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Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Printable Version

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Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Agmen of Eladesor - 11-04-2012

Just wondering.

I'm actually working on a story based upon my gameplay. I'm having to re-do the game again, and as I go through the game, I'm writing things down. Once I get a few chapters done, I'll post it somewhere.

Let's just say that the Septim family didn't quite end with Martin ... and while she's a strong Imperial follower, she's also become disillusioned with the White Gold Concordat and now hates Thalmer - and that's why she finds herself standing over the dead body of the Emperor...

Big Grin

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - JayDee Kasane - 11-04-2012

I play Skyrim

so you trying to say you gonna make your Skyrim character bio on forums? lolwat?

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - AshHill07 - 11-04-2012

Yeh I'm still playing it. I've got my Argonian up to level 77 now. Strugleing to get any higher though. Most of my stats are level 100 so the only stuff left to do is the stuff I hardly ever touched.
Still finding random quests. Altough I will say I now have more bugged quests on my quest list than ones left to do. =/
Still enjoying it too. Although quite a few useful NPC's (Mostly shopkeepers) sadly didn't survive this long.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Apollon - 11-04-2012

I am still playing it...
my Nord is lvl 43 ....Because i havn't played it in a while
finished the Blades quests and Imperials Quests
and now looking for Misc Missions

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Error - 11-04-2012

Quote:Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim?
Yes! I was actually planning to start another character soonish when I've got the free time, or get started on a few of the sidequests that I haven't bothered with yet (e.g. Dark Brotherhood) on my main character (lev. 48 Khajiit with ~200 hours on it). I haven't had time to play much for the last few months, nor to even have had a look at Dawnguard yet. : (

Is it any good, by the way? I don't really know anything about it beyond what I picked up before it was released - I know that it's got (more) vampire and werewolf stuff, but beyond that - not much. How long did it take you folks to finish the main quest?

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Agmen of Eladesor - 11-04-2012

(11-04-2012, 11:14 PM)Error Wrote:
Quote:Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim?
I haven't had time to play much for the last few months, nor to even have had a look at Dawnguard yet. : (

Is it any good, by the way? I don't really know anything about it beyond what I picked up before it was released - I know that it's got (more) vampire and werewolf stuff, but beyond that - not much. How long did it take you folks to finish the main quest?

First off, I have Skyrim on both my PC AND on the Xbox - which means I can do console mods, etc, if I want to. Having said that, I did get Dawnguard for the Xbox and really, really enjoyed it. Something about the way that it tweaks the vampire and werewolf skills (!) that makes it much more enjoyable to play as a ... well, monster.

That and the whole castle thing is really great, and I got really, REALLY creeped out going off into the Soul Cairn. That's a very disturbing realm.

Also, if you're on the Xbox so you can't mod things, Dawnguard allows you to make your own arrows. Gives me something to do with that pile of Dragon Bones I've accumulated ... Angel

Main quest is one of those things that I tend to ignore, because if all you do is the main quest, you can finish it fairly quickly - 40 or so hours, if that. I even threw a monkey wrench into my last game play and ended the civil war WELL before it got to 'The Fallen' and 'Season Unending'.

Fourth time through and I'm STILL finding odd quests that I never completed before. And once again I have a main battle tank, not just a character. Confused I was trying to prevent that, but once I got to a certain point, I got tired of all those darned Draugur Deathlords.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Error - 11-05-2012

(11-04-2012, 11:54 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: First off, I have Skyrim on both my PC AND on the Xbox - which means I can do console mods, etc, if I want to. Having said that, I did get Dawnguard for the Xbox and really, really enjoyed it. Something about the way that it tweaks the vampire and werewolf skills (!) that makes it much more enjoyable to play as a ... well, monster.

That and the whole castle thing is really great, and I got really, REALLY creeped out going off into the Soul Cairn. That's a very disturbing realm.

Also, if you're on the Xbox so you can't mod things, Dawnguard allows you to make your own arrows. Gives me something to do with that pile of Dragon Bones I've accumulated ... Angel

Main quest is one of those things that I tend to ignore, because if all you do is the main quest, you can finish it fairly quickly - 40 or so hours, if that. I even threw a monkey wrench into my last game play and ended the civil war WELL before it got to 'The Fallen' and 'Season Unending'.

Fourth time through and I'm STILL finding odd quests that I never completed before. And once again I have a main battle tank, not just a character. Confused I was trying to prevent that, but once I got to a certain point, I got tired of all those darned Draugur Deathlords.
To be honest, I'm not even done with the main quest on my current main character yet. When I play I mostly find myself spending my time running around doing whatever seems like fun at the time - the main quest isn't all that great in Skyrim. As for Dawnguard, I was mostly asking about the lenght of the main quest since it should say quite bit about it as a whole, though you pretty much answered most of what I was curious about in the first place much better than a completion time - thanks! I presume the 40-hour figure you mentioned is for the main quest in Skyrim (sounds about right) - I'd be rather impressed if the expansion offered that much new content.

I personally play on PC (with a few mods - UFO, a sidestory/quest addon, SkyUI(?), and a lighting mod, IIRC, and I'm planning on trying this), but the ability to make custom arrows with dragon bones sounds very promising. I've got an enormous amount of those by now, and absolutely nothing to use them for. Thanks for the tip!

(11-04-2012, 11:54 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: darned Draugur Deathlords.
I can agree with that one all right. Tongue

Those two are from quite a while back (early March), but they still apply to my character (and follower) almost as much now as then.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - onca - 11-05-2012

I've recently flogged Oblivion to death, and I reckon its time to get Skyrim in.

Problem: My 5 year-old PC won't handle it too good. (It barely handles Oblivion).

So it's also time to upgrade. Just out of interest, what kind of hardware are you guys running, and what sort of framerate does it get you?

I was looking at a core-i7 (for video editing as well) with Nvidia GTX-660.


RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Error - 11-05-2012

(11-05-2012, 06:25 AM)onca Wrote: I've recently flogged Oblivion to death, and I reckon its time to get Skyrim in.

Problem: My 5 year-old PC won't handle it too good. (It barely handles Oblivion).

So it's also time to upgrade. Just out of interest, what kind of hardware are you guys running, and what sort of framerate does it get you?

I was looking at a core-i7 (for video editing as well) with Nvidia GTX-660.

That graphics card and a Core i7 processor should play it very well. Vanilla Skyrim isn't really a very demanding game, as it's designed to be able to run on both 7-year old hardware (consoles such as the 360 and PS3) and on Windows, but it does require a quite fast CPU to consistently run at high frame rates - it's a lot more demanding on the CPU than the GPU. A modern i7 won't have any issues, though. The GTX 570 in that test should run Skyrim roughly as well as a (non-Ti) GTX 660, by the way, so the results should be comparable.

As for my hardware setup - I'm personally using a three-year old AMD X3 435 together with an AMD 6870. I'm not sure about the exact settings that I'm using and my framerate, but it usually runs Skyrim well with almost everything except post-processing such as AA/AF on high - I think I remember anything above 4x AA or something being a bit too much for my graphics card last time I tested it.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - onca - 11-05-2012

Thanks Error. Nice links too Wink