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Bring back that. - Printable Version

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Bring back that. - Trollwut - 10-20-2012

The page jump feature should be brought back on the forums.

RE: Bring back that. - Shomy - 10-20-2012

Yes!That would be very nice, if possible!

RE: Bring back that. - Trollwut - 10-22-2012

Awaiting response..... zzzzzz.

RE: Bring back that. - Trollwut - 10-23-2012

An admin willing to reply? <,< ... >,> .... -,- zZzZzZz
Still waiting.

RE: Bring back that. - Marburg - 10-23-2012

& you may end up continuing to wait for a while.

While you're on hold listening to musak, Define what you mean. I'm curious.

I know what a "jump page" is, but I'm fuzzy on what you mean by 'page jump'

I've modded the old forums off & on for years & I don't know what you're specifically referring to...I mean, if by 'page jump' you mean the ability to click on a specific page in a multiple page thread, we got that already, along with other search shortcuts.

My guess is, whatever feature you're actually talking about, it's probably just not useful enough to warrant being put on the top shelf of the staffs to-do list.

RE: Bring back that. - Trollwut - 10-23-2012

I see.... Well just to make things clear and all.

I meant the about a feature that HAD appeared on a thread (most seen there rather then on a forum section)....this feature appeared on the top and bottom of a thread and it did this: "Page Jump" [A box] Enter a number of the page on this thread you want to go to.

I think that this explanation is sufficient but I'll explain more if I have to.

And I do understand that my....ummm 'suggestion' or post is not that relevant so yeah, I'm clear now enough to wait longer.

RE: Bring back that. - Marburg - 10-23-2012

I understand now. Thx