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To: Freeport 4 IMG Ship Dealer - Printable Version

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To: Freeport 4 IMG Ship Dealer - Ander_K - 10-27-2012

//A sealed letter was delivered to the front desk//

Envelope sigh: Personally in hands to respectable IMG ship dealer.

//Inside there is a hand-written letter//

Good day.

You've probably never heard of me or my research, but I'm a scientist currently gathering info for my monograph "20 million of sirian credits and it's influence on a statistically verified probability of miracles". If you'll be so kind to provide me a little help with my research, meet me in the bar here at Freeport 4, I'll treat.

Best regards.

Andres K.

//Next day
//Someone left a hastily scribed note
So IMG workers are so rich, that they have no need for 20 millions. Proposition is off. Best regards. Andres K.

RE: To: Freeport 4 IMG Ship Dealer - AeternusDoleo - 10-29-2012

*A day later, in the Freeport 4 reconstruction bay. Two engineers are working on a Gateway transport that took a bit of a beating in California, courtesy of the Liberty Rogues*

"Ey, Benny, did ye ever find out what that one note was about?"
"Which one? That complaint by BowEx 'cause the nutballs failed to permfix a temporary doubler? Or that barely ledgable one reffin' 20 huge ones?"
"Whaddaye think? Ey! Watch where you're pointing that cutter!"
"Heh. Prank, just like I told ya. Either that or some weird idea of a bribe, but heck, even foreman Rowley couldn't make heads or tails of it."
"Right. Like 20 biggers are just gonna fall in his lap, ay?"
"Yea, 's just about as "statistically probable" as us turnin' this heap o' train into a siege cruiser. Let's just get this engine patched up. 's just the usual Sammie potholes in the cowling, shouldn't take long..."