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Goodday! - Printable Version

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Goodday! - Dr.Aden - 10-06-2012

[Image: Staticimage2.gif]
Hey people!

I am new to the server but not new to the game, been playing ever since release (2003) and keep coming back to the game.

I stumbled upon the discovery mod and tried it out, as soon as I saw a server with 160+ people on my face just beamed a smile, good to see a bunch of people still playing this game and also such an active community!

Heres to you lot!
*drinks synthetic ale*

Any need to know tips you could suggest?

RE: Goodday! - SummerMcLovin - 10-06-2012

Welcome to Disco!

My advice would be to follow the rules (obviously), find some RP that you enjoy and don't let anyone get too down on you.
Joining a trade faction is a good way to get on your feet financially, and you can stick with them and/or move onto other factions that take your fancy. Normally joining a military (or at least combat) faction is the next one to go for.

Have fun, maybe see you in space.

RE: Goodday! - Dr.Aden - 10-06-2012

Nice, thanks for the welcome and the advice!

Shall look at the wiki which I have found and browse around!

See you in the vastness!

RE: Goodday! - Vrabcek - 10-06-2012

Welcome and have fun here...

RE: Goodday! - SummerMcLovin - 10-06-2012

The Wiki is pretty good to get a general overview of the universe (that's what brought me to Disco).
The official factions have their own subsection of the forums, while all the others are in the one section.

RE: Goodday! - Dr.Aden - 10-06-2012

Thanks for the greetings and the Advice Vrabcek and mclovin!

RE: Goodday! - Narcotic - 10-07-2012

Ahoy there. Welcome to the Forums!
Reading your introduction makes me think, that you're becoming a great roleplayer.

If you'd like to read some tutorials, I'd suggest you to check those links:

- List of Guides and Tutorials

- Small RP guide

- Thread about trust

- Trading tips

- Another trading guide

- Mining guide

- And last but not least; Server Rules

Well, I wish you lots of fun and enjoy your stay!

RE: Goodday! - Veygaar - 10-07-2012

Enjoy Disco mate! Glad to see new faces here Smile

RE: Goodday! - Ichiru - 10-07-2012

Heya! Welcome to Disco!

You don't have to join a faction you know... some people have made their millions without them

RE: Goodday! - Username removed - 10-07-2012
