happen I trade

28April 12:52 816 A.D.

I get money for large transport .I bought It in new castle .When I was there I found Empty Nomad Base. I saw resarch Station And battleship. First I dock at station and then on battleship. After enyoing on view of Base I finaly buy Large Transport. I Start Lokking for new base.

Orison Kac-ion - kacijon - 05-26-2008

5May 15:53 816 A.D.

After week Of Holidays on Gran canaria I decide to earn money for pirate transport. At 17:53 I Heard a Rumor Of Founding Sleeper ship Hisspaina. So I decide to Check It. I went to Omicron Aplha To have a look. I found just sleeper ship nothing else exept bounty hunter ship named Viking. I enyoy Looks of sleeper ship and then I went to Planet Malta. I was nearly Enemy With outcasts So I quick Land And quick Take off.

6May 6:31 816 A.D.

I went to green nebula In Omicron Alpha Found Tomb Of Outcasts .I was Wondering what lay's Behind that jumphole so I decide to enter but suddenly I was Atacked By uknown Ships wich you call "Nomads" I call Them "Organincs Creatures!" .I succefully jumped to Jumphole And I foundmyself In Omega 90 Strange system But I couldn't Fight anybody with that large transport so I went Back to Alpha and then Back To NY.

This Is first 7 days of chreacter of Kacijon now is luxury liner kac-ion. I will fill up story .Pls If you have any comments send me PM.

Orison Kac-ion - kacijon - 05-29-2008

7May 23:21 816 A.D.

After Coming to NY I decide to Go to manhatan Bar for Finding some real trading. I meet "Man With no name" .He offered me 8 milion of Sirius credits If I transport this Cargo To dublin System. I ask him wich Cargo he say "If You won't money Don't make questions. I done this. I take off and then get Police patrol on my tail. They say that If I don't drop Cargo i will be killed. I ask why becose I think It is legal. Then suddenly They open Fire I run AS much As I can.

8May 0:21 816 A.D.

I jumped to Meggelan I sucessfully run away then. After That Suddenly Come Navy cruiser. I Make A run to Freeport 4 Then I set corse to Ice Cloud. I run . I tried to run but CD hit me from nowhere. Cruiser came And open fire. I Was almost destroyed when I get help From Lane Hackers. They destroyed cruiser And I was Saved. They Offered me Docking to Mactan base.

Orison Kac-ion - kacijon - 03-27-2009

2nd February 6:00 P.M. 817 A.D.

After Year of Living On mactan Base I learned few things of hacking from hackers. I never Delivered my cargo. Right when I docked I Get Replaced to Apartments. Then I never Heard of my transport.
But today A guard told me that someone is looking for me. A guy Called James Logistic...
Strange Name for A Man on mactan base.

4th February 7:42 P.M. 817 A.D.

I Decided to Escape Base. The Guy Who Looked for me was an LSF spy! He wanted to shot me right in bar. He pull out his gun and fired at me. I jumped And then I heard shotting. I don't know what happened next. I Just run to hangar and Took ship then(it was a Scimitar) I lunched. I Recived a radio Transmission with text "We Can not protect you any Longer. Go to Stokes Mining Station, You will be safe there." I Activated cruise Engines And wen't There...

5th February 3:21 A.M. 817 A.D.

I Finaly reached Stokes. I Docked. Then I make sure nowone folowed me.

10th March 4:59 P.M. 817 A.D.

I meet BMM CEO William Relic. He was just on his way to stokes smelter for mining operation.
I agree to offer him an escort. He offered 40% of that money.
Well The Job Was realy easy Nothing realy happened. I earned 5 million Credits. That was A Largest profit in one Escort for me. I Decided to Continue My Trading. I Get myself BMM ID.