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Biography of Neal "Reveal" Veily - Printable Version

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Biography of Neal "Reveal" Veily - Sertoryus - 11-19-2012

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The story begins 23 years ago, on planet Manhattan. The day was 25th of July, when Ailea Veily gave birth to her baby,... -I still remember the look in her eyes when she saw him... yes, it was a boy.She decided to name him after her father - Neal, who was more then father to her. Soon after she was forced by life itself to become a single mom, although she felt the Neal's need for his father she was determined to give Neal a life, without someone counting his every meal.Neal was growing fast and soon she sign him in the elementary school in the neighborhood.The place where Neal for first time experienced what bad education can bring to people. He was quite boy and that placed him in a very unfavorable spot, as all the other children were laughing at him.. -for reason unknown to me at the time... he felt the need to hide.Hardly making any friends he locked himself in his own world were only he, his mother, and her father existed.Ailea felt that and so, she decided to move him to another school. She was given the advice that he would probably love to play some musical instrument ..- I don't know how someone came to that conclusion.. ,but still she sign him up in the National Music School in Manhattan.This was the watershed from which Neal's life started changing for good, he became more confident, met friends - entire new personality. The harsh childhood he had taught him to stay behind the weak ones, care for his closest friends more then he would do for himself....-that mouth of his... he doesn't know when to shut it if its for the cause of protecting someone, although the self-control is his strongest side he would never let someone get crushed if he itself does not deserve it. Truthful, noble, prudence, are all words that describe his personality, I've yet to witness a betrayal from his side. The fact that he always says what he thinks, no matter how hard it is to accept by others, all of the above fact actually - gave him another name amongst his friends "Reveal".
Soon after he graduated he felt the need to study martial arts and so he did, Sensei Ario Nakomoto tŠ°ught him to respect his opponents, and never to underestimate them, he taught him that every fight has a spirit and every opponent - his own.
He got accepted into "West Point Academy" thus one of his biggest dreams came true - flying , his scores in the last year was amongst the highest. He is a Freelancer now watching over the weak, seeking justice over crime, making name for himself.
That's pretty much it for Neal as i know him, the rest is left for you to learn about him.

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