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Leaving. - Printable Version

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Leaving. - Friendly-Freelancer - 11-29-2012

Well as the title said's I'm leaving Been along time coming but I'm feed up with disco... I'm not going to write 4 days worth of reading I'm not like that. I will how ever say Discover need change. I mean Player involvement change. If that happend cont me in on coming back. Just wanted to give a few shout outs to some friends I meet.

Altejango & Widow. You two know how to make someone fell happy when there down Been hella fun RP and taking order from the both of you

Chrono. Your a good friend to have problem the best one one can have other then internet Liked watching you and Teshur RP (Altho I trashed on you to) I seens big things coming from you.

hrimthur. Oh god your the best I loved our little RP story we had going along with Amy & Harley Its going to be empty with out our RP. Who know if I return we may pick it up.

Charcoal. Loved RPing with you your amazing.

Uther. Dear good where to start you know why I love you. (No homo)

All of the Judges Very fun group of guys to hang out with. I'm hoping If I return I can keep my rank.

Everyone apart of the DSE) and LR- Skype Role play chats.

Miranda. I think I see why you left and I commend you on that.

Vulkhard Muller. Amazing friend do what you wish with our group. Big Grin

RE: Leaving. - Alley - 11-29-2012

(11-29-2012, 03:28 PM)Friendly-Freelancer Wrote: I will how ever say Discover need change. I mean Player involvement change.

Essentially you are saying nothing as there's nothing to understand from the above. How do you expect people to understand your request/frustration/thoughts about what may be potentially wrong if you don't even say what it is?

RE: Leaving. - Friendly-Freelancer - 11-29-2012

(11-29-2012, 03:38 PM)Alley Wrote: I will how ever say Discover need change. I mean Player involvement change.

How do you expect people to understand your request/frustration/thoughts about what may be potentially wrong if you don't even say what it is?

The thing to that is I do expect people to understand. They got to find it out on there own. and my statement you quoted is saying alot just in a few words.

RE: Leaving. - Alley - 11-29-2012

(11-29-2012, 03:40 PM)Friendly-Freelancer Wrote: The thing to that is I do expect people to understand. They got to find it out on there own. and my statement you quoted is saying alot just in a few words.

That's not how it works. You can't really guess what someone is thinking about on the internet.

RE: Leaving. - Friendly-Freelancer - 11-29-2012

Well if you dont mind This is about me leaving not poring what I hate about discovery into one post then getting banned. It's about me leaving.

RE: Leaving. - Widow - 11-29-2012

It's a shame to see you go, but I understand why you are.

It was good hanging out with you both on skype (and teamspeak of late) and in game. Don't forget you're welcome to come back if you decide to return at some point.

Also, keep in touch, just because you're leaving Disco doesn't mean you have to leave all the mates you made along the way. K? K.

RE: Leaving. - Friendly-Freelancer - 11-29-2012

(11-29-2012, 03:48 PM)Widow Wrote: Also, keep in touch, just because you're leaving Disco doesn't mean you have to leave all the mates you made along the way. K? K.

Big Grin I won't.

RE: Leaving. - JayDee Kasane - 11-29-2012

Sad to see someone who was here for 2.5 years to leave. Good luck outside and remember Disco with love.

and... I see no-one yet asked. can I have your stuff? Big Grin

RE: Leaving. - Friendly-Freelancer - 11-29-2012

(11-29-2012, 03:52 PM)JayDee Wrote: and... I see no-one yet asked. can I have your stuff? Big Grin

How did I see this coming I might be posting up a form thread later selling them. Before I leave I got a few Debts I need to pay off.

RE: Leaving. - Chrono - 11-29-2012

Thank you for the kind words, and for always being there when Hikari needed you inRP, i know I probly have no right to say this..... but you were a good friend, and thank you for all the fun.
