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Lag? - Xing - 05-29-2008

Now that's getting annoying because at that rate I will indeed stop doing any pvp whatsoever. The server laggs so bad, I keep being on yellow all the time, I barely see a day npcs arent jumping around - already they are hard to hit, now thats impossible.

Worse, tonight I just lost to three capwhore noobs, to which I could easily have won over but I couldnt because of the lagg, my regen buttons never seemed to work when I wanted and my opponents kewpt jumping around while being able to hit me with ease.

What the hell? The server wasn't like... not the first time it hapenned to me in the last few weeks... and to Jimmy as well, we entered a fight against 3 gunboats, and suddenly, no one were firing at us, our hull kept decreasing. I was like, wtf, so I ran from the fight, and even at 30K from the fight, my hull KEPT decreasing. Jimmy, being in a gunboat, saw himself getting destroyed.

This is not fun... what the hell hapenned to the server for it to lagg so badly at the point I can't even fight NPCs, and absolutely never go in pvp?

Lag? - Tenacity - 05-29-2008

I get a lot of lag too, makes it impossible to hit player fighters.

So I run from anything smaller than a gunboat/freighter nowdays... =P

Lag? - mjolnir - 05-29-2008

It is a bit laggy last two weeks... says me with ping 55.. so it is the server yes.

two days ago I died to a SN after I pressed shield regen and heard the shield come up.

Lag? - XTriton - 05-29-2008

Yeh. The lag was a bad today.

It wasnt so bad for me that NPCs were jumping around.
Does anyone find that lag can get individualised instead of server wide?

Btw Xing. I avenged you.:D

Lag? - n00bl3t - 05-29-2008

Yeah. It's been bad for the last two weeks. My ping's 41 so it must be the server.

Lag? - Jihadjoe - 05-29-2008

I get ping of around 50-100 so I think it must be serverside. I have got a bit more lag lately, but nothing on the scale you talk about...

Lag? - kingvaillant - 05-29-2008

broken memory stick again? if it is that, then we have a faulty motherboard...