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Nomad, Wild, and Phantom faction - Printable Version

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Nomad, Wild, and Phantom faction - veil222 - 06-01-2008

Me and a few friends have a freelancers discovery server, I've built up some funds and want to become nomad faction, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. I've searched a lot about these factions, but most of what I hear seems like the admins adjust faction when you get accepted by the PC's in said faction.

This doesn't really work for our server, because it would feel like cheating to us to play with the faction for indivuduals when we've just made everyone fight for their faction. So my main question is, are there decent ways to get nomad/wild/phantom faction? Does it involve just killing everyone, and not helping any one faction? I know there aren't any bribes for these factions either, so I'm pretty in the dark, but I know it's possible. I've gained nomad faction before, I just don't know what did it, so any answer would be greatly appreciated.

Nomad, Wild, and Phantom faction - Treewyrm - 06-01-2008

In DATA\MISSIONS there is "empathy.ini" file which tells what events modify reputation. It's fairly self-explanatory.

For Nomads looks for "empathy_rate = fc_n_grp", for Wild it's "empathy_rate = fc_wild", and for Phantoms it's "emmpathy_rate = fc_phantom". Modify those values depending on the event that will suit your server.

Here, on Discovery RP 24/7 Server, things are different. I'm not sure what exactly you mean here, rather confusing. Because at first you say you have your own freelancer discovery server, but on the other hand you say you have funds for starting one, which is only needed at Discovery RP 24/7 Server (or on other servers if they have similar requirements). So what exactly do you want? A faction here or a faction on your own server?

Nomad, Wild, and Phantom faction - veil222 - 06-01-2008

Thanks, I'll talk to our admin about changing things to where nomad/wild faction is possible using that file.

Nomad, Wild, and Phantom faction - veil222 - 06-04-2008

I'm a bit confused now.... under the guardian factions/nomad faction, they have the tag for their own faction, and beside it, a positive number. I'm not sure what I need to change to what to give a positive faction hit for killing another faction.