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Losing Connection - Printable Version

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Losing Connection - nodcommando - 11-28-2012

I've been having a recurring issue where I lose connection on one of my characters. It happens in Kusari space, in the system with Ainu station, and the systems around it. I forget the actual name of the systems, but it's a few of them and seems to only happen in the Kusari areas, and only the areas that are filled with tons of clouds of gas / dust that obscure scanner and sensor readings. Does anyone know the cause of this? Any possible fixes? Thanks.

RE: Losing Connection - nodcommando - 12-05-2012

Bump, since the issue is still bugging me. It's not just happening in Kusari systems now - happening in California. I log in successfully on a character, and instantly get dropped. Sometimes it tells me, when I try to log back in immediately, that I'm already on the server. Any ideas?

RE: Losing Connection - Connor - 12-05-2012

I know this, when it says you char is in the server already, it means that you have lost connection (as you already know) and you ship hasnt been logged off yet. It will take some time for it to log off so you can use it.

You know when you see in the chat area 'X.X is using their cloaking device'? That means they have lost connection. You see that they stay in game for a bit before they go? Thats what happens to you when it says that Your char is already on the server

Hoped that Solved your Char is already on the server Issue (If it made sense Smile )

RE: Losing Connection - nodcommando - 12-05-2012

The primary issue I'm having is that it disconnects me in the first place. I can't connect on two of my three characters now, and the third was one I rolled just to test what the bloody heck the issue was.

So, to sum it up, I'm basically locked out of Discovery since both of my characters get disconnected immediately upon joining. It's like I lag out, even though my connection to the server is fine.

edit: I'm now banned, for a second time, due to this same bloody issue.
Really, REALLY, need some input. Have been patient about waiting for someone to get to it for a good while now.

RE: Losing Connection - nodcommando - 12-12-2012

Another bump, and an update to it:

Over the past two weeks of troubleshooting on my own, I've deduced that it seems to primarily happen in systems where you come out of a jump -hole- into a nebula, such as taking the Tau-23 -> Tau-37 jumphole, and the Kyushu -> Hokkaido jumphole. I have also determined that I can receive chat messages from other players in the period of time that the server is dropping me. I -cannot- send messages, nor plot points on my navmap.

RE: Losing Connection - pitockm - 12-13-2012

the game files is problem...i used to crash out 2 weeks ago any time that i attempt to dock with a IC base.

that was just funny since most of my chars were on IC bases.

a clean install was the answer...and it worked.

remember to Remove anything about Freelancer in your registry.

then remove my game file in your my documents

then start installing,

before all of this..make a backup of your accounts.