Discovery Gaming Community
Introduction - Printable Version

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Introduction - [FC]Flox - 11-18-2012

Hey there everyone.
I never really introduced myself to the community.
Well i'm Jesus, and iv'e been playing freelancer since 2010.
I began to play Disco in 2010 as well, after i finished the campaign and looking for more, though i didn't stay long after in disco.
I began to play disco in the early 2011, and soon enough i registered on the forums and began to play, i even wanted to start a line of events but i failed at it.
Not to long i left again and didn't comeback till around September of this year.
Now i am here, and i wish to contribute to the community.
I love the RP, but the only thing i disturbs me is the meta-gaming, i mean its OK meta-gaming a bit, but some guys just over exaggerate.
Now, i'm back and i am here to create a clan which is [FC] and i hope that it can be remembered in Disco forever, i hope i will be able to connect with the community.
How long will Disco remain alive?
I don't know, but i want to be here till the end of its day's.

RE: Introduction - SummerMcLovin - 11-19-2012

Welcome back properly then.

Good luck with the faction, but also take a look at some other RP around here if you haven't already.

Have fun, maybe see you in space.

RE: Introduction - Melander - 11-19-2012

Getting a faction going can be hard, good luck and welcome back!
Re-read the rules and such too. Stuff changes sometimes.

RE: Introduction - Username removed - 11-19-2012


RE: Introduction - VerbalArtist - 11-22-2012

Welcome back, and thanks for the P trans, shes a beauty.