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To: Liberty Navy High Command - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Navy High Command - Connor - 11-06-2012

***Incoming Transmission***
***Signal Strenght: 90%***
***To: Liberty Navy High Command***
***Sender: Rear Admiral Kyle Weaver of the 41st Naval Task Force***

Message Reads

Dear To whoever this concerns,

I am sending this transmission in order to discuss a thing or two. First of all let me introduce my self. I am Rear Admiral Kyle Weaver of the 41st| Naval Task force. I have worked with you in a few battles when we where defending Liberty from Rheinland. I proudly command the Battleship 41st|Battleship-Montana. She is an elegant ship. An Osiris Class Battleship to be correct. Now, I have been tasked by the other Admirals of the 41st to gain permission for a little something. That little something would be the construction of the 41st headquarters.

Planning Permission. We plan to build our base in the system of California. The sector of our base will be unknown to all none Navy vessels because we require it to be secret. The exact Location of the base will be sent over to the High Command via a more secure channel. If you wish to view where we plan to put it, we may show you in person. The base name shall be 'Fort Boston'

A little about our plans. First and for most. We shall not be 'sharing' Our base with any hostile groups or individuals that are slightly hostile with Liberty. Infact Docking permission shall only be granted to ships tagged with '41st|, SFC|, LPI-, [LN] and =LSF='.

We plan to use our base as a 'Defence Platform' We shall build quite a few defence turrets in order to protect our base and fend of any unwanted visitors. We shall also be making cloaks for ships tagged with the 41st| tag. Maybe as well the odd Jump Drive. We will ofcorse put a sheilding module to protect our base even more.

If you require anymore information about our base and what we plan to do with it, feel free to contact us on this channel.

It will ether be me, or another Admiral/Commodore of the 41st Task Force that shall be replying to any response to our transmission.

We look forward to your reply

All the best

Rear Admiral Kyle Weaver
41st Naval Task Force

Message Finished
***Transmission Terminated

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Connor - 11-07-2012

***Resending Transmission***

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Jihadjoe - 11-07-2012


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Kyle Weaver - 41st
SUBJECT: Base construction

Good evening Mr Weaver.

At present your request is under review by Liberty Navy high command and the office of the Secretary of State for Defense.

The request has brought up a number of questions for us. Firstly, we will need to know the prescise location of the base construction prior to you starting to construct the base. We may request that the base is constructed at a different location, for greater functionality. The SFC base Melbourne station is an example of this. It was through negotiation and discussion between the SFC, the government and Liberty Navy primary fleet command, that it was constructed in its current location... The base now serves as an excellent deterant to thsoe who may wish to illegally trespass in Zone 21.

Having a base in some out of the way location would not necessarily be beneficial to Liberty as a whole. However once we know the intended location for your construction, we will be able to determine that for ourselves.

You are welcome to send the location via private communications to myself.

The second issue is that the behaviour of some of your officers has been less than stellar. The most recent example being that of 41st|Ghost...

Now, while I'm not making a big deal out of this particular incident, it is rather symptomatic of a general attitude within the 41st... Granted, that attitude seems to be fading somewhat, however this sort of behaviour is not acceptable.

For this base to be constructed, we will need an absolute guarantee of your cooperation with the Primary Fleet. We will hold you to such a guarantee, and any behaviour which is deemed not cooperative will result in consequences in accordance with the severity of the uncooperative act or words.

Furthermore, any cloaks or other equipment constructed on the base must NOT be sold on the open market and must ONLY be distributed to 41st vessels.

If we can be assured that you will agree to these terms, then we may be able to come to some arrangement regarding your wish to construct a station. However, it will still be subject to discussion with the government.

Hale out.


RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - 41st Naval Task Force - 11-08-2012

***Incomming Transmission***
***Sender ID: Vice Admiral Wolf of the 41st Task Force***
***Transmission Opens***

Fleet Admiral Hale sir,
this matter will be looked into by myself. Rest assured the correct disiplinary measures will be taken. I also ask that any occurances in the future may be forwaded to myself as i will deal with it immediatly. I hope for no other occurances of this matter, but again, i ask that you forward it to me in future, and i will deal with it. I thank you also on behalf of the 41st for the quick reply, and hope for good relations between us for the future.

Vice Admiral Wolf - 41st Task Force, signing off
***Transmission Closes***

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Connor - 11-08-2012

***Incoming Transmission***
***Signal Strenght: 90%***
***To: Liberty Navy High Command***
***Sender: Rear Admiral Kyle Weaver of the 41st Naval Task Force***

Message Reads

Thank you for replying.

What Vice Admiral Wolf has said is all correct. About the cloaks, they shall only be given out to 41st only. Even if we get an offer for a Mk2 Advanced cloak for 1 billion SC, we shall not take it. I said to you in a Private Communication Channel that they where rough estimate of where my base was because of technical problems. You have the details of our proposal for our base, they have just been sent to you again via the Private Comm's Channel.

I hope we can come to some sort of an Agreement about our base.

All the best

Rear Admiral Kyle Weaver
41st Naval Task Force

Message Finished
***Transmission Terminated

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Exploration - 11-11-2012

Opening Transmission...

Comm ID: Admiral Jack Smith
Ship Name: 41st Battleship Phoenix
Subject: Base Request

Greetings Admiral Hale Sir

I would like to assure you the above matter has been dealt with, the certain fighter that has, somewhat insulted your importance.

The Second in command and myself have personally dealt with this matter and assure you this incident, type of incident, or anything of the sort will ever happen again, the pilot was a total disgrace to the Navy and our task force, several measures have been taken in light of this, we will not tolerate this behavior at all, and i'm sure you understand this.

In terms of the station we have requested, as previously mentioned, we would be happy to negotiate and provide additional information you may require and hope for the best possible result.

Best Regards

Admiral Jack Smith of the Phoenix

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Apollon - 12-17-2012

[Image: TQzlX.png]

To:Fleet Admiral David Hale// CC:Secretary of State for Defense
Subject:41st Base

Sir David Hale:

It is a while you didn't reply to us, I think that you just abandoned the please if you did...just reply to us, so we know What we should do about it

Thank You

sincerely yours

[Image: r8R3p.png]

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Asgardian - 12-18-2012

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]

>Proposed Base.


As Admiral Hale is currently quite busy with other matters, if you could re-send the base plans to my neural net address, I'll be able to assess the viability of the proposal.

As Hale has already stated - Any strategic advantage that the base can provide through placement and static defences would greatly increase the chances of it being approved.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End--
[Transmission End]

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Apollon - 12-22-2012

[Image: TQzlX.png]

To: Admiral Jack Malrone
Subject: 41st Base
Encryption: High

Admiral Malrone:

The Base will serve as a staging post against RNC that launch from Magellan and it will also serve as a point for us to assist the Bretonian Armed Forces on the Gallic Front,and the Base will Support our Forces and Bretonian Forces,Cloaking Device Factory will be Built.

If you want anymore information just Say...

Sincerely Yours

Thank you

[Image: r8R3p.png]

RE: To: Liberty Navy High Command - Asgardian - 12-24-2012

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]

>Base Request.

Commodore Jensen,

I'd actually like to know exactly where you propose the base to be positioned - The Cortez jumpgate in California would be a prime location, as the Yukon cant quite extend its scanner range that far.

In addition to this, the base would be required to setup a defence grid for better securing the system. Additional conditions for construction will likely be added once you detail the location of the base.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End--
[Transmission End]