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Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Printable Version

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Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Rodnas - 10-24-2012

Hide & Seek
-Date Sunday, Nov. 4rd 19.00 GMT-

The Hessians and the Mollies are doing well in hiding their plans for Omega 47. Though the Corsairs have caught up the idea that there is something about to happen in the region, they still have no clue what that might be.
In order to profit from the situation the Hessians and the Mollies decided to start shipping all necessary equipment and materials to Viernheim base. To cover their approach multiple routes are chosen and only small convoys are employed.
The Corsairs are not prepared to rally a strike force to blockade Viernheim, though as they warry about -what is happening- patrols in Omega 49, 47 and 5 have been drastically increased. Equipped with the best sensor technology the Corsair Empire possess, these Decurion wings are able to sniff out just about anything and identify any threat.

Will the Corsairs be able to find out what the Hessian and Molly alliance is up to, or do they continue to stumble in the dark?

Mission Goals:

- Hessians & Mollys: Bring as many transports unseen and unscanned to Viernheim

- Corsairs: locate and scan as many transports as possible and get the data safely to the Fes, Cadiz or Casablanca


- Hessian and Molly convoys start from Dublin and Omega 11(or further away) and make their way to Viernheim base.

- Movement should stay within the plane

-To simulate “special sensor systems for scouting” Decurion pilots can “ping” enemies over system chat, their adversaries only have to answer which square they are in, this shouldn’t be used more often than every 30 sec to safe every ones sanity

- Decurion pilots have to get into proper scanning range and get screens of the ID and Cargo page, then get their info parked at a corsair base to keep it safe, timestamps are a must here.

- Convoy escorts are free to shoot down each and every Corsair they meet, propably intercept them outside of the 4k scanning range(!!)

-Chases should be stopped at the shooting range of all respective bases, no security perimeter breaches here Wink

- Reengagement is forbidden for the Corsair side(though refueling while delivering scans is certainly viable)

-Reengagement for the hessian and molly side is allowed as far as it is in a new convoy -there it might be the same ship or another one, just to simulate “many” ships passing by...

-Success will be determined and evaluated depending on how many transports got scanned


-This event is borrowing heavily from those cargo scan missions of the Star Wars space sims, with the simple twist that instead of identifying and shooting freighters here we try to get the data to safety, on a follow up event there might be a “kill all freighters” mission.

-This thing stands and falls with the amount of convoys the Mollys and Hessians can muster, thus i would suggest that
a,Multiple waves are necessary( either with the completely same ships, or the same escorts, whatever)
b, using those IC, Fl, or whatever IDed base supply ships is ok and can be either roleplayed as “stolen transponders” or as a glimpse on what some companies do to earn some cash in darker alleys - this entirely depends on you guys though.
c, Using indies to simply buff up the numbers seems perfectly fine!


6x Corsair Decurion(2 for each system)
1. Corsair.Trueno.Benitez
2. Corsair.Ronaldo.Benitez
3. Corsair.Leon.Benitez

Molly/hessian convoy should consist of 1-3(or more..) Transports +2-X escorts --you can sign in for a transport and a fighter , we will do as many waves as possible/are fun to do



RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Slavik - 10-24-2012

sign me up as a maybe, not sure if my weekend will allow it
Ronnie benitez

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Nicolas - 10-25-2012

Count me in as usual.
Guess I'll take an escort role on [RHA]Hans.Gukel.

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - mwerte - 10-25-2012

If you need extra transport pilots let me know, sounds like fun.

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Rodnas - 10-26-2012

With a transport your chances are pretty high that you can jump in...i will talk to the rest of the organization crewWink

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - ProfGiggles - 10-26-2012

Leon here. Sign me up as well.

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Yber - 10-27-2012

Unable to join at that time. Sorry.

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - aerelm - 10-31-2012

I'll be there on [RHA]Volkspistole.

RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Koroglu - 11-02-2012


RE: Valhalla Event Series - Hide & Seek - Rodnas - 11-03-2012

This event will be postponed and propably split into an event-week or something- stay tuned and get those transports ready!!