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Gateway Security Handbook - Printable Version

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Gateway Security Handbook - Gateway Shipping - 11-22-2012

[Image: mo9Gy.png]

Gateway Security Handbook

All Security and Transport employees are required to read the following to determine your actions during certain situations.

How to handle other factions:
House Military/Police: Treat with upmost respect. We are guests in their home. If they ask you to do something, do it.

Corsairs: Exterminate on sight.

Outcasts: Unless they are a threat to the convoy or allied forces, ignore them.

Mollys: They didn't see you, you didn't see them. Exterminate the ones that threaten the convoy.

Gallics: Treat them as the enemy, exterminate or flee

Assorted Pirates: Only attack if they threaten the convoy or allied forces. Do not pursue if they leave battle.

IMG: They are our friends, join their convoy if they are willing to accept you, or help them in any way you can.

Pirates Attacking a Convoy
If you are in a convoy and happen to come across pirates. Do not make the first move. The convoy leader (highest ranking Transport captain) will decide to pay or flee.

If you are in a transport and the leader says to flee. You flee. If you are in a heavily armored Battletrasport (Cap6 and above) and the pirate is a transport/Gunboat, you may choose to stay and fight.

If you are an escort and the convoy leader says to flee, you stay and fight the pirate, distracting them so the transports may escape. Once the transports are out of range, you disengage and RV with the rest of the convoy.

Ships and Weapons
The following is a list of faction technology that is allowed to be flown by any rank above Recruit without permission
Bretonian Military

The following technology requires permission from a Director or Manager
Any Gunboat class
Rheinland civilian (for the purpose of legality in Liberty)

The following is a list of technology NOT allowed in Gateway
Any technology not listed.

All recruits are required to fly Bretonian Civilian or Civilian ships until they either rank up or are given permission from a Director or Manager. Recruits may NOT fly Gunboats.

Escort Fees
Every transport in a convoy is required to pay Escort Fees for the Security Pilot's salary. The following is a guide to how much one must pay.

Gateway ships escorting Gateway Transports: 7% paid to each escort pilot up to 4 escorts.

Gateway ships escorting non-Gateway Transports: 5% received. Your escorting duties could be better put to work escorting our own ships

Non-Gateway ships escorting Gateway Transports: 10% paid. It is best to pay our own pilots than a third party.

In the case of there being a 2:1 ratio of escorts:transports, a special fee is paid.
2 million per escort in transports cargo 4,000 and above
1 Million per escort in transports 3,999 and below

In the case of there being more than 4 escorts, and the number of transports is less than a 2:1 ratio, then the convoy leader decides which transport pays which pilot to ensure not all profit is spent.

This Handbook will be updated as new situations develop.