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Missing Scanner - Printable Version

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Missing Scanner - Newt - 11-25-2012

I had just mounted a Hyperspace Scanner on my carrier and maybe a minute afterward got disconnected. When i logged back in the scanner was neither in the base i got it from or on the ship to which it should have been mounted. Not once before during or after all this did i undock. Please help Admins! Thank you for your time

Name of char: KOG|Blizzard

RE: Missing Scanner - Newt - 11-28-2012


RE: Missing Scanner - Newt - 12-02-2012


RE: Missing Scanner - Newt - 12-06-2012


RE: Missing Scanner - Cannon - 12-06-2012

We're looking into this. Sorry your post got lost.

RE: Missing Scanner - Cannon - 12-06-2012

I've put a scanner in your hold

RE: Missing Scanner - Newt - 12-06-2012

Cannon, Thank you so much for addressing my missing scanner issue. I really do appreciate it. The only thing is that scanner was a Mk.2 not a Mk.1. i realize this is my fault as i should have mentioned what type of scanner it was in my original post. i understand if you are unable to replace this scanner and i will remain grateful for all your help nonetheless. Thank you again