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Lost officer - Printable Version

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Lost officer - Timmy - 10-28-2012

Story of GRN capitaine Marcell Chevalier who left board of battleship Acheron to patrol Bretonia space but haven't return. All communications with the ship have been cut off to avoid detection. Last known location was Cambridge system.

Cambridge orbit, 8:09 AM.

"At last they are working!" Marcell rubbed his hands and pressed several buttons. Cruise engines began charging. Marcell waited till charge reach 100%. Once it have been done and cruise engines started he happily smiled and took controller in his hands, but then heard alarm. He looked on one of screens, left engine on his Lynx was on fire.

"What the!.." he didn't ended since engine exploded. "Damnit!" he said and attempted to turn off the engines, but failed. "Cmooon..." he said nervously and then noticed that he's heading directly at planet. He attempted to change course but navigation system was responding hardly, he had no time to turn away. He put his helmet and mask on, and prepared to eject, but ejecting system didn't worked too. At this moment he approached planet. "Jesus..."

Lynx on huge speed entered atmosphere. Marcell couldn't see where his ship falling. All panels overloaded and started to sparkle. Once he flew through clouds he noticed that his ship flying directly at one of huge buildings. Marcell attempted to pitch ship's nose up but realized that there is no way he can avoid collision with building, so he accidentally for himself pushed controller left. Lynx started to roll left fast and avoided building. Marcell sighed when he noticed that Lynx falling on the champaign. He quickly tried to level his fighter off. On huge speed Lynx was closing to ground. In the last moments Marcell managed to level it off, however Lynx was falling under a threatening angle. With no time to pitch it up, Marcell prepared for collision and for a second closed eyes. Cockpit hit the ground hard, Lynx slid along the ground, loosing parts and hitting each rock, till it have stopped but huge rock it was headed on.

Marcell opened eyes, feeling pain in each part of his body. He felt odor of smoke in his mask and started to cough, whole cockpit was swallowed by it. His right arm was pinned by part of broken hull. His head was hurting awfully, he felt something warm flowing over his head. He put off the mask since with his left hand since it was broken, then attempted to push the hull from his right side, but felt a pain in his chest. Couldn't move the wreck, he felt that he's loosing consciousness. "I... can't... die here." he coughed and attempted to move the wreck again but his eyes were clouded by fog, his head fall on his chest and he slowly closed eyes.

The fire appeared in the back part of the cockpit and near the fuel tank...

RE: Lost officer - Timmy - 11-13-2012

Some cars arrived to the place of accident. Peoples quickly get Marcell out of the ship and just in time, since few seconds after they get to the safe distance Lynx exploded. Marcell didn't moved, didn't breathe. Blood was running down his head. Only by weak heartbeat could be understood that he's still alive. Someone called medics, once they arrived, they took Marcell to closest hospital...


Marcell coughed and slowly opened eyes. It took a while to realize he was in the hospital. He slowly remembered crash. He smelled smoke again and coughed. After that he attempted to get up but sharp pain in his chest prevent it. He found that his hand and several ribs were broken. Head was bandaged. He looked around and noticed two guards in the room, both in bretonian uniform. Nurse approached him at this moment and simply said "Don't move, please. You have to relax if you want to recover faster." Marcell didn't answered just relaxed, thinking of what expects him...


After weeks spent in hospital, he could finally move on his own. Guards said he's captive and have to be moved to prison camp. Without any wish to oppose them, Marcell followed them. They went on prison liner that was about to leave Cambridge planet. Guards escorted him to the cell with some other prisoners and left him there.

After some time emergency alarm come across the ship. Some shots could be heard, and hits on the ship could be felt in the cells. Then everything went quiet. In few minutes cell opened and some peoples in gallic uniform entered. One of them recognized Marcell. It appeared that Gallic cruiser patrol found that liner and boarded it. In few moments Marcell was aboard of cruiser, heading back to gallic space.


(//Failed but learned. Thanks to those who taught me this lesson, sorry that i couldn't entertain those who maybe were interested. Was interesting experiment to myself but... whatever. See you another time...)