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Cappital ship question - Sand_Spider - 05-30-2008

Lately I have been contemplating on whether to get a gunboat or not (specifically a Kusari one), but am unsure about it. Since I currently fly a bomber, I ask myself: "Will a gunboat attract more attention to me than a bomber?" See, right now, bombers seem to be a bigger threat than the Kusari gunboat that I -may or may not- decide to purchase, so it wouldn't make sense for Gunboats to be banned from a house when bombers are not. Here's a quick question:

Why are foreign Capital ships banned from Liberty? Even ones piloted by Freelancers?

EDIT: Crap, spelled "Capital" wrong in the title

Cappital ship question - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-30-2008

Foreign Battleships are banned as they are percieved a massive threat by the Liberty Government (i'd assume). This is often justified, as it (sometimes) prevents those cases of Rheinland Battleships in New York, Zoner Legates farming unlawfuls above Manhattan and so on.

The bomber and Gunboat would be similar on the threat scale. However, a bomber is an easier threat to deal with in-RP, so it's less likely to be banned.

Cappital ship question - Sand_Spider - 05-30-2008

But what about a Lawful Freelancer piloting a Kusari GB willing to follow the SA's orders?

Cappital ship question - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-30-2008

Well, you'd be treated as a suspicious outsider, possibly a spy... Considering you are piloting a vessel from a House with tense relations with Liberty.

Post in the message dump, see what type of response you get.

Cappital ship question - Exsiled_one - 05-30-2008

actually, only battleships are banned, lesser cap ships are welcome.

Cappital ship question - Tenacity - 05-30-2008

Liberty doesnt like foreign battleships because they're a bunch of paranoid militaristic psychos.

As for the bomber vs gunboat thing... It's hard to say which would be more threatening, well piloted gunboats with proper weapons can cause a ton of havoc to both fighters and enemy capships alike. Bombers are smaller physically though, even if they do have a ton of firepower. They're also easier to kill than gunboats.

Myself, I prefer capships. I've tried fighters, I've tried bombers, and frankly I didnt much like either one. In a capship you have a lot of extra survivability under fire, which gives you more time to type, RP, etc. in battle.

in a fighter, if you stop dodging to type something in chat you're very likely to end up dead.

Oh, and NPC missions are easier in capships =)

Cappital ship question - n00bl3t - 05-31-2008

' Wrote:But what about a Lawful Freelancer piloting a Kusari GB willing to follow the SA's orders?

Wha? A Freelancer allowed to fly a Kusari GB?

' Wrote:Liberty doesnt like foreign battleships because they're a bunch of paranoid militaristic psychos.

As for the bomber vs gunboat thing... It's hard to say which would be more threatening, well piloted gunboats with proper weapons can cause a ton of havoc to both fighters and enemy capships alike. Bombers are smaller physically though, even if they do have a ton of firepower. They're also easier to kill than gunboats.

Myself, I prefer capships. I've tried fighters, I've tried bombers, and frankly I didnt much like either one. In a capship you have a lot of extra survivability under fire, which gives you more time to type, RP, etc. in battle.

in a fighter, if you stop dodging to type something in chat you're very likely to end up dead.

Oh, and NPC missions are easier in capships =)

NPC missions compare with trading on the boredom factor, at least when in capships.:P

Cappital ship question - Sand_Spider - 05-31-2008

Why wouldn't a Freelancer be allowed to pilot a Kusari GB?

I forgot to mention my Freelancer is a retired Kusari Naval Forces officer (for RP, wasn't a part of the actual faction

Cappital ship question - n00bl3t - 05-31-2008

' Wrote:Why wouldn't a Freelancer be allowed to pilot a Kusari GB?

I forgot to mention my Freelancer is a retired Kusari Naval Forces officer (for RP, wasn't a part of the actual faction

A Freelancer who has retired along with his crew.

Cappital ship question - Sand_Spider - 05-31-2008

The crew isn't the same one that it was when it was in the Kusari Naval forces. It is in fact a few friends that are all Freelancers together. (And just because people work together, doesn't mean they have to like each other, in case you get the idea of these friends being one's that were once also in the KNF, that served in the same gunboat as my captain)

EDIT: Of course, this is still hypothetical, because I only have a bomber right now, but want to get a Gunboat. I mean sure, I could go with the Liberty gunboat and have no problem with operating in Liberty, but it's already over-spammed, while the Kusari GB isn't (Most people think it sucks. I don't care if it sucks or not, I am in it for the RP, and because it looks pretty slick)