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Greetings! - Printable Version

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Greetings! - Robert"Arzael"Schwarz - 11-10-2012

This is my 2nd post here and i want to introduce myself at least a little.
I am a 30 years old gamer from germany and a total newb to the FL Disco universe and RP.

Okok, i actually have quite a lot RP experience, but not with this kind of roleplay. I want to lern and enjoy the game.

Unfortunately, since english is not my mother tongue, my grammar is not the very best. I promise it'll get better with the time. Any help in this direction is welcome.

Enough bothering. See you in space!

RE: Greetings! - Arctic95 - 11-11-2012

Heyo, and welcome to disco!

If I remember correctly I've had the pleasure of meeting you once or twice before around Kusari; you might know/remember me as KA|Kaito.Kamida

Both encounters have been enjoyable and the brief bits of Rp dialogue were well strung; which is an enjoyable sight in Kusari of all places which at the moment see is a tad bit dry of players.
So those few who put in the effort are always a happy sight!

As for learning, well if I happen to see you about Kusari I can only hope I can show a level of Kusarian RP which i'm familier with and'll keep it entertaining for us both.

So sayonara and have fun on disco!

RE: Greetings! - Keytie Ellesmere - 11-11-2012

Welcome there :blush: .
When you want help you can tell me (PM) or in-game CR|-WO.Ellesmere . I am from Czech republic. We are neighboors Wink

RE: Greetings! - SummerMcLovin - 11-11-2012

Welcome to Freelancer!

Your grammar is pretty good here, as long as you weren't poring over it for ages beforehand you'll get by fine. Depending on what other 'roleplay' you've done before that is Tongue

Keep the effort in and you'll have fun! Maybe see you in space.

RE: Greetings! - Robert"Arzael"Schwarz - 11-11-2012

Thanks for the welcome!

I remember you well, for sure! I enjoyed every moment of our meetings, even if you "steal" my money. Your RP was, so far, the best i have seen on this server, but remember folks, i am a total newcomer here. Hope to see you again and sayonara so far.

Thanks Ellesmere. Nice to meet a good neighbor. I will surely ask you some questions.

My spelling may be bad. However i understand everything when i read it. I know, sounds confusing. In short, i am bad at spelling, but not in the understanding itself.

I'm lucky that a finally found this server and mod. Incredible work from the devs ... this mod surpasses most of the actual MMOs where you pay good money.

RE: Greetings! - Username removed - 11-11-2012

Welcome to our community, your spelling is better than many people lurking around here, do not worry, may I suggest reading the guide to the English language posted here:

It should allow you to improve here and there, although your English pretty much covers it up, and have fun !

RE: Greetings! - Robert"Arzael"Schwarz - 11-11-2012

Thank you redfire!