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Tales of a Space Hermit - Printable Version

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Tales of a Space Hermit - SuperVDF - 10-18-2012

I have prepared this short story for the community for all to hopefully enjoy. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Enjoy!

Mathus: Tales of a Space Hermit

The walls were crumbling around them. Debris, dust filling the air and ground. Dull thuds could be heard from outside, Coalition troops were ponding the launch pad hard.
Mathus and his family of three more members were coming through the long winding pathways which made up the complex. "Come on!!" Mathus shouted, "We have to keep moving, they are close now."
He looked around the next corner, seeing it was clear he sent his family ahead of him.
One little boy, around the age of 8, and two older daughters, 14 and 16, ran as fast as their legs could take them. Mathus's wife-Clara- was limping closely behind. "Are you ok," asked Mathus to Clara. She nodded.
Running, running, running. It was not far now to the Hispania. Mathus and his family could see the entrance to the ship down the longest section of corridor they had encountered.
The tech at the door saw the family and began to close the door. As the door began to close three shots from a soldier slammed into the chest of the tech, and he fell to the floor in a heap. Mathus shook his head, "Damn bastard," he said as he turned to shoot the soldier who had ended the tech's life, "Come on lets go, the door is closing!!"
His family started to run for the massive loading doors, harder than they ever had to before. Sweat pouring off Mathus's forehead as he tried to stop the door from closing. BWUMP!!! The loudest shell hit so far, the Coalition began orbital bombing.
BWUMP, BWUMP. Everything shook around them, the cracks in the ceiling gave way as the small family ran for thier lives.
A section came loose and crumbled down on them, Mathus Shouted in agony, and ran to the pile of rubble and dust, that was once his family. A small dusty hand lay lifeless just at the edge of the pile. Mathus fell to his knees, and held his sons hand for the last time. BWUMP, BWUMP, BWUMP.
More shells hit the structure, then a loud speaker, "T-30 seconds till launch!"
The loud crackling voice announced. The loading doors were not quite closed yet. He said good bye to his family, and rolled under the almost closed doors.
He had lost everything this day, his home, his world, and now....his family. Mathus sat on the edge of his cryo-bed, gazing at the only picture of his family he had. A tear rolled down his cheek as the med-bay tech came over, "Time for sleep hun." The nurse said with a consoling voice, and light hand on shoulder.
Mathus nodded, and put the picture just beside his head, then prepared for the long sleep to sirius.

RE: Tales of a Space Hermit - SuperVDF - 10-25-2012

Coming soon, chapter 2.......Stay tuned!