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Help Missing Characters!! - Printable Version

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Help Missing Characters!! - Newt - 10-26-2012

really long story short, accounts fell into wrong hands, bad stuff happened, money transfers character deletions etc. was able to get a hold of said vigilante account and return most of money. the vigilante account with the Char The.Raven has been deleted and is no longer a threat cuz daddy wont let him play no more. he is just a 12 year kid. anyways i don't care about the money but the time invested in those chars was far more valuable to me. i asking if at all possible for these chars to please be restored to their previous sates minus all credits of course. take the guns too i don't care. i just would really like to not have to re-rep and then repurchase those ships as some of them were Guard chars. I will totally donate to the server if you can help : )

Chars asking to be restored:

Please help! thank you for your time

RE: Help Missing Characters!! - Zukeenee - 11-02-2012

I've managed to restore all of them but Miyuki.Nakamura and Jinsei.Shinzaki. I'm getting error messages when I attempt to open their directories. If I don't post here again saying "I've fixed it!" within 24 to 48 hours, you'll have to assume those two are gone for good. Sorry.

As for the other four, they should be playable again. I'd suggest waiting until the server's daily automatic restart to log them in again, though. The server needs to reboot before all the bells and whistles will work properly on your restored ships, so give it a few hours and you'll be fine.