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Ship Sale Scam Need help - Printable Version

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Ship Sale Scam Need help - celestina - 10-22-2012

I posted i was interested in buying a Liberty Dread, then that"somebody" PMed me about the Dreadnaught, gave me the character where i should send the money, then i sent it and he has became online 3 times after i send money, still no response from him.

I was sending him Pms every 2 hours and he didnt reply me single time.

He said what he offered and i have all of them documented. Also have his character name, and /time mentioned money transfer.

Now how/where can i get my money back, also if possible he has the ship, could you transfer it to me? Confused

If not, please get my money back, thanks for help everyone!Angel

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - Veygaar - 10-22-2012

Normally Admins do not help in such situations. If they do not help, it may be good to publicly let others know that this guy is scamming people.

So you got 2 steps:

1: Hope the admins will help.
2: If they do not, do everything in your power to stop this guy form doing it again.

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - celestina - 10-22-2012

(10-22-2012, 06:20 AM)Veygaar Wrote: Normally Admins do not help in such situations. If they do not help, it may be good to publicly let others know that this guy is scamming people.

So you got 2 steps:

1: Hope the admins will help.
2: If they do not, do everything in your power to stop this guy form doing it again.

Well, if admins are not dealing with this kind of matters, then i should scam people too, free money!Big Grin

Actually, cant believe they dont help.

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - Veygaar - 10-22-2012

They do in some cases, but alot of the "scamming" that goes on around here is due to bad judgment on the side of the person getting "scammed." EG: They didn't do their homework.

Sometimes they have stepped in when there are severe cases on hand. They don't want to spend a bunch of time running around cleaning up messes that could have been prevented you know?

I'm not saying that your case was "preventable" but it's because of the multitude of cases that were that they no longer (normally) help in these cases.

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - AeternusDoleo - 10-22-2012

People have gotten permbans for this kind of behaviour before. However, without some screens or proof of the intent to do a transaction, there's not much for an admin to go on. Your word against that of another player. He said she said tends to get ignored.

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - celestina - 10-22-2012

(10-22-2012, 07:02 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: People have gotten permbans for this kind of behaviour before. However, without some screens or proof of the intent to do a transaction, there's not much for an admin to go on. Your word against that of another player. He said she said tends to get ignored.

Where can i send the proofs, or should i release his name and proofs here?

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - AeternusDoleo - 10-22-2012

Try a violation report. Posting them here will just get the info nixed for trail by forum.

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - celestina - 10-22-2012

(10-22-2012, 08:25 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Try a violation report. Posting them here will just get the info nixed for trail by forum.

Thank you, did they get their money back? Confused

RE: Ship Sale Scam Need help - celestina - 10-22-2012

Posted the report! Smile hope i can get my money back Smile