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Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Printable Version

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Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Sayfog - 10-11-2012

[Image: JZ_3.png]

Well, it has been awhile, but we are back!

Got our coordinates and jumpship, so if want to get stupidly rich, we are your people. Compared to the last group of Jumping Zoners, nothing has changed besides the members, our polices remains exactly the same.

What you need to join:
- Zoner ID/IFF
- Zoner Whale
- An ability to at least listen in to skype comms, microphone comms not required.

Naming Convention -
Tag: JZ-
Naming Convention: JZ-*ADJECTIVE*.Whale

How it works:

1. The Jumper owner sets a time for the operation.

2. Everyone logs in and meets up with the Mother.Whale.

3. Everyone initially uses their own money to buy cargo.

3.1 The person responsible for buying fuel (~3000 Hfuel per jump) also needs to buy fuel and eject it into space for the carrier, before docking again and buying his own cargo.

4. Once everyone is full, they send away all of the leftover cash to their own banks.

5. After the jump trading session (Usually about a hour) is over, everyone sends their money to the Mother.Whale and the cash is distributed. The reason for this is-

5.1 The Carrier cannot carry cargo and gets his share for the jumping.

5.2 The person, who buys fuel makes ~1/4 less than the others.

6. Depending on the swiftness of the whales, the interactions and ore prices, every individual makes ~200million per hour. Which is then split to compensate the fueler and the jumper.


One Jumper.
7 Whales, one of which is on fuel duty.

Total profit after one hour:
Carrier: 0$
6 Whales: ~200mil each
Fuel whale: ~150mil

We all send our money to the carrier:

200mil x 6 = 1 200 000 000 credits + Fueler whale's 150 Mil = 1 350 000 000$ (One Cap8 Battleship per hour...not bad)

Then we split it in 8, for every person.
1 350 000 000 / 8 = ~168 000 000$ per person/hour.


Friendly (People we work with):
Zoners (Duh!)
GRP (So we can get in and out of Gallia without being murdered)

Neutral (People we ignore):
Everything else

Unfriendly (People we avoid):
House Military (Due to the carrier)

Hostile (People we run away from):
Anything that shoots us

If you want to join -
1. Get zonerzonerzoner IFF through multiple bribes at Bethlehem
2. Fly to FP2 in Bering, get zonerzonerzoner ID
3. Fly to Omicron 74, buy whale.
4. Fly to FP11 in Omicron Delta
5. jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjump

At any time amongst this, add me on skype, its just: sayfog

//Considering this is a reboot as such, im just gonna do almost exactly what Spazzy and Raul did. Any extra critique/tips would be appreciated.

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Mímir - 10-11-2012

Great to see this back! I was the pilot of JZ-Orange.Whale, so I am familiar with the drill. I would like to apply for a job the reborn JZ as soon as I can lay my hands on a new whale.

Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Johl45 - 10-11-2012

Hi Guys nice to see you .I Never even changed my Whale's name its Still JZ-Maroon.Whale.Just give me More information about jumping guys.

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Valhalla Sr. - 10-11-2012

Great, i was a part of the old JZ-, and I'll try to be a part of it again.

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Switchback - 10-11-2012

This again? >_>

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Nicolas - 10-11-2012

I used to be in the old JZ-, got my Violet.Whale waiting for the profit.

Add me back please.

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Zukeenee - 10-12-2012

Just a reminder: The old JZ had an agreement with the GRP about supplying a particular base. This agreement is what made the GRP stop hunting down and killing JZ ships.

Now that the base is gone, and due to lackluster performance with the base-supplying, I wouldn't be so hasty to list the GRP and GRN as "friendlies".

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - 22th - 10-12-2012

i'll join once i can get a whale and a zonerzonerzoner ID

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - danski2011 - 10-14-2012

cool ill join just as soon as i get a whale up and running, i missed out on the first lot of JZ its not gonna happen again

RE: Jumping Zoners, JZ- - Amon.Cire - 10-23-2012

Hmmm this sounds quite profitable, and the Trader's Guild its always interested in profit. I have a Zoner id and iff as well as a whale. Might we be able to fly with you?

Amon Cire