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Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Printable Version

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Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Prysin - 10-21-2012

Right, so i talked with blodo about something completely unrelated, dunno how we even got onto the topic... but it left ME thinking.... The ship is cool and all that... its possibly the worst snub ever made, balance wise. as it needs 2-3 gunships to survive 2 VHF's ganking it, but its still a cool ship... just its a bit underpowered for its stats and size

Now, thinking about it, i believe we got onto the matter of the Fafnir when i mentioned its ridiculous price (almost 15m, its almost twice that of any other bomber).

Looking at its stats, even a genious can see that it IS the slowest bomber in the game... Wiki says Barghest has worse turn speed, but Barghest is smaller and has better acceleration.

The Fafnir is a peculiar ship, it's sheer potential WAS slightly nerfed during 4.85, when it used to have a tad bigger core (i believe it was 52 or 55k)... However, that is a thing of the past, and even the 52k core wouldnt save this flying brick... it simply lack defense and offense matching its size, prize and agility...

I think, in this case, that we should all agree that it SHOULD be a "super tanks".... able to tank and dish out massive damage for the lack of manouverability.... But the ability to use 2 nova's and a CD isnt anything SPECIAL...

My proposal would be to give it 3 class 10 fighter guns, 4 class 2 fighter turrets (2x 360, 2 backwards only) and a 60k core (AI Drone core)

This will make it OP against anything that dare to JOUST IT.... with the horrid turning, you cant keep up with any fighter, and you're only weapon is straight forward overwhelming firepower...

But... DUAL SNAC is OP you say? well, consider the facts, that most turret-steering gunboats can fly circles around this thing....

And given the maximum SNAC range of 1450m (against cruisers on max impulse w/thruster) you are pretty much dead-meat once you go close... SO although this thing would be a monster, it would be a kill-or-be-killed monster.... Taking with you two of these ships would possibly instakill an unsuspecting ill-prepared gunboat, but it would in no way endanger snubs or bombers even, seeing as both the Upholder, Havok (the two bombers LN can use at will) can fly in orbit around the slow Fafnir without much of a risk...

So, what does the rest of you think? Should we make this ship into a flying "straigh-line-killingmachine" ?

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Swallow - 10-21-2012

Two dedicated torpedo slots + Third torpedo / CD slot

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Prysin - 10-21-2012

(10-21-2012, 05:31 PM)Swallow Wrote: Two dedicated torpedo slots + Third torpedo / CD slot

3 torps.... nah, wont help... 70 shots is and will always be 70 shots. So unless a third torp type is added, 3 torps wont help.

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Ursus - 10-21-2012

Model is not that bad, relative to the other heavies. Its actually smaller than Barghest from the side, about the same as Thor and Barghest from the rear too. It's still big, no lying, but Barghest is bigger. The wings make it feel bigger than it is. All it probably needs is for chase cam to be zoomed out a little so the pilot has a better view of the space around him, and for the turrets to be 360 so they can fire forward like all the other heavy bombers. It could be reduced about 10% to make it comparable to the other heavies, but then you'd have to nerf it too.

[Image: siriusheavybombers.png]


RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Jansen - 10-21-2012

Dont touch that sexy thing, the Fafnir is good as it is, even though a slight powercore buff could be nice.

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Prysin - 10-21-2012

(10-21-2012, 06:13 PM)Ursus Wrote: Model is not that bad, relative to the other heavies. Its actually smaller than Barghest from the side, about the same as Thor and Barghest from the rear too. It's still big, no lying, but Barghest is bigger. The wings make it feel bigger than it is. All it probably needs is for chase cam to be zoomed out a little so the pilot has a better view of the space around him, and for the turrets to be 360 so they can fire forward like all the other heavy bombers. It could be reduced about 10% to make it comparable to the other heavies, but then you'd have to nerf it too.

[Image: siriusheavybombers.png]


the size isnt the issue, its that it fails to do what it SHOULD do...

be a damn heavy bomber with massive damage. What separates the Snubnose and Fafnir in terms of general usefulness isnt the firepower, because snubnose owns Fafnir is every possible way short of powercore.

Reducing Fafnir serves no real purpose, making it dish out the damage it's size and agility suggests however, does serve a purpose.

There is no point in Rheinland having a "Small heavy bomber" and a "large heavy bomber"... What they need is a "small heavy bomber" and a "Heavy brick of doom"

Rheinland ships does NOT compromise. They simply excel at brutally good performance for their stats... Fafnir should follow that philosophy too.

EDIT: If we look at the Rheinland shipline
LF's - mediocre (Tigershark rocks though)
HF - mediocre
VHF - crazy OP
Bomber - one is epic (snubnose), one is useless (fafnir)
Gunboat and up - really good but heavily skill dependent.

You forgot Waran... its heavy, just dun have a extra CD

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Veygaar - 10-21-2012

Make it so it can double SNAC Wink

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Sava - 10-23-2012

Just balance it to match other heavies, either with slight powercore or agility buff. Heavy bombers are rare enough, no need for another separate "superheavy" class.

P.S. Men, i'm still curious what's the point of double nova? Double or single nova, you still do the same DPS, and it depends only on bomber powercore and gun/torp perfomance index. You just need to launch it more frequently, which is still not a problem since it uses whole 18k of energy.

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - Dashiell - 10-23-2012

(10-21-2012, 07:41 PM)Veygaar Wrote: Make it so it can double SNAC Wink


We re not going back to the 1-pass-ista bombers of 4.84.

RE: Fafnir - what should be done with it? - SMI-Great.Fox - 10-23-2012

Give it 4 guns forward instead of 2. And its fixed.