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zoner barge whale? - Printable Version

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zoner barge whale? - Duvelske - 10-13-2012

Hello guys,

as the zoner whale is really an awsome ship. I was wondering if it is possible to make an big version of it? ak Barge size? compared to stork and wel zoner barge whale compared to the zoner whale then. so movement etc? also size would be a littlebit smaller. because want to try to make a zoner barge. As zoners have just so magnificent ships (my view) just for fun and to see how it would look. If anyone could help me with it, please reply to this forum. as design making for freelancer i have never done before.

RE: zoner barge whale? - Hades - 10-13-2012

I'm not sure this is needed. The Zoners have enough ship and the barge fills this role well enough.

RE: zoner barge whale? - nOmnomnOm - 10-13-2012

Its a fun idea ^_^
we could have a bit more variety in large cargo transporting than just the regular ship.
im pretty sure its lore friendly since zoners have top of the line engineers and all.
And you COULD design it on rhino.... :> a fun little project for moi

RE: zoner barge whale? - Miranda - 10-13-2012

Zoners have enough ships

RE: zoner barge whale? - JayDee Kasane - 10-13-2012

(10-13-2012, 05:21 AM)Miranda Wrote: Zoners have enough ships

that. there is factions that still needs basic snub shipline. zoners is already overpowered as a trade/recearch faction

RE: zoner barge whale? - Duvelske - 10-13-2012

(10-13-2012, 05:21 AM)Miranda Wrote: Zoners have enough ships

I know, but still want too see how it would look as its not for me specially intended for disco. its just for fun. thats why its not in discovery mod forum. And if it would end up in the game that would be the decision of the devs. But just the idea as the designs for zoners are very good and i think for such kind of ship it would be possible too to create. As now the barge is in my view mostly a house ship. (the looks then) and it might be a nice change for a zoner ship. (And you don't have ONLY the normal barge as its now)

Also overpowered? How can a zoner barge be overpowered? As it would have the restriction of at least a zoner id with it? So you CANNOT dock in HOUSE space?

RE: zoner barge whale? - Xelon - 10-13-2012

he means overpowered in ZoI.

And one ship like the barge is more than enough.
The time somebody would spend on modeling that ship is wasted.