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Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Havok - 10-23-2012

Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok

Kalashnikov Bar was filled with mostly Coalition Military Personnel, Pilots, Mechanics, Marines. They all came here, to share stories, to enjoy Vodka and relax from their daily duties. At the walls by the large double doors hung two large Coalition Banners, as well as on the back wall. The Rest of the bar was kept pretty clean, except for some parts and trophies captured during Raids and Missions. The bar covered most of the side wall, except for a spot near the doors which housed a jukebox. It held most every song known to man and was often tuned in to sing during the evening rush, for a simple payment, the user could select anything from a large Catalog.

Captain Erik Meier stepped into the bar. He looked at the two large banners to the doors as the Guard Marines which were stationed at the door saluted him. He nodded shortly before looking into the room. He did not see anyone of interest, simple rookies, marines and mechanics. He walked up to the bar and leaned onto it. Large Glass of the Best Coalition Vodka. He smirked and turned around keeping an eye over the bar patrons as he waited. Shortly after, he felt a tap on his shoulder as the bartender handed him his drink. Erik nodded a bit and proceeded to an empty table, taking a seat and taking a swig of his drink.

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - JayDee Kasane - 11-21-2012

*Julia Dorian, the fresh made S.C.R.A. Commander enters the bar*

- Ah, Kalashnikov. Long time no see...

*She looks over the tables to see anyone familiar*

(Just a common workers. Quite sad... I thought there would be my comrades celebrating. Guess I just came earlier...)

*Julia sits next to bar keeper*

- A wineglass please! Something that was made in Gallia.

*She takes her drink and makes small sip*

(Quite fine wine. Well, lets wait for others to come. Dont have any wish to drink alone...)

*Julia turns to the door and looks for someone from Fighter Corps to come*

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Havok - 11-21-2012

Meier, having just received his promotion ,as many others in the Corps, decided it was time to relax, kick back and celebrate with the others, and no better place then Kalashnikov Bar, Home to the best Coalition Vodka, and laughter. He walked through the double-doors and looked around before making a light turn and walking to the Jukebox next to the bar. He threw in the needed currency and flipped through the music before selecting the Anthem of the Coalition. As it began playing ,everyone in the bar stood up, raised their glasses and started singing. Meier nodded approvingly before going to the bar, ordering a Vodka and then joining in the Celebrations

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Wolfs Ghost - 11-21-2012

Henry was in the bar since the beginning of the party, actually deciding for once to give himself some sort of leave, finding that he was recently promoted. Though, he wasn't expecting a celebration upon his arrival, nor was he expecting to get dragged into it, like he did.

He had managed to find himself an empty table away from the rest of the party-goers and fellow comrades. Simply and contently observing the celebration from the side lines, rather than actually partaking in this. Taking the last swig of his Vodka, he returned to scanning the room for anyone interesting to hold a conversation with, only spotting two people he actually knew, General Erik Meier, and fellow Commander Julia Dorian.

When the anthem, however, began playing his attention turned towards his empty glass, which he promptly held in the air. Remaining seated, and quiet. Once everyone went back to their own things, he sat his glass down and leaned back in the chair, returning to his passive observation of the room itself.

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Havok - 11-23-2012

Meier had received his drink and turned around, scanning room for any familiar faces, his gaze found Commander Murphy. He chuckled to himself before slowly making his way through the crowd of people, many congratulating him on his promotion, some saluting him, others simply nodding ,and he didn't mind, not tonight.

He stood across from Murphy and looked toward him, tipping his glass slightly at him.

"This seat taken Commander?"

He asked with a slight chuckle.

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Wolfs Ghost - 12-08-2012

Henry looked up from his drink to see the General standing infront of him, gesturing towards the empty seat. His first instinct was to stand and salute, though having nothing no one else doing such, he shrugged slightly and gave a light nod.

"Go right ahead, General." Henry replied, waving his hand at the seat, though his eyes eventually fell back towards the empty glass that sat in front of him. Feeling a bit too lazy to stand up and fill it.

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Havok - 12-24-2012

Meier took a seat across from Murphy and raised his glass. Seeing that Murphy's glass was empty , He immediately called for a new one, ofcourse someone quickly brought a new glass for the Lieutenant. Meier nodded a bit at the Barkeep and then looked at Murphy again.

"To the Coalition, Lieutenant", Meier said dryly, as everyone calmed again and normal life returned to the Bar, he looked around , trying to spot another familiar face.

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Blackstarr - 01-28-2013

Two Rhinelandic looking men stepped through the doors of the bar and looked around. The taller bald one turned to the slightly shorter Darked haired one and spoke.

"You can go find a seat Louis. I'll go buy drinks."

Louis nodded and went to the corner of the bar and sat in a booth while the bald one, who went by the name of Steve went to the bar and talked to the bartender.

"I need two ales please"

The bartender smiled and filled two large mugs with Rhineland ale and passed them across the counter to Steve. He paid and tipped the bartender, before turning to go and rejoin Louis.

"So... Any idea where we are going to stay?" He asked

"I heard something about accommodations down on JiangXi, but we need to get a permit for that." Louis replied.

"Makes sense." Steve nodded. "Any idea where we would get such permission?"

"Working on that...." Louis said laughing, downing his ale and going back to the communicator he was typing on.

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - JayDee Kasane - 03-18-2013

Dmitry stepped into the bar.

-Ну наконец-то... How its nice to return somewhere where everything is same as it was year before.

Dmitry still was not yet adapted to new Coalition he in, and recent changes in Premier leadership gave him even more unstability in his decisions and knowlege of who he trully serve.
Even with all TVs broadcasting recent news, Dmitry still have that nostalgia feeling. He remembered all his comrades who he had pleasure to drink with inside, he remembered taste of good old Vodka. But that feeling was short-lived, when Dmitry remember that his friends he knew is no more with him, exept few of them, all was dead or moved from the Fighter Corps for good. He gave a sadly smile and went to barmen.

-Glass of Belochka, please.
-Will do. nice to see you back, Dubovik!
-Same. Cant have much old feeling that was with me when I was here before that damn summer. When all was completely f****d up.
-Eh, dont say it.

Dmitry toke his glass and turned to TV. Again was about Katya Vaschenko's retire.
-Again that broadcast. Will they ever stop showing this?
-Not today, no.

Dmitry made one big sip and looked at his badge of soldier of a SCRA. He remember something his Father said to him back when he had one of trainings with Dmitry.
-Indeed... Time is running out. Just a blink, and you are old. Another one, and you already dead. And only memory of you will live in someone or something. Anotehr one!

Dmitry turned away from TV and went deeper in his thoughts...

RE: Kalashnikov Bar - Zvezdny Gorodok - Lanakov - 03-19-2013

Artyom Novikov entered the bar and slowly made his way to the counter. Usually a cheerful individual, his face was most somber. He, like all the others, had heard of his cherished Commandante's stepping down. These were never good news, although Artyom usually attributed the very unstable hierachy as a sign of troubled times. He was glad the transition would be a clear, easy one this time - no more coup, bloodshed or fratricides this time. Making it to his Colonel position took him some time, now was not the time to die stupidly in a succession war.

He realized this train of thought had taken him to the counter and the bartender had been looking at him expectantly for several minutes. The colonel snapped out of his trance. The bartender didn't seem to mind - everyone was in a bit of a special mood.

While getting his usual beer, Artyom noticed Dmitry sitting on his one. He went up to him with his drink and patted him on the shoulder.
"Sure is a sad day, heh Dubovik ?"